you are a retarded by ur own will, how dare u bring someone in the means of everyone, u clearly exhibit how u cant but mean urself and since that is not right, it shows ur pervert head will to abuse everyone for ur own pretense of being a certain value to urself only
ur problem is what u believe that everyone is still animals and retarded as u, it is ur illusion miss from the start, which only solution is ur end from stars
insistin that some girls islamic or other buddhists are raped or lovin or lackin education dont force rights to b girls abused, men are more enslaved to rights abuses, when it comes to rights it concerns everything and anything true value
so never a shape condition is related to any sense or concept of right
when u cant deal with the least point of objective superiority, u r provin ur end since u have no right to b existing
even inferior conditions cant b solved but through the light of objective superior standard existin already, which is always the case anywhere
n for anything there is always an object better
while ur insistence to give value to inferiority is clearly ur own will to consider urself superior bc u r inferior, this is gonna b resolved outside
where u r goin to stay inferior as much as u want without annoyin nor distrubin anyone else or anything else but urself alone
net at the end is not for lonely losers