Listen, xris. If you wanted individual attention, not warranted in my estimation, but still, if you did, you could have clicked on Contact Us on the bottom of the page.
You expect Robert reads all threads? Are you ******* kidding? The man has a life, and reading threads, which he does once in a while, is only a breather for him, and the rest of us enjoy it that way.
And now you are all pissed since he hasn't responded to your very own thread? Your picayune whine? You are a pissant who has started a thread as a taunt. Why on earth would a site owner respond to you if he ran across the thread?
Get over yourself. Or, as suggested earlier, look at the easy answer provided to your question earlier.
Please do not assume that my vitriol is Robert's, only I am responsible for it. Yes, me, it is my vitriol, not his. Shut up, or just click on Contact Us at the bottom of the page.