Brilliant and very original graphic design using the London Underground map:
22 Animals Who’ve Been Hiding Out In The London Underground Map
There is a slide show on the New Yorker's photobooth, which I'd put on my desk top and never looked through until today.
The photo show is about a photography festival in Paris, and not far into the slides I saw this one, a painting in an art gallery that I can relate to, as long ago my gallery partner and I painted murals in the bathrooms. So, this one is a way to cheer up one's toilette, or whatever you call it in french.
Warning signs: why street artist ATM is painting London's endangered birds
The snipe, barn owl and great bustard have appeared on walls around the capital. Caspar Henderson talks to the artist who is capturing the birds that are vanishing from Britain
Caspar Henderson
The Guardian, Friday 21 March 2014
here's one painting -
Natural markings … ATM's grey partridge adorns a housing estate wall. Photographs: Caspar Henderson
London, England
A gallery assistant gazes at Language of the Birds by Anselm Kiefer at a new exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts Photograph: Justin Tallis/PA/via Guardian