Thu 8 Jul, 2010 04:59 pm
Hello, I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. I am very much in love with him but it was a destructive relationship. I have a question, I'd like to know your interpretation of this latest text message he sent to me. We hadn't spoken since the huge fight that happened 7 days ago, last night he sends me a text message at 2:00 in the morning, a photo of his two brothers sleeping on a park bench. No writing, just a photo. What do you think he's up too?
He still wants to contact you. Send him a photo of you and your sisters.
LOL...I should have. Why doesn't he just tell me that he loves me and doesn't want to lose me?
Because he doesn't.
That was a phone booty call.
A real man would have called you up and taken you out for dinner (sober and attentive)
Forget him. He's playing with you. It was all about him and his brothers.
Or maybe it was a mistake- maybe he sent the text message to the wrong number.
Does your name start with the same letter of one of his brother's? Once I was distracted and trying to send a text to my son whose name is Joseph and I sent it to my friend whose name is Justin (right below Joseph in my directory)...Justin calls back and is like, 'What?! You need my dirty laundry?' because I had texted Joseph something like, 'Hey - if you have dirty clothes you better tell me where they are - I'm doing one load and I'm not doing laundry all weekend....'
I'm pretty sure it was his lame attempt at making contact without having to say he's sorry.
Because later on in the day he started texting me messages chatting as if nothing ever happened to us seven days ago.
Oh, well then I guess it all depends on you - whether you want to engage or not. You certainly are under no obligation to answer.
Why would you go back to a "destructive" relationship?
He's not getting it. He is dismissing you and your concerns, acting like nothing happened.
Be careful and do a reality check: remember why you are broken up.
It rarely ever gets better. Especially if he is not 'getting it' about what happened and cannot accept responsiblity for his actions.
He's acting like nothing ever happened.
PS I speak from experience. My first husband thought he could humor me everytime we had a battle. He would not deal with it. Just wanted it to go away. And he AWAYS repeated the same behhavior. Because he would not accept responsiblity for his actions.
Guys like this are first class manipulators.
Put him on probation. Teach him to value you. Show him a picture of a doghouse.
Then YOU don't act lame and make the breakup final. What's your word worth? He's a playa. Is it a breakup or a 'warning shot'?