Sat 3 Jul, 2010 04:05 pm
I dated this guy for a year and it was long distance and things just didnt work out...he moved back to the state i live in like 30 minutes away and has in the past 3 years always kept in contact...there for awhile i just drifted away and didnt have any interest in texting him back but lately i have wanted us to talk....we both have dated other people in the 3 years and both of us ended the relationships we was in about 6 months ago...For him...his ex is obsessed with him....she told him he could keep seeing me and she would keep it a secret if he would still see her too....he told me and showed me the text message....she lives 5 miles from him and just turned 19...he is 23.....we have been talking for about 2 months now....have went out about every weekend and i have went on two roadtrips with him....he started out wanting to be just friends...for me its getting too hard and i told him that i wasnt a friend with benefits and that if it wasnt goin to go anywhere we just needed to go our separate ways....he assured me that he wanted more, and that he respected me enough to not do that... and so i went on another trip with him and his family....which i love very much...when we are all together tho...i hang with the girls and he hangs with the guys and we barely even talk until time for bed...we share the same room but all he will do is kiss me goodnight.....i will come in and shower and go to bed and 2 hours later he will come to is making me feel uncomfortable...please give me some advice on what is going on.
Apparently, he is your friend - nothing more.
He is still involved with the ex.
PS: What's up with him taking YOU , not his real girlfriend, on a trip with parents? You are being used as a "cover" for something else. You need to figure this out.
This is weird . . .