bisurge;69699 wrote:Basically, I'm saying the idea of socialism is much better than capitalism, even if it isn't in practice. And by saying that capitalism is better than socialism on paper isn't saying much. On paper, both should be effective. But yes, Americans pick the wrong people to lead them. More puppets of Wall Street are going into government. The only non-sellout in the whole history of America was probably Andrew Jackson, who actually had the balls to fight big business.
i agree with that part of your post. both work on paper, with a slight edge going to socialism. neither works in practice, with a slight edge going to capitalism.
bisurge;69699 wrote:Hitler was not a socialist; he was a fascist. While fascists consider themselves socialists, they manifest the idealism behind socialism to their own views. Stalin is part of Russian communism. Basically, they take your cows and make war, and then make you pay for the cows. Then, if you're a different ethnicity, you get thrown into the mountains. Both those leaders were not true socialists. Karl Marx came up with communism as a solution to the dreaded working conditions for immigrants, women, and children of the Industrial Revolution.
i am reading a book right now on how to spot errors of logic in political debates. you just used a "begging the question" logical fallacy. you have first excluded from your definition of socialists all the "bad guys" and then you used that definition to "prove" that socialists are "good guys" which in fact is absolutely illogical. all you have really proven is that good guys are good guys and bad guys are bad guys.
bisurge;69699 wrote:Socialism addresses the problems better than capitalism does. Got a broken leg? Government healthcare. Capitalism? Wait until it's deformed and then go to the emergency room. Sick and can't go to work? Socialism will take care of you. Capitalism? Suck it; you're losing your pay the minute you run out of sick/free days. Naive and can't do jobs as well as other people? It's okay, you can still live. Capitalism? You're at the mercy of the rich and powerful.
that's what it seems like until you realize that some loser guy on welfare who has never worked in his life gets paid more money in USA than doctors used to get paid in Soviet Union.
or when you realize that very expensive medical procedures like heart surgery that SOME Amerians can't afford because they have no health insurance - in Soviet Union you wouldn't even have heard about such procedures in the first place.
How do you expect people who on average make $150 per month to be able to afford surgeries that on average cost $100,000 ? ? ? under ANY system ?
Average life expectancy for a man in Russia today is 55 years. Compare this to roughly 80 years for countries like France and Japan who have never been socialist.
the "equality" under Socialism accomplishes only one thing - EVERYBODY is poor. then you think you have it all - because you can't compare what you have to what rich people do - because you have never seen a rich person in your life - because everybody is poor. and if you try to find out how people live outside of your socialist utopia you get executed by a firing squad ( in North Korea ).