By the way do you know why Liberals deny that blacks are less intelligent while Libertarians don't ?
Because for a liberal system which involves distribution of wealth the notion that people are not equal causes problems. How can you distribute the wealth PROPERLY among people which are all different ? Liberals must reject reality because it is incompatible with their agenda.
On the other hand since Libertarians don't believe in distribution of wealth it causes no problems for our theory to accept an obvious truth that people are different.
Libertarian could care less if you're white, black, straight, homo, or if you're a dog or a vegetable. As long as a libertarian doesn't have to finance your welfare checks you can be a space alien.
But when you have a system where the successful must feed the losers that immediately begs the question - why do we need blacks ? Wouldn't it be easier if we just sent them to Africa instead of paying for them to sit in prisons ?
Thanks to miscegenation of course it is not possible to send them to africa any more. Since it is not possible, and since Liberals will not give up on their wealth redistribution Agenda they are left with only one choice - DENY, DENY, DENY and protest any scientist that researches race until they are fired and blacklisted.
You see liberty and truth are like yin and yang - they go together. Either you have both or you have neither.
We libertarians stand for truth not because we are good people ( for the most part, we are not ) but because we need it to secure our Liberties. Liberals love lies not because you are bad people ( for the most part, you are good people ) but because you need the lies to take liberties away.
A person will not give up his liberty unless he is made to be insane first. And it takes A LOT of lying to do that.