@Fatal Freedoms,
The true danger in an Obama adiminstration lies not in his loyalty or disloyalty, but to his adherence to a bankrupt and unworkable theory of political economy. This, coupled with a spineless Congress (all of whom will keep quiet for the next four years, blue and red), this poses serious concerns for anybody with any measure of education.
1. The current economic crisis was caused and is being exacerbated by government intrusion into the free market. Obama does not believe this, and apparently learned nothing from the failure of the New Deal, and thus will seek even broader government control of the economy, which in turn will lead to further economic trouble.
2. The Republican Party, seeking election gains in 2010 will remain quiet and pose little real opposition to the Obama agenda. Moderate democrats wishing to retain party backing will similarly keep quiet and so Obama and his core supporters will be insulated from criticism or intelligent thought in Bush administration fashion. This will give Obama the same carte blanche control of the government that Bush had for the first six years of his administration, and Obama's unworkable, illogical, and historically defeated ideology of government ownership of the means of production will be forced on the American economy during a time of economic uncertainty. Much like the New Deal precipitated the recession of 1937, Obama's plans will ultimately slow or even halt economic recovery in the United States.
3. With this new economic intrusion will come tighter controls on commerce, and thus a paradigm shift from the capitalist to socialist schools of thought, the latter of which dictates communal ownership of property. Since economic regulation is in fact the usurpation of property rights, the American psyche will shift from one of innovation and capitalization to one of careerism and croneyism seen in the late USSR. The economy will slow to an unsustainable pace, and ultimately re-capitalization will occur.
Now, since we know that re-capitalization will occur, many of you who so ignorantly voted for "change" (or for the black guy, whichever) will ask, "then why not give it a shot?" Well my friends, America does not exist in a bubble, and while our government cripples our economy and spends us into debt, our rivals abroad (namely The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China) will continually gain our lost marketshare, until one of them becomes the new hegemon, or the strongest pole in a newly formed multi-polar world. Thus, re-capitalization will occur not under the auspices of free trade, but under the terms of mercantilist thought forced upon us by people not as caring as ourselves.
Because our countrymen failed to think, and chose instead to cast their vote for a vague message of "change", America has surrendered its superpower status to countries who don't particularly like their rival across the Pacific. I remind you all that offering "change" to people in a bad situation doesn't necessarily mean that the "change" is good. Amputating a man's arm because he cut his hand is "change", and that's the sort of change that the uneducated masses give us.