@Fatal Freedoms,
Your responses weren't exactly articulate. But I will try to respond somewhat.
Wolves - I guess you don't live in my area so you have no clue what I'm talking about. A rancher cannot control the wolf population but the wolves can destroy his herd.
Health Care - check it out... They are admitting that universal health care is on it's way and part of bill is . I have lived with it and couldn't wait to get back to decent health care. But, most of you Moore-ites think Cuba has a good health care system. The bill says it will compare effectiveness by limiting costs and treatments. So, the government gets to decide where and how you will be treated. Not too hard for most of us to figure out.
Torture? Torture?? Torture??? Name the "torture" so I can understand what you consider torture. My husband thinks torture is when he has to wait for me for more 5 minutes. That must be your idea as well. Do you really think those terrorists would be any different if they hadn't been held in Gitmo? Maybe... They would have been dead by now because they blew themselves up in a bombing somewhere in the US.
With the liberal agenda there will not be drilling in Anwar, off shore, etc. The coal mines will be bankrupt under Obama's plans. I guess we can all drive around in a $40,000 elec car... Oh, but you guys won't let us have hydro power anymore because it hurts the Salmon.
Wealthy tax cuts creates jobs. I work for a wealthy man. Much better job than a government one. But, I guess that's the dream job of every lib - work for the government.
Pesky Iraq war? My grandson will be going over to fight for your freedom soon. Thank heaven for the fight over there and not here.
Climate change is NOT global warming. In fact, are you going to blame me now for the global cooling we are now going into?
Third World - here we come.