@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;63992 wrote:I don't really care what people watch, but that doesn't mean if there is an inconsistency or double-standard I'm not going to point it out because I will.
Why is it a double standard to be an opinion journalist and stand for one side?
Double standards????
Obama doesn't want lobbyists but appoints them.
Democrats don't like tax cheaters unless it's someone that's appointed to Obama's cabinet...
O"Reilly can't compare Helen Thomas to the witch from the Wizard of Oz but dems can say anything they want about Palin.
Let's not forget Edwards telling dads how to act, all the while he's committing adultry.
Barney Frank can pay his boyfriend the big bucks from Freddy and Fannie but it's the repubs fault.
The Patriot Act is horrible but let's track how much gas we use and add a tax to those who use too much!
Gitmo should be closed down but why didn't Bush do more to protect us?
The middle class needs more taxes to pay for Pelsoi's jet and pay raise!
Tansparency in this admin but don't let anyone read the stimulus package before it's passed!
Need I go on about double standards? Where's the outrage on these?