"Sorry, I was just putting realistic words to the actual definition of homosexuality. It is an "activity" indulged in by choice."
No. "Homosexuality" is the quality or state of being homosexual, just like "geniality" is the quality or state of being genial. It's not an act. And no; people don't choose their sexual preference. They can choose whether to act on it of course. But how many ppl would want to go thru life dating/ marrying the gender they aren't attracted to? Not most.
"I am homophobic based on my opinion that homosexuality has nothing positive to offer society."
It's not about society. People don't get into relationships because they're trying to offer something positive to society. People get into relationships because they think they'll be happier in the relationship than if they were not in the relationship. Duh.
"If the acts of homosexuals are worthy of benefits, then perhaps the acts of people indulging in heterosexual acts should be considered for benefits at the expense of others simply because they indulge in the act."
No, because no one gets benefits for having sex. They get benefits for being married (a legal contract between two ppl who are in a relationship). Duh.
If you weren't a homophobe, you wouldn't be making such dumb, warped arguments.