@Adam Bing,
The facts as described in the New Testament scripts point to the fact that the people that now live in and occupy what we now call Israel are just as lost as the rest of the world, and are not any more chosen by God than any other "non-believer", as the true "nation of Israel" is a spiritual kingdom and resides in the truth of Jesus Christ, not on the promise of OT script as described by many in wrongly interpreting scripture. The people that failed to recognize the Lordship of Christ and His being the rightful heir to the throne of David gave up their preferred status in the eyes of God, and are just as lost as the people that missed the boat in the days of Noah. As it is written, there is only one path to salvation and that is in the truth of Christ Jesus and the salvation that rests within the structure of His Kingdom on earth, the New Testament Church of Christ. And the next time that the Lord appears it will not be to set up a literal 1000 year reign, but to bring judgment upon the world, with power, not peaceful words. And no man knows, not even the angles in Heaven, when that day will be. We should be prepared always.
Its not that difficult to understand. There is no salvation outside of Christ. Only through Jesus can men be saved-Acts4:12. Jesus is the way, the only way-John 14:6.
There is no special favor toward physical Israel. Lineage means nothing to God-Luke 3:8. What is important is the heart, not physical things such as circumcision-Romans 2:28-29. The Jews have been just as guilty of sin as the Gentiles-Romans 3:9-10. The same gospel saves both Jew and Greek-Romans 1:16.
Jews and Gentiles have been brought into one body. Reconciled into one body-Ephesians 2:11-18. The past mystery has been revealed-Ephesians 3:6. There is only one body (Ephesians 4:4), and that body is the church-Ephesians 1:22-23.
Equality in the body. All were condemned under sin, so that belief could become the standard-Galatians 3:22. The law, which created the nation of Israel, was only until the Seed should come (Galatians 3:19). That seed is Christ-Galatians 3:16. The law preserved people until Christ came and then the law ended-Galatians 3:24-25. Now in Christ we are all one-Galatians 3:25-28. Thus by belief---not physical lineage--we become descendants of Abraham-Galatians 3:29. Hence, in writing to the churches of Galatia (Galatians 1:2-3), Paul pronounces blessings upon the Israel of God-Galatians 6:15-16.
The parable of the vineyard-Matthew 21:33-46. Notice what Jesus said. Because the Jews would kill God's Son, the kingdom would be taken from them-Matthew 21:45. The Pharisees understood the parable was about them-Matthew 21:45.
Did Paul say the Jews, as a nation, would be restored to God's favor? Was Israel completely rejected? Paul argues no, as he is living proof that some have been accepted-Romans 11:1. God has always had a faithful core of believers-Romans 11:2-4. That has continued to the time of Paul- Romans 11:5-7. Notice that the elect now has God's favor or grace. It is Christians who are the elect-1 Peter 1:1-2, Colossians 3:12, 2 Timothy 2:10. Thus the remnant of Israel are those who became a part of the election of God in the Church.
The fall of the majority of Israel was necessary in order to bring in the Gentiles-Romans 11:8-11. But if their fall was hard, their return, if it happens, will be all that more glorious-Romans 11:12-15.
The allegory of the branches. Some not all, of the branches were broken off-Romans 11:16-18. They were broken off because of unbelief-Romans 11:19-20. God treats the grafted branches (the Gentiles) and the natural branches (the Jews) equally-Romans 11:21-24. Unbelief brings removal. Belief brings reinstatement-even for the Jews who were broken off.
The mystery is that even Jews can be saved-Romans 11:25-27. They are enemies, but concerning the election they can be beloved-Romans 11:28. God's gifts are given equally. They cannot be revoked for one group-Romans11:29. God condemned all that were under sin so that all can be shown mercy in the same way-Romans 11:30-32.
Thus Paul said that not all Jews were lost at the changing of the covenant (from the OT to the NT), because some through faith switched over to the church. The fall of the majority though, showed their sins and allowed God to show equal treatment by accepting only those who believed, whether they were Gentile or Jew. Nowhere does Paul relegate this conversion of the Jews to the distant future. Nor does he state that their conversion is connected with Jesus' second coming. Nowhere does Paul say it would be a complete conversion (all of physical Israel). He does state that salvation was only if they believed and was converted. Nowhere does Paul state that God will ignore the Gentiles and focus only on the Jews.
Can modern Israel be saved? Yes, certainly. By the same means we all are saved. Galatians 3:25-29. IF YE BE CHRIST'S, THEN ARE YE ABRAHAM'S SEED, AND HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE.