Just being a good person is not good enough. You also need to believe.

Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 04:23 pm
mommamia;43947 wrote:
apparently Campbell has nothing to say to my views on his religions belief in the prophecy. But then again christians tend to just ignore what can't be answered.

I'm sorry mommamia but it's about 10 to 1 here so I'm trying to keep up. Bible prophecy is like a combination lock. Unless all the tumblers are lined up, nothing is going to happen. In the past what people believed and what the Bible actually stated was two different things. The Bible makes clear that before anything could happen, the Jews had to return to the land of Israel, and there was a certain order to this return. That order is happening today, and the alignment of nations, with their present weapons systems are also in place. There are many details to these prophecies, and in the past such details were never in together. Today they are.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 04:31 pm
Campbell34;44162 wrote:
Some years ago I showed a man I worked with some of the prophecies of the bible. After he saw them, he became convinced the Bible was really the Word of God, because only God could know the future. That man went home and showed His son those prophecies. Both he and his son became Christians shortly after that. His son years later became a police officer and sadly was killed in a motorcycle accident. At the funeral the sons father was shocked when 5,000 people attended. And he was even more shocked when some former hard line bikers told him how much they loved his son, and a number of them had given their life to Christ because of his sons testimony. They did not become Christians because of fear, they became Christians because the prophecies convinced them it was the right thing to do. The prophecies revealed to both of them, that the God of the Bible, was the same God that spoke the universe into existance. The prophecies of the Bible is God's finger print, and once you understand this, everything else just falls into place.

Don't you see...you're trying to use "prophesies coming true" to justify the Bible...either you believe and don't need proof (the definition of faith), or you try to find justification...which is a contradiction, in and of itself.
If not a hypocrite, you are more than a little confused...
I believe most of the Bible...not all of it...I believe there is so much open to interpretation...but that is "my belief", to which I'm entitled. I don't ask you to subscribe to my belief...as you're insisting that I do to yours. Let it go.
Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 06:36 am
aaronssongs;44164 wrote:
Don't you see...you're trying to use "prophesies coming true" to justify the Bible...either you believe and don't need proof (the definition of faith), or you try to find justification...which is a contradiction, in and of itself.
If not a hypocrite, you are more than a little confused...
I believe most of the Bible...not all of it...I believe there is so much open to interpretation...but that is "my belief", to which I'm entitled. I don't ask you to subscribe to my belief...as you're insisting that I do to yours. Let it go.

The Bible tells us faith comes by (hearing the Word of God). The prophecies are (proof that the Word of God is true). I donot believe in blind faith, and that is why Jesus tells us if you (SEEK ME) with all your heart, with all you mind, and with all your soul, you will surly find me. If we did not need proof, Jesus would not tell us to seek Him. There are lots or religions, and lots of religious books. Now if I just pick up one of those books and decided on faith alone I will believe what ever that book tells me, there is a good chance I would be following a lie. So that is why we need to seek after that which is true, and the Bible has that evidence.
Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 11:47 am
aaronssongs;44267 wrote:
"If we did not need proof, Jesus would not tell us to seek Him."
This is proof you have no idea of what you are talking about, yet you go on and on, and on. Lord help us.

When you seek Jesus with all your heart, mind, and soul, Jesus tells us we will find Him. And if we find Him, then yes, this is Proof. And I know what I'm talking about, (because I did just what Jesus told us to do). And over the years Jesus has revealed Himself to me in so many ways, that I can now speak with confidence about Him. Tell me, have you ever sought Jesus with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul?
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 06:31 pm
@Adam Bing,
The God of the Bible proves who He is by the prophecies of the Bible. None of the other religions have this kind of proof. And the Bible tells us that no one comes to the Father, until they first come to Jesus Christ. God is not a liar, and Gods prophecies donot lie. And when the Bible tells us we first must come to Christ, that is the truth. Don't blame God for a church that left God behind. The picture I paint is of a God of truth and judgment who has warned His creation. And this is obvious because it was God who told us that in the last days the Jews would return to Israel, and this would anger many nations . And the last battle on earth will be for the control of Jerusalem. You will not see this kind of revelation or truth in any other religion, because only God knows the future, and the true God has revealed it in His only published Book, the Bible.

Unfortunatly Campbelly, the book was tainted by humans, who shuffled and choose what they wanted to be in it, not to mention bad translators...try the Lamsa Bible, at LEAST it is properly translated...

and God loves everyone, not just white poor people, he loves EEEEVVVERYYYONE!!!! EVERY CULTURE, every language, and every hair on every head of every single person who exists on this planet and in the universe...

what you discribe is a rathful biased, prejudice racial nasty arrogant, vengeful God, and that ain't God Camie....
Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2007 07:41 pm
aaronssongs;44267 wrote:
"If we did not need proof, Jesus would not tell us to seek Him."
This is proof you have no idea of what you are talking about, yet you go on and on, and on. Lord help us.

Aaron, with your clout, why don't you become a moderator? That way, you could simply ban anyone you didn't like -- yeah....just flat out ban everybody except your buddies. You could whittle this thang down to a handful of haters and have a blast, talking trash about Bush and running down everything under the sun. Hit it, Dr. DRG. Do it and go slow. :headbang:
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 05:55 pm
Campbell34;44222 wrote:
There are lots or religions, and lots of religious books. Now if I just pick up one of those books and decided on faith alone I will believe what ever that book tells me, there is a good chance I would be following a lie.

Isn't that what you are already doing? Give me one good reason why the bible is any more credible than other religous texts!
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 12:10 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44363 wrote:
Isn't that what you are already doing? Give me one good reason why the bible is any more credible than other religous texts!

Good question. Mr.Campbell is blissfully unaware he just shot himself in the foot with that response.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 02:10 am
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;44300 wrote:
Unfortunatly Campbelly, the book was tainted by humans, who shuffled and choose what they wanted to be in it, not to mention bad translators...try the Lamsa Bible, at LEAST it is properly translated...

and God loves everyone, not just white poor people, he loves EEEEVVVERYYYONE!!!! EVERY CULTURE, every language, and every hair on every head of every single person who exists on this planet and in the universe...

what you discribe is a rathful biased, prejudice racial nasty arrogant, vengeful God, and that ain't God Camie....

If the Bible was so tainted as you say it was, why do we have the majority text which numbers in the thousands of copies from many time periods and countries that are all in agreement? And why are those Bible prophecies still coming to pass? How did the writers of Jerusalems East Gate prophecy know that the Old Gate would have a porch Gate added to it? How did they know that the Porch Gate would be sealed up? How did they know that all attempts to open the Gate would fail? How did they know that near the end of time God would allow the Jews to return to Israel? How did they know that when the Jews would return they would retake Southern Israel first? How did they know that after southern Israel was taken the Jews would take Jerusalem second? How did they know that the return of the Jews would anger the nations? And how did they know that world attention would be focused on the control of Jerusalem? If the Bible was messed with, it does not seem to have affected any of the prophecies.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 02:16 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44363 wrote:
Isn't that what you are already doing? Give me one good reason why the bible is any more credible than other religous texts!

Because the Bible tells us the future, before the future happens. None of the other religious Books do this. The Bible has God's finger print on it, because only God knows the future.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 02:28 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44561 wrote:
Good question. Mr.Campbell is blissfully unaware he just shot himself in the foot with that response.

If I was from another faith, shooting myself in the foot would be possible. The Bible speaks of future events before they happen, because God alone knows the future. Other faiths donot have this kind of knowledge, and thats what sets the Bible apart from other faiths.
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 03:16 am
Campbell34;44565 wrote:
If I was from another faith, shooting myself in the foot would be possible. The Bible speaks of future events before they happen, because God alone knows the future. Other faiths donot have this kind of knowledge, and thats what sets the Bible apart from other faiths.

and you know that because........?
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 03:39 am
Campbell34;44563 wrote:
If the Bible was so tainted as you say it was, why do we have the majority text which numbers in the thousands of copies from many time periods and countries that are all in agreement? And why are those Bible prophecies still coming to pass? How did the writers of Jerusalems East Gate prophecy know that the Old Gate would have a porch Gate added to it? How did they know that the Porch Gate would be sealed up? How did they know that all attempts to open the Gate would fail? How did they know that near the end of time God would allow the Jews to return to Israel? How did they know that when the Jews would return they would retake Southern Israel first? How did they know that after southern Israel was taken the Jews would take Jerusalem second? How did they know that the return of the Jews would anger the nations? And how did they know that world attention would be focused on the control of Jerusalem? If the Bible was messed with, it does not seem to have affected any of the prophecies.

By the way, on this matter of the "Porch Gate". I mentioned it to my friend in Tel Aviv the other day at the end of a business call. After he had stopped laughing, he admitted that the Israeli authorities have a policy of encouraging any odd ball revelation, prophecies etc. from the "crazy christians" (his exact words) to ensure their ongoing support either in funds or through pressure on the US Government. So if the nut jobs want a Porch Gate that refuses to open, no problem, Israel makes sure they get it. If they want some proof of a prophecy fullfilled, no worries, the Israeli will humor the crazy gentiles.

The Israelis have nothing but contempt for the Campbells and the rest of these evangalists that they humour. Thats because they know fully well how anti-semetic the rapture ridden eschatology of the Christians is. They are fully aware that Mr.Campbell's belief requires that most Israeli jews die or get converted to Christianity when jesus comes back. Yet, knowing it all to be bullshit, the Israelis cheerfully acquiesce and laugh all the way to the West Bank.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 02:14 pm
Campbell34;44564 wrote:
Because the Bible tells us the future, before the future happens. None of the other religious Books do this. The Bible has God's finger print on it, because only God knows the future.

two things here:

1) How do you know that no other religion makes prophecies that came true? Have you extensively researched every nook and cranny of every religous text? ask Mr.Sword i'm sure he has prophecies in his book that he believes have come true!

2) The prophecies of the bible are vague, of ambigous nature, lack a time frame, and are sometimes self fullfilling, one could interpret a prophecy in such a way that makes it sound like it has come true, when in reality it has not! This is how prophecies are structured so that it sounds as if they have come true....And for any of the so-called prophecies made in the bible if even one of them has failed that would invalidate all of them
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 04:00 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44601 wrote:
two things here:

1) How do you know that no other religion makes prophecies that came true? Have you extensively researched every nook and cranny of every religous text? ask Mr.Sword i'm sure he has prophecies in his book that he believes have come true!

2) The prophecies of the bible are vague, of ambigous nature, lack a time frame, and are sometimes self fullfilling, one could interpret a prophecy in such a way that makes it sound like it has come true, when in reality it has not! This is how prophecies are structured so that it sounds as if they have come true....And for any of the so-called prophecies made in the bible if even one of them has failed that would invalidate all of them

The bible and the koran were written by people with the same mind set. Having the advantage of hindsight, the koran could pick and choose from the Jewish and Christian literature and avoid some of the pitfalls. Unfortunately, being a salvation club like christianity, the whole crapload about " you gotta believe or else" was transfered lock, stock & barrel from greek to arabic.
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 09:48 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44705 wrote:
The bible and the koran were written by people with the same mind set. Having the advantage of hindsight, the koran could pick and choose from the Jewish and Christian literature and avoid some of the pitfalls. Unfortunately, being a salvation club like christianity, the whole crapload about " you gotta believe or else" was transfered lock, stock & barrel from greek to arabic.

Not sure how true this is, but I seem to remember reading that the koran and therefore Islam was actually taken from a very hardline form of the Jewish faith. How Ironic.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 10:02 am
Numpty;44719 wrote:
Not sure how true this is, but I seem to remember reading that the koran and therefore Islam was actually taken from a very hardline form of the Jewish faith. How Ironic.

Very likely. Afterall,Occam's razor demands we go for the least complicated answer.

Possibilty 1: God gave the koran to Mohammed.

Possibility 2: Mohammed gleaned it from all the wealth of biblical literature readily available to him + team.

Its like me telling the teacher that I did not copy during the test , even though my answers are similar to the ones submitted by the guy next to me, but instead, my fairy godmother gave me the responses.

The only response I'd get from the teacher would be detention.
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 11:18 am
@Adam Bing,
A while ago, on an earlier series of postings, l put this so much better than the way it is going to come out today, but anyway...
Islamic teachings are from a forty year old man who was fasting in a cave...if l was fasting in a cave, without my Tim Horton's, l would be getting delusional too...

and his background was both from the rock-religion, since his grandfather was keeper of the rocks...so when a relative died they would believe the spirit would go to a rock then the rock would be placed worshiply withthe other rocks, and so they needed a keeper or guard for this assortment of rocks.

The main rock was believed to be from the moon, because it was hard and black, and from a comet, and called "Allah" which was coincidentally the name of the moon God. Now, in the huge churchy-synogogy thingy just outside of Isreal, in the dome of this temple is the rock that was believed to be the same rock named "Allah"...

So that was Mohammad's grandfather...of course it was a Jewish life outside of the nomads, so if one wanted to be "civilized" l imagine one had to recognize at some point that rocks were rocks rather than souls, and so the jewish influence.

So if you want to be accurate, l think you have to look at "Allah" the rock/moon God, and then secondly the Jewish influence. The Jews basically chased him out of town, and then Mohammad went on to rob caravan's that happened through the desert.

So when you read the Koran, and there are sooooo many versions, and re-writes to eliminate the hatred, the raping of women and children, the murder, and the robbery, it is pretty tricky to figure out if the religion is based on honoring Mohammad personally, or what he says, which at any moment can change with his moods.

this is just what historical fact has left us on this cultural situation...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 06:48 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44566 wrote:
and you know that because........?

Because when future events are spoken of, you have to go to the Bible. Other faiths donot speak of the future, because they have no credible prophecies. And I have ask in the past for such prophecies, and I am still waiting. What is happening in the Middle East today is explained in detail in many of the prophecies found in the Bible. Ezekiel chapters 36, 37, 38 and 39. Zechariah 12 ect.
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 07:01 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44568 wrote:
By the way, on this matter of the "Porch Gate". I mentioned it to my friend in Tel Aviv the other day at the end of a business call. After he had stopped laughing, he admitted that the Israeli authorities have a policy of encouraging any odd ball revelation, prophecies etc. from the "crazy christians" (his exact words) to ensure their ongoing support either in funds or through pressure on the US Government. So if the nut jobs want a Porch Gate that refuses to open, no problem, Israel makes sure they get it. If they want some proof of a prophecy fullfilled, no worries, the Israeli will humor the crazy gentiles.

The Israelis have nothing but contempt for the Campbells and the rest of these evangalists that they humour. Thats because they know fully well how anti-semetic the rapture ridden eschatology of the Christians is. They are fully aware that Mr.Campbell's belief requires that most Israeli jews die or get converted to Christianity when jesus comes back. Yet, knowing it all to be bull****, the Israelis cheerfully acquiesce and laugh all the way to the West Bank.

The next time you speak with your Jewish friend, ask him about Zechariah 12:11. That's were God defends the Jews from the nations that try to take back Jerusalem. God tells us, that when the Jews see who He is, all of Jerusalem will go into great mourning? Why if God just save them are the Jews so upset? And who are they morning for? And why? Please do this, I would really love to hear his answer. Because according to the prophecy, a day is coming, when the Jews will not be laughting.

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