Just being a good person is not good enough. You also need to believe.

Adam Bing
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 09:49 pm
Campbell34;44823 wrote:
The next time you speak with your Jewish friend, ask him about Zechariah 12:11. That's were God defends the Jews from the nations that try to take back Jerusalem. God tells us, that when the Jews see who He is, all of Jerusalem will go into great mourning? Why if God just save them are the Jews so upset? And who are they morning for? And why? Please do this, I would really love to hear his answer. Because according to the prophecy, a day is coming, when the Jews will not be laughting.

LOL. Precisely the point Mr.Campbell. The Israeli point of view is sure, we'll take our chances on that day. Until then, you morons in the American evangalist community, please continue to support us in occupying Palestinian lands.

You two deserve each other.
Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2007 10:53 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44863 wrote:
LOL. Precisely the point Mr.Campbell. The Israeli point of view is sure, we'll take our chances on that day. Until then, you morons in the American evangalist community, please continue to support us in occupying Palestinian lands.

You two deserve each other.

No Mr. Bing, the prophecy comes from the Old Testament. It is not an invention from the American evangalist community. It is a prophecy that comes right to us from the Hebrew Scriptures. And if the Jews have reduced their faith to nothing more than chance, it is easy to understand how they missed the prophecies that speak of Jesus. And the fact that you describe the Christian community as morons, gives me even a clearer view as to the calibar of person you are.
Adam Bing
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 04:04 am
Campbell34;45005 wrote:
No Mr. Bing, the prophecy comes from the Old Testament. It is not an invention from the American evangalist community. It is a prophecy that comes right to us from the Hebrew Scriptures. And if the Jews have reduced their faith to nothing more than chance, it is easy to understand how they missed the prophecies that speak of Jesus. And the fact that you describe the Christian community as morons, gives me even a clearer view as to the calibar of person you are.

I am of no great calibre Mr.Campbell and it anyway is of little consequence.

However, please re-read my sentence. I am using the exact words my friend from Tel Aviv used. That was a perojative used by him , not me. They are extremely dismissive of all the nutjobs (that is my term) who line up to come to Jeresulem with bible fed fantasizies. i have been to Jereuselem and seen them. Under normal circumstances who are we to cast aspertions at the faith of others. Howeverm these nutjobs are downright dangerous and egg the settlers to more and more lunacy and the settlers willingly oblige by usurping more land.

Your tribe is a danger to the world Mr.Campbell unless it eschews its crazied eschatological beliefs.

Nevertheless, I will never call them moronic. Just crazed nutties who are downright dangerous in what they espouse.

By the way, am still interested in your response to the way the HIV virus fights against drugs. Is that mutuation or not?

Also, if modern medicaiton is based on evolutionary theories, would you eschew it were your health in danger and you found that the medication prescribed to save your life was the result of research that built on concepts around evolution?

Please respond.
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 08:40 am
@Adam Bing,
that is true Campbell, there are many prophacies in the bible, however other faiths do in fact speak of the future, just because you don't get it doesn't mean it isn't there, in fact God teaches us not to judge and to be open to all cultures. Part of accepting others as your neighbour is by understanding. If you don't get your nose out of the Bible you can't see God as reflected in the entire planet. If he created this planet then why is he not spread all over it, in every molecule of every plant, in every culture, in every religion, God is not narrow minded, if he was he could have never created this planet...
I suggest you study the other cultures, the writings of Buddah, and the teachings of avators such as Buddah, Kristina, and Jesus...it is a more complete picture of what God is about in his/her entirety....
Adam Bing
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 11:14 am
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;45034 wrote:
that is true Campbell, there are many prophacies in the bible, however other faiths do in fact speak of the future, just because you don't get it doesn't mean it isn't there, in fact God teaches us not to judge and to be open to all cultures. Part of accepting others as your neighbour is by understanding. If you don't get your nose out of the Bible you can't see God as reflected in the entire planet. If he created this planet then why is he not spread all over it, in every molecule of every plant, in every culture, in every religion, God is not narrow minded, if he was he could have never created this planet...
I suggest you study the other cultures, the writings of Buddah, and the teachings of avators such as Buddah, Kristina, and Jesus...it is a more complete picture of what God is about in his/her entirety....

The inclusiveness you speak about, is beautiful. It is the "exclusiveness' of monotheism as in Christianity and Islam that makes it repugnant to most non-monotheists.
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 01:25 pm
@Adam Bing,
It is the "exclusiveness' of monotheism as in Christianity and Islam that makes it repugnant to most non-monotheists.

I don't see how you can paint the huge amount of versions of both Christianity and Islam with the same brush...that is a pretty sweeping statement. Actually all religions have one thing in common, God. And God teaches in all religions to welcome their neighbour. However what so many have in common is that their heaven is exclusive...which is great because then heaven is perfect for them!

The irony is that in the Crusades, both sides where defending in the name of God, both sides where killing in the name of God. Then in world War 2, both sides were defending and killing in the name of God {and of course, their God became programmed into the innocent brainwashable minds of youths as Hitler}...now in this world war, yet to be defined as World War Three {since it would give even more power to the corrupt criminals who are behind it} has two sides defending and killing in the name of God...

Now that's what l call an exclusive chain of events! And it shows how different versions of God are never in truth, exclusive.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 03:40 pm
@Adam Bing,
I need to become Catholic.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 08:05 pm
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;45034 wrote:
that is true Campbell, there are many prophacies in the bible, however other faiths do in fact speak of the future, just because you don't get it doesn't mean it isn't there, in fact God teaches us not to judge and to be open to all cultures. Part of accepting others as your neighbour is by understanding. If you don't get your nose out of the Bible you can't see God as reflected in the entire planet. If he created this planet then why is he not spread all over it, in every molecule of every plant, in every culture, in every religion, God is not narrow minded, if he was he could have never created this planet...
I suggest you study the other cultures, the writings of Buddah, and the teachings of avators such as Buddah, Kristina, and Jesus...it is a more complete picture of what God is about in his/her entirety....

God does not teach us to accept untruth, just the oppsite. And if other faiths speak of the future, can you show us in their scriptures that truthful fulfillment. The God of the Bible speaks to us in prophecies that are true. What truthful prophecies do you bring us? God tells us just before He returns to this world He will allow the Jews to return to Israel. He has given us vast details of this return, and what is going to happen when this occures. Now, show us what the other religions teach of this?
Adam Bing
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 01:42 am
Campbell34;45098 wrote:
God does not teach us to accept untruth, just the oppsite. And if other faiths speak of the future, can you show us in their scriptures that truthful fulfillment. The God of the Bible speaks to us in prophecies that are true. What truthful prophecies do you bring us? God tells us just before He returns to this world He will allow the Jews to return to Israel. He has given us vast details of this return, and what is going to happen when this occures. Now, show us what the other religions teach of this?

Why would other religions care about israel? It is relevant in your belief set. Not to theirs. Can you even begin to understand that there are other great cultures and beliefs which are not Judeo-centric or Europe-centric? The Chinese have a clear unbroken history from before 2000 BCE to today encompassing the Shan, Zhau, Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties(which ended in 1921).
- The Roman Empire started somewhere in the Qin era and ended well before the Han era.
- The British empire started and ended during the Qing era.

And you want these people to discard this awesome history and worship your god, a gentleman born in Palestine which has little relevance to them geographicly or culturally?

Why don't you instead read more about these remarkable non-christian people and their beliefs? You could learn something. And anyway, we as a nation are so in hock to them we might as well start finding out more about our largest creditors.

Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 03:02 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;45112 wrote:
Why would other religions care about israel? It is relevant in your belief set. Not to theirs. Can you even begin to understand that there are other great cultures and beliefs which are not Judeo-centric or Europe-centric? The Chinese have a clear unbroken history from before 2000 BCE to today encompassing the Shan, Zhau, Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties(which ended in 1921).
- The Roman Empire started somewhere in the Qin era and ended well before the Han era.
- The British empire started and ended during the Qing era.

And you want these people to discard this awesome history and worship your god, a gentleman born in Palestine which has little relevance to them geographicly or culturally?

Why don't you instead read more about these remarkable non-christian people and their beliefs? You could learn something. And anyway, we as a nation are so in hock to them we might as well start finding out more about our largest creditors.


As I have stated the prophecies of the Bible are true. CAN YOU SHOW ME ANY OTHER RELIGION THAT HAS PROPHECIES THAT ARE TRUE?
And of course the other religions are not interested in Israel because they donot know the God of the Bible. And that is why God is going to show His power to the world when the Islamics try to take Jerusalem by force. And God tells us, that after that day He will be known in the eyes of many nations. The Bible is telling you what God is going to do. And no one is listening. Were half way through the prophecies, and your still talking about mans history and culture. Jesus said it well. "They have eyes and the see not, and they have ears, and they hear not."
Adam Bing
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 06:07 am
Campbell34;45116 wrote:
As I have stated the prophecies of the Bible are true. CAN YOU SHOW ME ANY OTHER RELIGION THAT HAS PROPHECIES THAT ARE TRUE?
And of course the other religions are not interested in Israel because they donot know the God of the Bible. And that is why God is going to show His power to the world when the Islamics try to take Jerusalem by force. And God tells us, that after that day He will be known in the eyes of many nations. The Bible is telling you what God is going to do. And no one is listening. Were half way through the prophecies, and your still talking about mans history and culture. Jesus said it well. "They have eyes and the see not, and they have ears, and they hear not."

Mr.Campbell, this argument will get nowhere. I could tell you about several other cultures who claim just as you do, with an equal amoutn of proof or lack thereof, about prophecies coming true. But it is too tiresome to have you understand that point of view.

However, you and I are having a very productive disccussion on HIV & Evolution in another thread. There, you have come back to me with a well written rebuttal and that is the kind of thinking required from both sides for a productive discussion. So lets just focus on that discussion for now.

Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 10:18 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;45120 wrote:
Mr.Campbell, this argument will get nowhere. I could tell you about several other cultures who claim just as you do, with an equal amoutn of proof or lack thereof, about prophecies coming true. But it is too tiresome to have you understand that point of view.

However, you and I are having a very productive disccussion on HIV & Evolution in another thread. There, you have come back to me with a well written rebuttal and that is the kind of thinking required from both sides for a productive discussion. So lets just focus on that discussion for now.


Well I would be very interested if you could tell me about the several other cultures or even one of them that have prophecies of proof.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2007 04:53 pm
Campbell34;44820 wrote:
Because when future events are spoken of, you have to go to the Bible. Other faiths donot speak of the future, because they have no credible prophecies. And I have ask in the past for such prophecies, and I am still waiting. What is happening in the Middle East today is explained in detail in many of the prophecies found in the Bible. Ezekiel chapters 36, 37, 38 and 39. Zechariah 12 ect.

are you as so naive to think that only the Bible speaks of the future
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 04:10 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45311 wrote:
are you as so naive to think that only the Bible speaks of the future

Only the predictions of the Bible are being fulfilled and can be seen as proof of the Bibles authority. Could you please show me what other religious texts predicts the future? And can we now see those predictions being fulfilled with accuracy?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 06:31 pm
Campbell34;45965 wrote:
Only the predictions of the Bible are being fulfilled and can be seen as proof of the Bibles authority. Could you please show me what other religious texts predicts the future? And can we now see those predictions being fulfilled with accuracy?

Why don't you ask Sword_of_god? I am sure he can give you many examples!
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 11:26 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46067 wrote:
Why don't you ask Sword_of_god? I am sure he can give you many examples!

I really donot need to do that, because all the Islamic prophecies donot hold a candle to the prophecies of the Bible. Their prophecies lack the details that would reveal to us that God was behind their authorship. You yourself could of put more content into their prophecies to make them read more believable.
Vague prophecies speak volumes as to who wrote their Book. That is why the prophecies of the Bible I find so refreshing. For only in the Bible do you discover details that are revealed hundreds or thousands of years later. And it becomes obvious, that only God could have known about those details.
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 11:09 am
@Adam Bing,
Jesus was a socialist. Consider his serman on the Mt. and his powerful statement that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kindom of heaven. There are also several references to the mistreatment of the poor in the courts, which is still going on today. Now, who is the backbone of the Republican Party who defend the rich and powerful, conservative Christians. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 06:57 pm
Campbell34;46167 wrote:
Their prophecies lack the details that would reveal to us that God was behind their authorship.

That is precisely what i've said about the prophecies of the bible, the only difference is that you have faith in the Bible and not in the Qu'ran....i'm sure Mr.Sword would say that same thing about your book!
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 02:39 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46278 wrote:
That is precisely what i've said about the prophecies of the bible, the only difference is that you have faith in the Bible and not in the Qu'ran....i'm sure Mr.Sword would say that same thing about your book!

Yes you have said that about the Bible, yet your statement is not backed up by the facts. The facts you have ignored, and then you just continue to make that statement. I have read the Islamic prophecies, and as I said before, you could of made up a more detailed prophecy than their book contains. The details found in the Bible would require someone to have actually been able to see into the future. The East Gate prophecy is a perfect example. How could people in the past know that Jerusalems East Gate would be buried, and hundreds of years later non believers of the Bible would come and build a second Porch Gate on top of the Old Gate, and then the Porch Gate would be sealed up, and all attempts to open that Gate would fail. Mr. Sword has no such prophecies of that detail. Prophecies like that are only found in the Bible.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:04 am
thomascrosthwaite;46190 wrote:
Jesus was a socialist. Consider his serman on the Mt. and his powerful statement that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kindom of heaven. There are also several references to the mistreatment of the poor in the courts, which is still going on today. Now, who is the backbone of the Republican Party who defend the rich and powerful, conservative Christians. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

The Sermon on the Mount was not give as a list of rules of how we should live our life. The Sermon on the Mount was given to the Jews to explain to them that none of them could be saved by the works of the law. Jesus was telling the Jews of that time, that if they wanted the law to save them this is how good they would have to be. After Jesus Sermon all the Jews knew that no one could be that good. And that was the point that Jesus was trying to make to them. And that is why the Bible tells us that no flesh shall be justified by the works of the law. And that is why Jesus tells us that many would come before Him on the day of judgement telling Him about all the wonderful things they have done in His name, and Jesus will tell them. "Depart from me, I never knew you."

The Republican party is far from perfect, yet they are stacking the court with judges that will end abortion on demand. The days of easy murder are coming to an end in this country, and Bush was the first President to sign into law the ban on late term abortions. That of course is the barbaric procedure where doctors would cut open the back of the neck of an 8 or 9 month old baby in order for them to suck out it's brains so they could collapse the childs head to complete the procedure. Democrats were upset when Bush stopped that procedure, yet they could not stop him. What an evil nation we have become. The Republicans may defend the rich, but they also defend the weak. The Democrats have made the slaughter of the innocent the cornerstone of their party platform.
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