I didn't respond to much of your post just to the parts that seemed relevant.
What is relevant is the fact that "You" said there was nothing described in the Bible that could possibly be 'confused' with being a dinosaur. Well, its very obvious that again, someone is feeling threatened by the fact there are in fact 3 such creatures mentioned in the scriptures that fit the modern description of "terrible lizard" in size, shape, traits, and characteristics. The only "proof" that needs be offered is the fact that what your position concluded is not so, there are creatures that meat these descriptions. I do not have to prove that they existed, just that they are mentioned.
In 2 Samuel 22:10 the scriptures use the word "BOWED" (original Hebrew NAW-TAW) to describe the Heavens,"He BOWED the heavens also.....". This in no way presents the earth as FLAT when the atmosphere has to be bowed to encase it, now does it? Again the same Hebrew word is used in Psalms 18:9 describing the Heavens. In Job 22:14 the Hebrew word "Khog" is used to mean "Circuit", the same word used as "CIRCLE", as He hung the Circle of the Earth. And the Hebrew word for "VAULT" is used throughout scriptures. A VAULT is described in modern language as having an "arched ceiling". YET "YOU" insisted that the scriptures describe the earth as flat when it describes both the waters and the land being enclosed in a Circuit which is Vaulted or arched. It takes some imagination to confuse this descriptive language as "FLAT". Just as Isaiah 34:4 clearly describes stars becoming exhausted and expiring,"......and all their hosts(heavens) shall fall down, as the leaf falleth from the vine, and as a "FALLING FIG FROM THE TREE"." Clearly describing the aging process of the elements of the Heavens. As this passage is describing how everything has limits, even the heavens, as the passages describe what happens to enemies of the LORD.
Some might say that this is a little off topic, but not so. The entire topic is others that do not see what is contained in scriptures and trying to project their misconceptions on "everyone", as some proof of their position, when it is "they" that distort, twist, and make blatant statements without the knowledge to do so, by just accepting what others are telling them.
Proverbs 3:13 best describes the whole process...."HOW BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO FINDS WISDOM AND THE MAN WHO GAINS UNDERSTANDING". RD
Can I say the same thing about the Phoenix? The Cyclops? Medusa? Absolutely! I don't need to prove they existed, just that they are mentioned.
Here's the real question: CAN you prove that these are dinosaurs?
Ah description. Always open to opinion. Takes a bit of work to go from falling figs to supernovae.
"The shape of the earth may already have been known in Isaiah's time. Ancient astronomers could determine that the earth was round by observing its circular shadow move across the moon during lunar eclipses. There is some suggestion that the Egyptians knew of the earth's spherical size and shape around 2550 B.C.E. (more than a thousand years before Moses). The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who was born in 532 B.C.E., defended the spherical theory on the basis of observations he had made of the shape of the sun and moon (Uotila 1984). If this information was known by educated Greeks and Egyptians during biblical times, its use by Isaiah is nothing special.
As you do with evolution. I have pointed out SEVERAL misconceptions and blatant misinformation brought forth by your posts. Looks like you need a bit of that wisdom and understanding yourself.
1.Terrible teeth 2.Rows of scales 3. Tale like a cedar 4. Largest of his kind
Science will tell you that some dinosaurs had terrible teeth. We now know from a mummified dinosaur, that some had scales. We know that some had a tale the size of a cedar tree. We know that these were the largest beast that ever walked the earth. Science tells us this, and the Bible tells us this. Yet you seem to be such a blind faith believer in Evolution, it has blinded you to simple truth. A ten year old could read that Scripture and tell you it's a description of a dinosaur, yet you cannot?
RED DEVIL:What is relevant is the fact that "You" said there was nothing described in the Bible that could possibly be 'confused' with being a dinosaur. Well, its very obvious that again, someone is feeling threatened by the fact there are in fact 3 such creatures mentioned in the scriptures that fit the modern description of "terrible lizard" in size, shape, traits, and characteristics.
The only "proof" that needs be offered is the fact that what your position concluded is not so, there are creatures that meat these descriptions. I do not have to prove that they existed, just that they are mentioned.
Much like some trying to describe Circle as a flat earth when all throughout the scripts the terminology is backed by other language that clearly present that shape as a "sphere", with some others suggesting that the Bible professes that the stars do not thermodynamically expend fuel and expire.
In 2 Samuel 22:10 the scriptures use the word "BOWED" (original Hebrew NAW-TAW) to describe the Heavens,"He BOWED the heavens also.....". This in no way presents the earth as FLAT when the atmosphere has to be bowed to encase it, now does it? Again the same Hebrew word is used in Psalms 18:9 describing the Heavens. In Job 22:14 the Hebrew word "Khog" is used to mean "Circuit", the same word used as "CIRCLE", as He hung the Circle of the Earth.
Some might say that this is a little off topic, but not so. The entire topic is others that do not see what is contained in scriptures and trying to project their misconceptions on "everyone", as some proof of their position, when it is "they" that distort, twist, and make blatant statements without the knowledge to do so, by just accepting what others are telling them.
Let me try opening it. You won't like how I will do this.
A gate does not make a God. The Gate is man made, not God made. Regardless of who did what to it, there's no way you can prove the hand of God made that gate.
Do you ever get tired of the East gate?
Keep your pity
I never get tired of the truth. So I like to shine the light on it. Is that light to bright for you?
The truth? why don't you tell me the "truth" about the 205 some unfullfilled prophecies of the bible? the "truth" is that you remember the prophecies that were fulfilled and forget the ones that weren't. If i'm totally being "truthful" then even 1 prophecy that is unfullfilled will show that that bible isn't infallible.
Like I have told you before, if a prophecy has not been fulfill the Bible will point that out. Many prophecies have not been fulfilled because their time has not come. So please, instead of trying to impress me with a large number, show me one that was not fulfilled. My belief is, you like so many others, donot understand the prophecy. Feel free to show me a prophecy that is in error, or one that has not been fulfilled.
In Jeremiah (34:4) God tells Zedekiah that he will die in peace and be buried with his fathers. But this verse and Jer.52:10-11 say that he died a violent death in a foreign land.
You see if you try and make your case by quoting one verse out of context you will never arrive at the correct understanding. If you had read the three verses prior to verse four you would of understood that God told Zedekiah that he was going to be captured. God told Zedekiah he was going to be taken to Babylon as a prisoner. Yes he was punished, but he did not die by the sword. And that is what God told him. Also, Jeremiah 52:10-11 confirms that he was taken to Babylon which agrees with Jeremiah 34:3, and verse 11 states that he died in prison. It does not say he died a violent death.
was he burried with his fathers?
That was not recorded in the Scriptures that I'm aware of, yet, since the other details that God spoke of were fulfilled, I believe that part of the story would be fulfilled as well.
I never said God made the East Gate. I said, God told us ahead of time that Jerusalem Old East Gate would survive till the end of time, and that there would be a Porch Gate added on to Jerusalems East Gate, and that Porch Gate would be sealed, and all attempts to walk through the Porch Gate would fail until the end of time. And only when the Prince to come would appear, would Jerusalems East Gate be opened. Now that is proof for the Bible. And that proof can only be denied by non thinkers, or by someone who actively does not want to believe in Biblical truth. Only a God inspired writer could of known such details. There is proof for the Bible, and Jerusalems Sealed East Gate shows us that the Words of the Bible are true, and it can be seen in Gods prophecies of truth. And yet this proof you (must ignore), because you want to believe in science fiction. Which reveals to me, it is not facts or truth that you seek, but myths, that are fostered to be truth.
That was not recorded in the Scriptures that I'm aware of, yet, since the other details that God spoke of were fulfilled, I believe that part of the story would be fulfilled as well.
name one dinosaur that breathes fire or has bones of bronze and iron!
your fantastical creatures only match the description of dinosaurs to the extent that a medieval dragon matches the description of a kamodo dragon.
circular with a arched ceiling???
like these?
accepting what others have told them? like jesus? Surely you weren't born with knowledge of jesus...where did you hear it from?
So Komodo Dragons, are the "largest" animals that has ever walked the earth, and they have a tail that hangs like a tree? Here check out a picture of one, that ranges from 5 to 10 ft, hardly the largest animal that God ever created
Komodo dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It would be hard to confuse one of these with the creature that is described in scriptures. That swords, darts, spears, or arrows have no effect on.
Prove that they did not have the ability just as the bombardier beetle now does, to mix chemicals under pressure and blow them out though an opening
Pseudo Science does not know all the capacities of the creatures in which only bones are in evidence. We have water creatures that produce electricity, others that generate artificial light, snakes that spit venom.
Now you are suggesting that Pseudo Science has "empirical" evidence that no such creature as described in the Bible could possibly have ever existed, yea right.
I suppose that proof is located the same place where they are hiding the transitional fossil remains of the "missing link" that they have been claiming to have found for over 150 years, yet never producing the remains?
Its hard to grasp something that only exists between your ears and provide "proof actual" for it.
Yet we watch many TV shows that presents such speculation as if it is were facts, and has been proven. Its a joke, I would just as soon watch "Harry Potter" as I would the Discovery Channel, both are based in fantasy. There are many such animal remains that have evidence of "unknown" uses for certain cavities in the skull..etc. You are claiming knowledge with facts not in evidence, that is not science, that is FAITH.
As I said, all I have to do is show that there are "unexplained" animal lives contained in the scriptures that resemble that of fossil remains, not unprovable body functions. To prove any functions of said animals would take more than fossil remains. Unless you result, as always to claiming, some hypothesis as truth of fact.
I still find it hard to believe that people believe that the universe created itself. Talk about a paradox. Nothing has ever come into existence without first being created, that would have to include the mass/matter that gestated the Big Bang, which has still not been proven to have created solid mass form expanding and cooling Hydrogen and Helium gas. To believe this one would have no choice but to conclude that Hydrogen Gases, given enough time will eventually gestate human life. That is what the theory of evolution is claiming, as well as suggesting that ultimately that which was never created, created itself. RD
Big Bang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So Komodo Dragons, are the "largest" animals that has ever walked the earth, and they have a tail that hangs like a tree? Here check out a picture of one, that ranges from 5 to 10 ft, hardly the largest animal that God ever created
It would be hard to confuse one of these with the creature that is described in scriptures. That swords, darts, spears, or arrows have no effect on.
Prove that they did not have the ability just as the bombardier beetle now does, to mix chemicals under pressure and blow them out though an opening,
Now you are suggesting that Pseudo Science has "empirical" evidence that no such creature as described in the Bible could possibly have ever existed, yea right.
I suppose that proof is located the same place where they are hiding the transitional fossil remains of the "missing link" that they have been claiming to have found for over 150 years, yet never producing the remains?
Its hard to grasp something that only exists between your ears and provide "proof actual" for it. Yet we watch many TV shows that presents such speculation as if it is were facts, and has been proven.
Its a joke, I would just as soon watch "Harry Potter" as I would the Discovery Channel, both are based in fantasy.
There are many such animal remains that have evidence of "unknown" uses for certain cavities in the skull..etc. You are claiming knowledge with facts not in evidence, that is not science, that is FAITH.
As I said, all I have to do is show that there are "unexplained" animal lives contained in the scriptures that resemble that of fossil remains, not unprovable body functions. To prove any functions of said animals would take more than fossil remains. Unless you result, as always to claiming, some hypothesis as truth of fact.
And as far as any sphere shaped description as describing the atmosphere of the earth how would you describe the sky that hangs over the earth, would it be vaulted as an arch to encircle the globe? Mr. Webster describes vault as such, IN ARCHITECTURE; ARCHED ceiling, an arched structure usually made of wood or stone that forms a ceiling, circular in design. Just as you said, one cannot view the entire earth from a single point of reference, the arch does indeed suggest a "GLOBAL CEILING" that is circular. A flat surface would not require an ARCHED CEILING.
Any other semantical "JOKES" of ignorance that you want to discuss? After all there has been many men with great minds of history that have tried to discredit the writings of Biblical Script, but none have ever succeeded in finding any contradiction of script or History contained therein. I find it quite humorous. With the circular reasoning that leads some to believe any thing that they are told, always searching for answers, but never finding the knowledge of the truth.
I still find it hard to believe that people believe that the universe created itself.
Talk about a paradox. Nothing has ever come into existence without first being created, that would have to include....
To believe this one would have no choice but to conclude that Hydrogen Gases, given enough time will eventually gestate human life. That is what the theory of evolution is claiming,
as well as suggesting that ultimately that which was never created, created itself...