Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:42 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;47130 wrote:
There is absolutely no other way to put this: Cambell is fascinating & its no use arguing with him. Ditto for That Sword of God. In fact, they truly are brothers in monothiesm.

Why do I say that? it is based on slew of data provided in these columns which is totally ignored by these two. If I go through past threads:

- both bible and evolution need to be subjected to the same rigorous investigation.

- The Theory of Evolution keeps changing becase we keep discovering new stuff. That is what life is all about: discovering new stuff. Tomorrow it can be proven wrong and we should accept it because our loyalty is towards the search for truth not to a theory or to a scripture. BOTH THE SCRIPTURE AND THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION CAN BE WRONG BUT THE PROCESS OF OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION CANNOT BE WRONG.

- There is justification for Creation in the argument that the DNA is a language and language can only come from intelligence. But more investigation and thinking is required.

- There is justification for Evolution because we see it happening in from of our eyes as organisms mutate to survive. But more investigation is required.

- There is justification for the theory that a flood occured 10000 years ago at the ending of the ice age.

- There is no justificaiton that a Noah ever existed. I have heard similar flood myths from all over the world including India.

- There is no justification for the belief that man and dinasaurs co-existed. This belief came forth only after dinasaurs existence was irrefutable. Before that the Bibleguys claimed that dinasaur fossils were put by god to test our faith.

- In Campbells latest list against evolution, yes the Piltdown Man was a fake and we've known that since I was in school. AND THAT FAKE WAS DISCOVERED AS A RESULT OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION. THE BIBLE, THE TURIN SHROUD, ETC NEEDS TO BE SUBJECTED TO THE SAME SCOENTIFIC INVESTIGATION. (However, Neanderthals dod not exist? Lucy is a fake? This man is incredible).

- There is no justification for any of the items in the bible that were removed from there by Jefferson in his Jeffersonian Bible. Each of them fails in proof including the latest assertion by Mr.Campbell on a three day darkness when his god died. There was similar darkness when gods died all over the world in various religions. For gods sake, at least be original.

So my conclusion is, the mans cannot be argued with. Like Sword of god and it is a useless endevour to argue with them. However, they are a fascinating study. I therefore sit here these days, largely to study their mindsets.

Neanderthals are fakes in that they are not human ancestors.

BBC NEWS March 29, 2000
Modern humans do not have Neanderthal ancestors in their family tree, a new DNA study concludes.
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Neanderthals not human ancestors

Lucy is also a fake in that they are now telling us Lucy was not a transitional. Lucy is very similar to the pygmy chimpanzee or bonobo.

And if there was similar darkness when other Gods died, can you show us that in any historical records like I showed you in the Roman records?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 12:28 am
Campbell34;47145 wrote:
Neanderthals are fakes in that they are not human ancestors.

BBC NEWS March 29, 2000
Modern humans do not have Neanderthal ancestors in their family tree, a new DNA study concludes.
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Neanderthals not human ancestors

Lucy is also a fake in that they are now telling us Lucy was not a transitional. Lucy is very similar to the pygmy chimpanzee or bonobo.

And if there was similar darkness when other Gods died, can you show us that in any historical records like I showed you in the Roman records?

scientists do not claim that neandethals are ancestors to man!

furthermore what exactly do you think a "Transitional" is? I am under the impression that you think that there are 'complete' species and transitionals in between to connect them, this belief however is wrong!

all species are transitioanls since all species have evolved to new species, with the exception of current species since they are the most recent product of evolution, but in time they too will yield more species....do you understand?
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 06:54 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47227 wrote:
scientists do not claim that neandethals are ancestors to man!

furthermore what exactly do you think a "Transitional" is? I am under the impression that you think that there are 'complete' species and transitionals in between to connect them, this belief however is wrong!

all species are transitioanls since all species have evolved to new species, with the exception of current species since they are the most recent product of evolution, but in time they too will yield more species....do you understand?

OH PLEASE, scientist have been claiming for years that Neanderthals are ancestors, in fact they were telling me this crap in my biology class back in 1967. And some still believe and teach this.
Science Buzz Oct. 26th, 2007 Neanderthals were a (stocky human species) that is thought to have died out about 24,000 years ago. They ranged across much of Europe, Siberia to the east, and as far south as Israel. The variation in thhe Neanderthal MC1R gene is different from that found in modern humans (Homo sapiens) and seems to indicate that inter-breeding between the two species (maybe didn't happen as some scientists think.)

I can tell you before this latest discovery, you could hardly find a scientist who did not believe they were not the missing link. Even in the above article they still describe Neanderhals as a (stocky human species) Old habits are hard to break.

I have no idea how you could think by this time, that I think a transitional is a fully evolved species. If whales evolved from wolves in the fossil recored, you would certainly expect to see an obvious transformation or cross of both wolf an whale, the same would go with any other species, yet we see nothing like this. We do see some very nice artistic drawings of such, but there again, that is not science, just some very interesting art work.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 06:26 pm
Campbell34;47233 wrote:
OH PLEASE, scientist have been claiming for years that Neanderthals are ancestors, in fact they were telling me this crap in my biology class back in 1967.

1967? Science has changed quite a bit since then, yes scientists at one time did think that neaderthals were human ancestors and justly so they look quite similar to modern humans, but with new data that showed that they were not human ancestors, scientists adjusted this stance, this is the scientific process, it's ever correcting! That is the beauty of science! Does that mean it was a hoax? No! Does this mean scientists were intentionally deceiving people? No! Things that you thought were true may turn out not to be true at all, my loyalty and the loyalty of scientists lies not in scientific theories but in the scientific process!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 07:23 pm
@Adam Bing,
I agree Adam. Mr. Campbell is facinating. I bet it hasn't been long since he found out the Earth was round. The Flat Earth Society last until a few years ago. Trying to prove something to Mr. Campbell is like pouring water on a duck's back. As soon as you point out something to him he goes on to something else, not related. Adam, this is the way fundamentalist are. They are taught never to give up and never to let another person have the last word. They are slowly loosing the battle, but it is a long war. I bet Campbell won't allow his children to read our posts.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 07:58 pm
The mature believer, the mature theist, does not typically accept belief in God tentatively, or hypothetically, or until something better comes along. Nor, I think, does he accept it as a conclusion from other things he believes; he accepts it as basic, as a part of the foundations of his noetic structure. The mature theist commits himself to belief in God: this means that he accepts belief in God as basic.

the above statement explains why no amount of evidence or reason will change what Mr.Campbell believes!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 08:22 pm
@Adam Bing,
I will go a bit farther with this. I believe that most fundamentalists are unhappy people. They also seem to have a high suicide rate. Think about it and it is easy to understand why. First, they are afraid of going to hell. Even if they think that they will make it to heaven, there is always someone in the family that they believe won't. They must have a terrible fear of death. 2nd, they believe strongly in marriage [so do I] however, marriage is risky business. 3ed They likely do not get enough sex and this adds to their unhappiness. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 10:50 am
@Adam Bing,
The above is but one way fundalamentalism is regressive, rather than progressive. If conservative religious groups had their way the advancement in women's health in poor and developing countries could not be taking place, because they oppose birth control, medical abortions, and in some cases, even births in hosiptals.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 02:09 pm
thomascrosthwaite;47262 wrote:
I agree Adam. Mr. Campbell is facinating. I bet it hasn't been long since he found out the Earth was round. The Flat Earth Society last until a few years ago. Trying to prove something to Mr. Campbell is like pouring water on a duck's back. As soon as you point out something to him he goes on to something else, not related. Adam, this is the way fundamentalist are. They are taught never to give up and never to let another person have the last word. They are slowly loosing the battle, but it is a long war. I bet Campbell won't allow his children to read our posts.

As soon as you people point out something to him(Campbell34) he goes on to something else? Give me a break, your the one's who suddely get silent, and in your case Thomas, you do a disappearing act.

Also two new conformations of the Bible.

1. Book of Job stated that dinosaurs had scales for skin. Just to day in the news was a report of a new dinosaur discovery. Dinosaur was mummified. The skin of the dinosaur was made up of scales, which confirms the Job account.

2. For years non believers in the Bible said the Ark of the Covanant which the Bible speaks about was just a myth, the Ark was said to of disappeared about 3,000 years ago. Two days ago, the nation of Ethiopia has announced that they have the real Ark of the Covanant.
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 02:24 pm
Campbell34;47285 wrote:
As soon as you people point out something to him(Campbell34) he goes on to something else? Give me a break, your the one's who suddely get silent, and in your case Thomas, you do a disappearing act.

Also two new conformations of the Bible.

1. Book of Job stated that dinosaurs had scales for skin. Just to day in the news was a report of a new dinosaur discovery. Dinosaur was mummified. The skin of the dinosaur was made up of scales, which confirms the Job account.

2. For years non believers in the Bible said the Ark of the Covanant which the Bible speaks about was just a myth, the Ark was said to of disappeared about 3,000 years ago. Two days ago, the nation of Ethiopia has announced that they have the real Ark of the Covanant.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:53 pm
Campbell34;47285 wrote:
1. Book of Job stated that dinosaurs had scales for skin. Just to day in the news was a report of a new dinosaur discovery. Dinosaur was mummified. The skin of the dinosaur was made up of scales, which confirms the Job account.

"Although it is described as "mummified," the 65 million-year-old duckbilled dinosaur that scientists have named Dakota bears no similarity to the leather-skinned human mummies retrieved from ancient tombs in Egypt. Time long ago transformed Dakota's soft tissue into mineralized rock, preserving it for the ages."

From: washingtonpost.com

Secondly, the Bible mentions the "Leviathan" and "Behemoth". I will assume for this argument that you speak of the Behemoth. The whole cedar tail swaying line, etc. Okay, he describes something that sounds like a dinosaur. Wouldn't there be SEVERAL of these critters roaming about... making them commonplace? Why only the mention of ONE "Behemoth"?

He could also be speaking of a dragon. Remember, we have carvings, art and figurines of dragons. I'm guessing that dragons are real now. Too bad I can't get one today Sad
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 03:08 am
Sabz5150;47288 wrote:
"Although it is described as "mummified," the 65 million-year-old duckbilled dinosaur that scientists have named Dakota bears no similarity to the leather-skinned human mummies retrieved from ancient tombs in Egypt. Time long ago transformed Dakota's soft tissue into mineralized rock, preserving it for the ages."

From: washingtonpost.com - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines

Secondly, the Bible mentions the "Leviathan" and "Behemoth". I will assume for this argument that you speak of the Behemoth. The whole cedar tail swaying line, etc. Okay, he describes something that sounds like a dinosaur. Wouldn't there be SEVERAL of these critters roaming about... making them commonplace? Why only the mention of ONE "Behemoth"?

He could also be speaking of a dragon. Remember, we have carvings, art and figurines of dragons. I'm guessing that dragons are real now. Too bad I can't get one today Sad

The Bible is not a Book about dinosaurs, and when God was speaking to Job he was just asking him to consider one of his works. The scales were mention in Job 41 verses 14 to 17. And this was the Leviathan.
Who can open the doors of his face his teeth (are) terrible round about. His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal, one is so near another that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted.

I believe the dragons described were actually dinosaurs, and even in the Book of Job it describes the Leviathan as a beast that could breath fire.
Job 41:20- 21 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke as (out) of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindleth coals. And a flame goeth out of his mouth.
It is my understanding that they have discovered in some dinosaurs two chambers in the skull that science has not been able to understand their purpose as of yet. I believe the chambers were mixing chambers that created a chemical reaction. This would explain how the fire was created in such a beast. The Bombardier Beetle today has such a chamber built into its body, yet on a much smaller scale.
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 09:05 am
Campbell34;47321 wrote:
The Bible is not a Book about dinosaurs, and when God was speaking to Job he was just asking him to consider one of his works. The scales were mention in Job 41 verses 14 to 17. And this was the Leviathan.
Who can open the doors of his face his teeth (are) terrible round about. His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal, one is so near another that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted.

I believe the dragons described were actually dinosaurs, and even in the Book of Job it describes the Leviathan as a beast that could breath fire.
Job 41:20- 21 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke as (out) of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindleth coals. And a flame goeth out of his mouth.
It is my understanding that they have discovered in some dinosaurs two chambers in the skull that science has not been able to understand their purpose as of yet. I believe the chambers were mixing chambers that created a chemical reaction. This would explain how the fire was created in such a beast. The Bombardier Beetle today has such a chamber built into its body, yet on a much smaller scale.

I believe this, I belive that. Man you do some believing based on little to no evidence. I guesss that is faith to a Tee,.

How on earth do you arrive at such speculative conclussions with such open disrgard for anything resembling a form of investigation? You have read a book believe everything in it, then try to fit everything into it that doesn't quite fit, but you do this by conecting some pretty way out there dots leaving yourself open for ridicule.

If one of these guys in here came a knocking stating they belived this about evolution and they believed that, you would be the first to jump down their throats with the imortal phrases of 'Prove it' and 'Where's your evidence?'

To believe there really were fire breathing dragons is a stretch of even the most deluded among us' imagination, though I guess if an invisible man in the sky is your best mate you could believe anything, except of course evolution.
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 09:44 am
Campbell34;47321 wrote:
The Bible is not a Book about dinosaurs, and when God was speaking to Job he was just asking him to consider one of his works. The scales were mention in Job 41 verses 14 to 17. And this was the Leviathan.
Who can open the doors of his face his teeth (are) terrible round about. His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal, one is so near another that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted.

I believe the dragons described were actually dinosaurs, and even in the Book of Job it describes the Leviathan as a beast that could breath fire.
Job 41:20- 21 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke as (out) of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindleth coals. And a flame goeth out of his mouth.
It is my understanding that they have discovered in some dinosaurs two chambers in the skull that science has not been able to understand their purpose as of yet. I believe the chambers were mixing chambers that created a chemical reaction. This would explain how the fire was created in such a beast. The Bombardier Beetle today has such a chamber built into its body, yet on a much smaller scale.

:rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh: Fire breathing dinosaurs! That's great! :rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 04:02 pm
@Adam Bing,
Ay last Mr. Campbell, you are stating all of this wild stuff about fire breathing dinosaurs as what you believe, not as fact. I also thought that the burning mountain you tried to turn into an asterold was another one of your acts of desperation.
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 06:21 pm
Numpty;47326 wrote:
I believe this, I belive that. Man you do some believing based on little to no evidence. I guesss that is faith to a Tee,.

How on earth do you arrive at such speculative conclussions with such open disrgard for anything resembling a form of investigation? You have read a book believe everything in it, then try to fit everything into it that doesn't quite fit, but you do this by conecting some pretty way out there dots leaving yourself open for ridicule.

If one of these guys in here came a knocking stating they belived this about evolution and they believed that, you would be the first to jump down their throats with the imortal phrases of 'Prove it' and 'Where's your evidence?'

To believe there really were fire breathing dragons is a stretch of even the most deluded among us' imagination, though I guess if an invisible man in the sky is your best mate you could believe anything, except of course evolution.

Well you see Numpty, I have a Book that is just packed fill with proof and truth, and prophices that are being fulfilled. We can see this in the very day we live. Believers in Evolution have NOTHING like this. The Book of Job describes a dinosaur with scales, now we find a mummfied one, and as Job said, its skin was made up of scales. The Bible tells us that the Ark of the Covanant was real, non believers in the Bible tell us it was just a myth. Just a few days ago, Ethiopia now states that the Ark really does exist, and they are in possession of it. For years non believers in the Bible would say that the David of the Old Testament was just a myth, however, just recently they discovered then name of David and his kingdom spoken of in an uncoverd ruins in the middle east, which only reveals the truth of the Bible again. The East Gate prophecy tells us that Jerusalems East Gate will remain sealed till the Prince to come returns and opens it Himself. If you go to Jerusalem today, you will see Jerusalems East Gate, and as the Bible states, the Gate is sealed. Again, more proof of Biblical truth. The Bible told us that near the end of time we would see the Jews return to Israel and retake Jerusalem. Go to Israel today, again, more truth of the Bibles truth. These were just a few of the conformations for Biblical truth, and they just keep coming. The problem is, Evolution masquerades as solid science which many have bought into. The Bible claims to be the truth of God which few accept. Yet, as time passes, the wild claims of the Bible are being revealed as true, where as Evolution is still looking for those missing links. I have confidence in the Bibles truth because it's truth has withstood the test of time, and every passing year only reveals it's truth all the more. Evolution has never been a sold rock, but rather a silppery slope which has no solid foundation of truth to build on. How many times has the truth of the Bible been revealed, and few want to believe that. Yet the concepts of Evolution has failed so many times, and that people would believe over the Bible. I cannot deny the truth of the Bible because it has to much evidence for it's truth. And if the Bible tells us that there were dinosaurs that could breath fire, I will believe that. Next time you think the Bible does not tell the truth, just think of the sealed East Gate in Jerusalem. I think of it all the time, and I look forward to seeing the Prince to come, open it.
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 06:31 pm
thomascrosthwaite;47335 wrote:
Ay last Mr. Campbell, you are stating all of this wild stuff about fire breathing dinosaurs as what you believe, not as fact. I also thought that the burning mountain you tried to turn into an asterold was another one of your acts of desperation.

Tell me Thomas, when do you think Jerusalems East Gate will be opened?
And why was it not opened years ago when the Moslems tried twice to do that and failed? And why would pagans build a porch Gate over the orginal Gate and seal it up? Do you think those non believers in the Bible wanted to prove the Bible right? LOL

And Thomas, it was not a burning mountain, it was something (LIKE) a burning mountain. It was the only thing John could relate it to.
Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 06:42 am
Campbell34;47347 wrote:
Tell me Thomas, when do you think Jerusalems East Gate will be opened?

Probably about the time the fire breathing dinosaurs come back.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 09:26 am
thomascrosthwaite;47120 wrote:
Creationism is a Hypothesis and evolution is a scientific theory backed by hard evidence, that is more than just convincing. The basic concept has been proven. The question is not if evolution took place. What science is working on is how it happened. There is no evidence of any kind that creation took place in 6 days, a few thousand years ago. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

Present the "Hard Evidence" or empirical evidence that supports "abiogenesis".....the position that "LIFE" came into existence by some random happenstance of chance due to atoms colliding and producing "biological life" from the inert organic material found in the universe. The truth is that only "mircoevolution" is supported by "empirical evidence" and thus a valid theory....whereas "the theory of marcoevolution" is simply an idea supported by speculation and hypothesis. "Mircoevolution" is not "the theory of evolution" in fact it is the polar opposite, as "Marcoevolution" supports the "idea" that life "evolved" from non-biological organic material and has the ability to morph into a completely "different" life...I.E., man came from monkey's or apes....birds evolved from reptiles etc. While microevolution simply proves that biological life does "evolve" but only within the same species, such as that it is the DNA structure that imprints, the size, color, mass etc of any biological life form, it does not confirm either abiogenesis or marcevolution. The theory of evolution is not a study of "mircoevolution" as it is the study of DNA and "mircobiology". Macroevolution and abiogenesis is in no way proved by mircoevolution, as it does in no way confirm MARCOEVOLUTION NOR ABIOGENESIS. Simply because it is not reproducable nor observed in nature, as is mircoevolution, thus "the theory of evolution" by use of the "scientific method" is only a "hypothesis" and not a "valid theory'. In fact from 1859, when Mr. Darwin presented his "idea" of evolution, there has been no empirical evidence offered at all to support either macroevolution or abiogensis. Simply because some "imagined" artists renderings have remained in textbooks and have been updated via modern Computer Generated Graphics does not mean that this is "empirical observed, reproducable" evidence. It only means that in 150years no one has been able to present new evidence to support "macroevolution".

And it is indeed "Science" that makes its stance on what it can prove though "empirical evidence", religion does not claim to have empirical evidence(away from the actual scriptures) only faith based evidence. So, if anyone "claims" that religion is false, they must prove it with empirical evidence or simply admit that it is beyond the grasp of science to disprove. I challenge anyone to "disprove" the writings of the Holy Bible with "empirical evidence", and theory is not "empirical". As I said, one opinion does not trump another opinion, no matter how many PHd's or MDs are in front of or behind your name when presenting it. RD
Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 09:35 am
RED DEVIL;47396 wrote:
Present the "Hard Evidence" or empirical evidence that supports "abiogenesis".....the position that "LIFE" came into existence by some random happenstance of chance due to atoms colliding and producing "biological life" from the inert organic material found in the universe. The truth is that only "mircoevolution" is supported by "empirical evidence" and thus a valid theory....whereas "the theory of marcoevolution" is simply an idea supported by speculation and hypothesis. "Mircoevolution" is not "the theory of evolution" in fact it is the polar opposite, as "Marcoevolution" supports the "idea" that life "evolved" from non-biological organic material and has the ability to morph into a completely "different" life...I.E., man came from monkey's or apes....birds evolved from reptiles etc. While microevolution simply proves that biological life does "evolve" but only within the same species, such as that it is the DNA structure that imprints, the size, color, mass etc of any biological life form, it does not confirm either abiogenesis or marcevolution. The theory of evolution is not a study of "mircoevolution" as it is the study of DNA and "mircobiology". Macroevolution and abiogenesis is in no way proved by mircoevolution, as it does in no way confirm MARCOEVOLUTION NOR ABIOGENESIS. Simply because it is not reproducable nor observed in nature, as is mircoevolution, thus "the theory of evolution" by use of the "scientific method" is only a "hypothesis" and not a "valid theory'. In fact from 1859, when Mr. Darwin presented his "idea" of evolution, there has been no empirical evidence offered at all to support either macroevolution or abiogensis. Simply because some "imagined" artists renderings have remained in textbooks and have been updated via modern Computer Generated Graphics does not mean that this is "empirical observed, reproducable" evidence. It only means that in 150years no one has been able to present new evidence to support "macroevolution".

And it is indeed "Science" that makes its stance on what it can prove though "empirical evidence", religion does not claim to have empirical evidence(away from the actual scriptures) only faith based evidence. So, if anyone "claims" that religion is false, they must prove it with empirical evidence or simply admit that it is beyond the grasp of science to disprove. I challenge anyone to "disprove" the writings of the Holy Bible with "empirical evidence", and theory is not "empirical". As I said, one opinion does not trump another opinion, no matter how many PHd's or MDs are in front of or behind your name when presenting it. RD

If religion does not have any "empirical" evidence, then IT IS NOT SCIENCE. I dare you to prove the Bible with empirical evidence.

See, you love that word... empirical. Keeps you immune to the fact that you have no real evidence and try to support scientific theory on faith alone. Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Also, some real links to your information would be nice... if they exist. I will happily science them to oblivion.

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