Thu 27 Nov, 2003 12:01 pm
Is the following clear? And how to rewrite it professionally?
We can open a common account in bank and deposit all our promised capital into it. Each of us (we are a trinity) might hold a different part of the password that consists of 3 parts -- lacking any of which will cause any one cannot draw or remit capital -- even a penny-- from the account. And, we should exchange our ID card and keep it for each other until the project has been finished successfully. All these measures are dedicated to the safety that each of us should carry out his obligation and bear his responsibility that he has promised. Given the application for the project fails, the measures can be sure of returning capital, paying back expenses and cancelling the account.
Note: I don't know if "Each of us (we are a trinity)" can work. What I wanted to express is "we are a group that consists of 3 persons.
Thank you.
Here's one way (remove the red, add the blue):
We can open a common account in a bank and deposit all our promised capital into it. Each of the three of us (we are a trinity) might hold a different part of a the three-part password; that consists of 3 parts -- lacking any of which will cause any one cannot draw or remit capital -- even a penny-- from the account. thus, it would take all three to make any withdrawal from the account. And, we should exchange our ID cards and keep it for each other until the project has been finished successfully. All These measures are dedicated to the safety assuring that each of us should carry carries out his obligation and bears his the responsibility that he has promised assumed. Given If the application for the project fails, these measures can be sure of returning capital, paying back expenses and cancelling the account. assure that all expenses can be covered, the capital can be returned to investors, and the account can be cancelled.
Resulting in:
We can open a common account in a bank and deposit all our promised capital into it. Each of the three of us might hold a different part of a three-part password; thus, it would take all three to make any withdrawal from the account. And, we should exchange ID cards until the project has been finished successfully. These measures are dedicated to assuring that each of us carries out his obligation and bears the responsibility that he has assumed. If the application for the project fails, these measures can assure that all expenses can be covered, the capital can be returned to investors, and the account can be cancelled.
Two minor adjustments, Wy
These measures are dedicated to
ENsuring that each of us carries out his obligation and bears the responsibility that he has assumed. If the application for the project fails, these measures can
ENsure that all expenses can be covered, the capital can be returned to investors, and the account can be cancelled.