Only in BOULDER, Colo.

Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 07:05 pm
westernmom;39972 wrote:
Kids walking out on the Pledge is dis-respectful. Period. Until the Pledge is changed to suit the secular progressives it's still the Pledge and should be respected.

I can't understand the people who want to trample over all of the things this country has stood for and change it because they think they have it all figured out. That's when this nation will topple.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:13 am
92b16vx;40004 wrote:

When I was a kid in school we said the Pledge, with Under God, and then had the Lord's Prayer - each and every day. What a great start to a child's day!
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:21 am
westernmom;40072 wrote:
When I was a kid in school we said the Pledge, with Under God, and then had the Lord's Prayer - each and every day. What a great start to a child's day!

Sure it's great, if every kid believes the same, but not all do, and that is infringing on their freedom of religion, or freedom from religion, which ever way you'd like to think of it.

Funny how christians think it's great to indoctrinate all children with their belief system, and get all crybaby when someone else tries to do the same. I'm sure you'd throw a hissy fit if your children had to say muslim, or mormon prayers in school.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:35 am

shocking stuff ! i say hang them all for treason Very Happy how dare they LOL
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:29 am
@scooby-doo cv,
Originally stated by westernmom
Kids walking out on the Pledge is dis-respectful. Period. Until the Pledge is changed to suit the secular progressives it's still the Pledge and should be respected.

I can't understand the people who want to trample over all of the things this country has stood for and change it because they think they have it all figured out. That's when this nation will topple.
Thanks for all real Americans that have supported the Flag and the pledge.

It is a shame that these children forgot their great, great grand parents whom came here to build their lives and this country and give these children what they have today. They did it by joining in. Not being separate and fighting the system.
If these children think saying the pledge is beneath them then pack them and their parents up and send them across the pond. Why because they could have choose to remain silence or use the 1 minute to say a prayer of their own. No they wanted to stand out. Well they need to be suspended and the principal and any teachers that supported them need to be fired and teaching license taken away. At least that is IMHO.........
And to answer all the I want it my way people, we have enough pulling this country apart. Some smart ash child with a know it all attitude need not have to help the Machiavellians destroy this country.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:36 am
mlurp;40085 wrote:
Originally stated by westernmom
Kids walking out on the Pledge is dis-respectful. Period. Until the Pledge is changed to suit the secular progressives it's still the Pledge and should be respected.

I can't understand the people who want to trample over all of the things this country has stood for and change it because they think they have it all figured out. That's when this nation will topple.
Thanks for all real Americans that have supported the Flag and the pledge.

It is a shame that these children forgot their great, great grand parents whom came here to build their lives and this country and give these children what they have today. They did it by joining in. Not being separate and fighting the system.
If these children think saying the pledge is beneath them then pack them and their parents up and send them across the pond. Why because they could have choose to remain silence or use the 1 minute to say a prayer of their own. No they wanted to stand out. Well they need to be suspended and the principal and any teachers that supported them need to be fired and teaching license taken away. At least that is IMHO.........

This country is FOUNDED on dissent. They object, as they should to god being added to a pledge the school makes a point of making everyone say. They have every right to object whether you like why they do it or not is irrelevent. They actually substituted god with what this country was founded on, teh Consitution, rights, freedom, and liberty. Are you against the Constitution, rights, freedom, and liberty?

The Pledge of Allegiance was atlered to include god, they are taking it back to how it was meant to be, not how christians want it to be, deal with it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:41 am
Also this is just what the power brokers want. Children who defies the laws, common sense, their parents and society. This school is a prime time shot at what the Federal Government is doing with it's education program. Look at A and C.......... Click the thumbnail to enlarge it.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:47 am
mlurp;40087 wrote:
Also this is just what the power brokers want. Children who defies the laws, common sense, their parents and society. This school is a prime time shot at what the Federal Government is doing with it's education program. Look at A and C.......... Click the thumbnail to enlarge it.

When have the youth NOT defied authority? It is a natural occurance, get over it. If the founding fathers had all been "go with the flow" guys, we'd all be on CCTV with no guns, sipping tea, listening to Oasis right now. I told me son last night not to touch something on my desk, the first thing he did was grab it, that's human nature. Nice piece of propaghanda though, it takes things that are just going to happen, and gives them an agenda, not even slick, just obvious.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 11:44 am
92b16vx;40089 wrote:
When have the youth NOT defied authority? It is a natural occurance, get over it. If the founding fathers had all been "go with the flow" guys, we'd all be on CCTV with no guns, sipping tea, listening to Oasis right now. I told me son last night not to touch something on my desk, the first thing he did was grab it, that's human nature. Nice piece of propaghanda though, it takes things that are just going to happen, and gives them an agenda, not even slick, just obvious.

dont you like tea ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 11:48 am
I said what needed to be said.
And I bet if your older than 50 you didn't get to far away with much. Because back when the entire town knew each other and mom knew what I did before I got home for dinner. If it was either to far to the right or left (by my fathers ratings) I got a wipping. And I am a happy, content person with out any scares from it. I think it helped me to become a better citizen. And guess what the same thing happened to my friends and neighbors. I wasn't a latch key child my mother was at home. And she broke several hair brushs over my behind too.
So get over that truth............. And keep the lies and broken promises the ugly side of life if it makes you content.
0 Replies
mako cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 12:35 pm
I find it humorous that Christians can rant and rave about prayer being taken out of the classroom, but let anyone else rant and rave about a very blantant and very recent addition to the Pledge and suddenly it is the most horrible thing to ever happen and the world is gonna end or America is gonna fall at the very least! LOL Chill, I can remember when they put the "Under God" in the Pledge - it sure wasn't in the original pledge, the one that school kids pledged from 1892 to 1952! I was a student when they added it and it made all of us mad because now we would have to remember to put those "stupid" words in (I am just saying what a kid would say when something in school just go more complicated)! As far as the "Creator" is concerned - the Declaration of Independence was written by a Deist, so it stands to reason that he was calling on the Deist Creator - the "Natures Own God" (another term we Deists use for the Creator)...:patriot:
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 12:39 pm
92b16vx;40074 wrote:
Sure it's great, if every kid believes the same, but not all do, and that is infringing on their freedom of religion, or freedom from religion, which ever way you'd like to think of it.

Funny how christians think it's great to indoctrinate all children with their belief system, and get all crybaby when someone else tries to do the same. I'm sure you'd throw a hissy fit if your children had to say muslim, or mormon prayers in school.

It's great no matter what the belief system. Guess what? No hissy fits here cause my kids are "mormon" and they had to do things the Catholic way in their school. No big deal to us. We wanted them to respect others. They didn't have to believe that way.

Hopefully you build a strong enough foundation for your children so that you don't have to shield them from others beliefs without worrying that they will follow like sheep.

Besides, aren't you indoctrinating your children if you tell them it's okay not to respect the beliefs of others because they don't conform to what you think is right? Isn't that a form of brainwashing as well?

You talk about Christians being scared - what about the atheists that won't allow what 85% of us believe in being practiced? What are you afraid of? What is a simple prayer going to hurt? What is the words "under God" going to hurt? Will it do lasting harm to someone? Why can't a person just be quiet during that time?

Changes were made to the Pledge because it is what the majority of the citizens agreed with. Isn't that when changes should be made? Why should 85% of the citizens have to take a back seat to a few?

I don't necessarily like some practices, symbols, teachings, etc. but have learned that by respecting those practices I am not going to be scarred forever! And, by teaching my children to do the same they were open to new ideas and were able to form their own judgements and belief systems. Some I agree with, some I don't! But, they made their own choices, not mine.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:04 pm

If the founding fathers had all been "go with the flow" guys, we'd all be on CCTV with no guns, sipping tea, listening to Oasis right now

I thank God everyday that this did not happen to us. I can deal with the CCTV, but Oasis? My god.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:07 pm
westernmom;40107 wrote:
It's great no matter what the belief system. Guess what? No hissy fits here cause my kids are "mormon" and they had to do things the Catholic way in their school. No big deal to us. We wanted them to respect others. They didn't have to believe that way.

Fine, you're mormon, what if your kids told you they needed a prayer rug, or yamica for school worship?

Hopefully you build a strong enough foundation for your children so that you don't have to shield them from others beliefs without worrying that they will follow like sheep.

I am an agnostic, my wife is German Catholic, he goes to a Baptist Sunday School.

Besides, aren't you indoctrinating your children if you tell them it's okay not to respect the beliefs of others because they don't conform to what you think is right? Isn't that a form of brainwashing as well?

See answer above.

You talk about Christians being scared - what about the atheists that won't allow what 85% of us believe in being practiced? What are you afraid of? What is a simple prayer going to hurt? What is the words "under God" going to hurt? Will it do lasting harm to someone? Why can't a person just be quiet during that time?

Because they have the right not to be involved in it, if you want to worship a god, than you are free to on your own time, but you don't have the right to make others.

Changes were made to the Pledge because it is what the majority of the citizens agreed with. Isn't that when changes should be made? Why should 85% of the citizens have to take a back seat to a few?

No. Freedom of religion, is also freedom from religion. Those that have faith have no more right to anything than those that do not.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:22 pm
@mako cv,
mako;40106 wrote:
I find it humorous that Christians can rant and rave about prayer being taken out of the classroom, but let anyone else rant and rave about a very blantant and very recent addition to the Pledge and suddenly it is the most horrible thing to ever happen and the world is gonna end or America is gonna fall at the very least! LOL Chill, I can remember when they put the "Under God" in the Pledge - it sure wasn't in the original pledge, the one that school kids pledged from 1892 to 1952! I was a student when they added it and it made all of us mad because now we would have to remember to put those "stupid" words in (I am just saying what a kid would say when something in school just go more complicated)! As far as the "Creator" is concerned - the Declaration of Independence was written by a Deist, so it stands to reason that he was calling on the Deist Creator - the "Natures Own God" (another term we Deists use for the Creator)...:patriot:

You have any thing new to add? That has been posted already. But yoiu are just posting an opinion right?
mako cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 02:04 pm
You have any thing new to add? That has been posted already. But yoiu are just posting an opinion right?

My aren't we full of ourself today...I am posting a personal opinion, just as you posted a personal opinion. As several people have pointed out to you, the American Nation was founded on dissent and was set up to be a secular government, as evidenced by Jefferson's letter to the Banbury Baptists and the Treaty of Tripoli. I must have got you in a snit by pointing out that the Declaration of Independence called on the Deist Creator, not the Christian god. LOL :patriot:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 06:55 pm
@mako cv,
mako;40106 wrote:
I find it humorous that Christians can rant and rave about prayer being taken out of the classroom, but let anyone else rant and rave about a very blantant and very recent addition to the Pledge and suddenly it is the most horrible thing to ever happen and the world is gonna end or America is gonna fall at the very least! LOL Chill, I can remember when they put the "Under God" in the Pledge - it sure wasn't in the original pledge, the one that school kids pledged from 1892 to 1952! I was a student when they added it and it made all of us mad because now we would have to remember to put those "stupid" words in (I am just saying what a kid would say when something in school just go more complicated)! As far as the "Creator" is concerned - the Declaration of Independence was written by a Deist, so it stands to reason that he was calling on the Deist Creator - the "Natures Own God" (another term we Deists use for the Creator)...:patriot:

And your in the Federal Law Enforcement? Bet your co workers don't know the things you type here. Or are they to like you. These kids will one day be your or your fellow law enforcement problem. Guess you want the job to keep on going like that bunny. bang bang lock em up!
To start with your not enforcing the laws so why should I listen to you period. Do your job and tell the rest of those that don't enforce the laws. I worry our elected officals and the paid employees are running ths country into the ground. You sure can't put that on me mako.
And where was I saying a thing about prayer being required. The thread is about the pledge. And God, was added to show the difference between Russia (non believers) and this country being based upon faith in God! Not the B.* your spouting.
Gosh you don't enforce some of the laws and now you defend others to do the same which some of these rich children will do. See Boulder isn't the average middle class community. I lived there back in the mid 80's. Others might recall the Ramseys case or this same group of children 6 months ago with sex as the center issue.
You avoid the real issues like others here. And pick up on a stray part without dealing with the point of the entire thread. Children are just that. Not mature enough to decide things on their own till after graduation high school and then far to many can't balance a check book or work a cash register and make proper change. Yea support their cause. looooooool
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 07:33 pm
Mlurp, did some kids leave a flaming bag of poop on your porch this weekend?
mako cv
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 01:28 pm
To start with your not enforcing the laws so why should I listen to you period
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 02:04 pm
@mako cv,
mako;40269 wrote:

Exactly. We used to raise all kinds of hell when we were kids, drinking, fighting, flipping the finger at "The Man". We had a walk out when tehy passed the "No Pass, No Play" rule, and got rid of D's. Kids, will be kids. At least these kids took a stand against something political, hell, most kids couldn't find Nebraska on a US map.

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