So pinochet is it your position that the US military cannot protect this country? come on now!
With our wonderful air force patrolling the skies and on alert, are you trying to say our air force cannot protect us from air attacks from any nation on this planet?
With the Navy we have , who's going to sneak up by sea on the USA?
With our dedicated military are you trying to tell me we can't patrol our borders and keep terrorists out?
With our technology are you trying to say we cannot use cameras and electric fences to shut down our borders?
Pinochet are you trying to tell me we could not round up all illegal foreigners and deter them till they could be sent back to where ever they came from?
Are you saying we cannot do back ground checks in this day and age of the computer and DNA to check out who we allow to come into this country from now on. ( I think we should let people out no questions asked, its the entering the country that needs to be hard)
Sorry to hear you have so little faith in our ability and our military that you do not think we can defend our own country right here at home.
Thats okay pinochet I have faith our military can do all the things I mentioned above and put a end to any and all threats we face at home.
And that is a promise you can take to the bank, its as good as gold.
Ask anybody in the military, they will tell you the above listed things I mentioned are very doable, in fact our wonderful military people could do them without hardly breaking a sweat.
Pinochet73;36470 wrote:Sorry, but this neo-con needs more than your promises.