aaronssongs;41265 wrote:
Government is broken...and the sad thing is nobody cares to fix it.
Not true, even in the slightest. There are people that want to fix America, and now more than ever it is important to stand behind them. The real sad thing is that instead of backing the ONE, lone politician that actually wants to change America back into a leader of the free world, people would rather call him crazy, or unelectable. Calling the only politician that clings to the United States Constitution as his guiding light a wingnut, and unelectable is going to get the people that do EXACTLY what they deserve, more of the same. Hitlery, Julieannie, either which way, both will do their best to drive America into a deeper hole. Hitlerys socialist agenda will turn America into an over taxed welfare state, where the hard work that made us great will be punished, and Julie will continue America on a path of preemptive, financially destructive warfare in the name of fear, and greed.
Ron Paul is Americas only hope of becoming the beacon of freedom we once were.