FedUpAmerican;34038 wrote:I agree with about 90% of your post.
The exceptions:
1) The "left" does not scorn family values. Only your ideals.
2) "forcing alternate lifestylas down your throats" This comment is quite ignorant because by denying one lifestyle, you are forcing yours down others throats.
3) Society has become so materialistic because it is people that live the buy now pay later lifestyle. How many credit cards do you have in your wallet?
But a well put together post. I enjoyed it.
Number one what's to scorn regarding my ideals, I believe in strong social programs for all including unwed mothers. Not for a life time thou. I believe in tolerating anothers beliefs i.e. Religous People (which I'm not by the way). I don't believe in forcing someone to bend to my will like the left does regarding homosexuality. I'm adult enought to accept that some devotely religious people will always believe it's a sin. They however hate the sin not the sinner. The gay community's object hatred of Christians is neither tolerant or kind.
Now alternate life styles, well I'm expected to pay for polygamy? That's the new cause of the left in Canada, it's not bad enough that I have to pay for single mothers for a life time but I should have to pay for multiple wives and twenty kids because of a new immigrant's religious beliefs. God forbid Daddy get a job. From my perspective the left won't be happy until pedophilia is reconized as an acceptable lifestyle. After all the little boys and girls really want it according to Nambia.
If you thought I was speaking of gays you'd be wrong, I have absolutely no issue with same sex marrage. They have every right to be equal in the eyes of the law and the constitution. Gays are no burden to me as a taxpayer.
I have two credit cards, one personal one in my Company Name. In twenty years I have never paid a cent interest on either. I don't live above my means, I live within a budget. I also don't have a TV in everyroom my computer is second hand. I dumpster dive and recycle, I have two composters. I refuse to use chemicals in my house or yard, poisoning the neighbours two year old isn't my thang. All my light bulbs are the new energy efficient ones. My house is partially solar powered, I have a tankless hot water heater. I live a green lifestyle. I don't blather on about Global Warming I do something about it and pollution.