No disrespect taken. We're just discussing. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. I have quite a thick skin. (and head at times)
The radio talk show I developed is my own Frankenstein. I literally put the whole thing together myself and purchase airtime. In a sense, I created my own job.
As far as IT goes, I thought the market was saturated with more people than available jobs. Am I wrong?
What I have seen during the bush administration is something I never before have seen in my life and that is a major wedge shoved between people of opposing views. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before but I never noticed so much conflict before.
What we need to remember AS AMERICANS is that we love our country and need to do whats best for it. We all need to find common ground or things will get worse than they are.
A barometer that I use (one of many) is the job section of the newspaper. During the Clinton era, there was three entire sections with thousands of available jobs in all fields. Now, during the bush era, it is down to just a few pages.
Is this accurate and scientific. Not really but it does provide a pretty good benchmark I think.
During the course of my show I get calls from people that use their credit cards to meet living expenses and they are deep in debt because of it. I don't know about Texas but in Chicago theres not all that many jobs for the average working stiff. Perhaps the blame should fall upon the shoulders of our governor. Perhaps on the businesses. Perhaps on the citizens. I don't know.
My show is called The Debtonator and we discuss credit and debt issues among other things. I currently am petitioning Illinois residents to have courses in credit cards and debt management as requirements prior to graduating HS. In Illinois there is no such class.
I'll be walking 200 miles in the fall, after halloween, to hand deliver what I hope to be 100,000 sigs to the governor.
Just a bit of shamelss promotion.