They all suck (_!_). Edwards is the WORST. Both he and Obama have admitted their intentions to become BFF's with Castro and Chavez, which is reason for great concern for those who know the difference between right and wrong. At least The Skag Hillary hasn't said that, but I think most if not all of her "moderate" campaign speech is calculated to win independent votes. I think she is really more far to the left than what she's currently saying.
If Edwards wins, get ready to make some major lifestyle adjustments, hard-working people....because you can kiss a big chunk of your paycheck goodbye. His whole "boo capitalism / yea socialism" approach is so ironic given the fact that he has made himself EXTREMELY wealthy capitalizing on the misfortune of the less fortunate through his over-the-top ambulance chasing antics. :beat:
They're all wack. They'll all chip away at our support for Israel. They'll all raise taxes to pay for questionable social program. They'll all sympathize with communists and socialists (and I don't mean Euro-socialists, I mean tyrannical socialists).
Slick Willie's 8 years of kissing the @$$ of Arafat will pale in comparison to the sharp turn to the left we'll see with any of these yahoos. Oh wait, that was diplomacy, right? Getting in bed with a man who paid the families of suicide bombers thousands of dollars as reward money? This man visited the White House more than any other foreign head of state during Clinton's presidency. Thank God peace in the Middle East was achieved! Anyway, if you thought that was bad, get ready for worse.
All that said, I think his wife The Skag may be slightly less catastrophic for this country than Obama and Edwards (probably only because at least she is smart enough to try to court the center during a campaign...she's prolly lying about all that, though.)