Decline Of The American Empire

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 02:21 am
westernmom;32422 wrote:
And I remember reading about numerous deaths due to bitter cold winter weather in February! How does that fit into global warming?

well it can either fit or be totaly removed if we could find out how many actually died then go back ten years to the exact date and see if there are any significant changes in the toll , may be this is stretching it a bit, but may be just may be it will prove something, if there is global warming i dont know may be lesser people will die of frost bite as the years go by.
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Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 01:54 am
POLITICAL JEDI;32426 wrote:
I don't think the "posters" think they are helping fight the WOT per say, but more along the lines of educating the masses of simple-minded individuals that there is indeed a WOT, and yes, it needs fighting. And the way to fight it is by removing the Talibans, Saddam's, Amadinejad's, Assad's, House of Saud's, ect, ect that do nothing but stifle human progress whilst promoting Anti-Americanism.

In a global society, humans, impossible though it may be, have to start thinking of themselves as "Earthlings", instead of nationalistic terms, because if one part of the eco-system is destroyed or allowed to deteriorate, then all bets are off for the rest...common sense. Hence, we all swim or we all sink.
Earthquakes, vulcanism, weather, etc...are all inter-related. Point.
Food, water, land, and energy, or the lack thereof, are going to be the reasons for our ruin. Unless we act as one...for the preservation and prosperity of all...heresy, sacrilege, maniacal, you say?

Post 9/11, we had to figure out a way to lessen the chances of more 9/11s. Whether you care to admit it or not, the neoconservative foriegn policy of fostering democracy in muslim/arab lands is a weapon in that war. If people are free to build businesses, buy deeded land and build homes, send their children to schools, pursue upward mobility, live their lives without fear, read newspapers of every opinion, vote for their leaders, resolve differences with debate and not bombs, they will have no reason to want to harm us.

There's a profound reason why blue states don't plant IED's on red state highways and visa versa. . .maybe, just maybe, you just don't get why! I notice you're quick to quote Benjamin Franklin's: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety", but what you fail to realize is, freedom is a very fragile thing. Just because you were fortunate enough to have been born into it, and wouldn't know tyranny from a hole in the wall, doesn't mean it automatically comes with the air you breathe -- Freedom was crushed in Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, China's Tiananmen Square 1989, and Iraq 1991. The lesson: matched against tyranny at its point of maximum cruelty, freedom has no chance.

But according to you, you simply can't get behind and support your President in the removing Saddam and his kin from power and implementing our Western values because: "he had run the beginning of the war under such a load of changing BS". . . What a crock of sh*t! :beat:

the "neoconservative foriegn policy of fostering democracy in muslim/arab lands is a weapon in that war"....is true, if one is a fool. How can you ignore history? How can you ignore the ties that bind, on the basis of religion, ethnicity, family, and culture? Easy to do, if you're American. Americans, by and large, don't value culture, and history, and diversity...oh, perhaps in the past, to some measure....otherwise why did they attempt to suppress the indigenous languages and customs of both the African slaves and the Native Americans?
Why, here , in Houston, the way of progress, is to tear down the old, and make way for the new...turn of the century buildings, downtown, are being decimated. why? because the past is not celebrated....if that because the past is so fraught with shame and guilt? Must be.
So, given all that....is it any wonder why the Islamic world looks at the West and America with hatred, and disdain. No one acknowledges their lives, save themselves...no one thinks its of value or worth....they're just raving "towel heads", aren't they? They subscribe to a theocracy (much like Rome, during the Middle Ages), as is their right...and who are we to tell them that they are wrong?
Oh, and I know tyranny....I'm living under it, as we speak....guess you haven't been driving while black (DWB)...it's real, it happens, and you cannot identify, so don't try. Tyranny is what's going on with this White House...the people say nay, and WH says f u .....that sounds like tyranny to me. People in New Orleans can't count on the government coming to their aid, when disaster strikes...that sounds like tyranny to me. We have billions of dollars to repair the infrastructure of Iraq (yeah, right....that money is somewhere heating up some politician's pockets), yet we have bridges falling down killing folk over here....that sounds just like tyranny to me. So don't talk to me about tyranny, and not knowing what it looks like or feels like....I deal with it every day.
Stop with the Saddam terror mess already...he was contained, and impotent...Bush wanted to go to war to fix his manhood and to take our minds off of the domestic agenda....it worked....except for fixing his manhood.
Is that game enough?
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 02:46 am
aaronssongs;32635 wrote:
the "neoconservative foriegn policy of fostering democracy in muslim/arab lands is a weapon in that war"....is true, if one is a fool. How can you ignore history? How can you ignore the ties that bind, on the basis of religion, ethnicity, family, and culture? Easy to do, if you're American. Americans, by and large, don't value culture, and history, and diversity...oh, perhaps in the past, to some measure....otherwise why did they attempt to suppress the indigenous languages and customs of both the African slaves and the Native Americans?
Why, here , in Houston, the way of progress, is to tear down the old, and make way for the new...turn of the century buildings, downtown, are being decimated. why? because the past is not celebrated....if that because the past is so fraught with shame and guilt? Must be.
So, given all that....is it any wonder why the Islamic world looks at the West and America with hatred, and disdain. No one acknowledges their lives, save themselves...no one thinks its of value or worth....they're just raving "towel heads", aren't they? They subscribe to a theocracy (much like Rome, during the Middle Ages), as is their right...and who are we to tell them that they are wrong?
Oh, and I know tyranny....I'm living under it, as we speak....guess you haven't been driving while black (DWB)...it's real, it happens, and you cannot identify, so don't try. Tyranny is what's going on with this White House...the people say nay, and WH says f u .....that sounds like tyranny to me. People in New Orleans can't count on the government coming to their aid, when disaster strikes...that sounds like tyranny to me. We have billions of dollars to repair the infrastructure of Iraq (yeah, right....that money is somewhere heating up some politician's pockets), yet we have bridges falling down killing folk over here....that sounds just like tyranny to me. So don't talk to me about tyranny, and not knowing what it looks like or feels like....I deal with it every day.
Stop with the Saddam terror mess already...he was contained, and impotent...Bush wanted to go to war to fix his manhood and to take our minds off of the domestic agenda....it worked....except for fixing his manhood.
Is that game enough?

My man, look it's 4:40 in the morning here and I'm too shot out right now to be givin you my rebuttal, but check it: I'll holla back at ya tomorrow! And maybe me and you can get down in one of those "good debates" that you seem to be peepin for but just can't find. Very Happy They need one of these with gold fronts or maybe a whip with dubs and spinnaz so we can get down propa! Dirty South style. ..LOL! Just messin with ya and your culture. . .Look I'm drunk, don't mind me. Talk tomorrow. Peace out
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 04:53 am
POLITICAL JEDI;32429 wrote:
Instead of claiming America (a nation with just over 300 million people) is in decline (a totally assinine statement by the way) and posted something along the lines of what China and India (countries with over 1 billion people who have recently jettisoned statism, and found prosperity by emulating Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) are contributing to the global warming/ pollution problem, maybe, just maybe, someone would take you serious. . .

Bush was right to remove us from Clintons Kyoto treaty . . .And all the other treaties that idiot persued and signed.

We are in a state of decline because we're being colonized by the Third World. Our culture is changing, and the question is whether or not we'll remain a super-power once that colonization process is complete. For example, our middle-class, the backbone of American society and success, is shrinking. It's shrinking because the number of non-working, welfare-dependent Americans is growng, while the size of the working population that supports them is shrinking. Our decline is occurring from within.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 06:35 am
westernmom;32225 wrote:
My point being that just posting his distorted view and not having solutions is typical of people like him. Has he ever ran for office? Is he active in his community trying to affect a change? Does he have credit cards? What vehicle does he drive?

And, I'm sorry but the global warming has been going on since the earth was created. It's a cycle, people. Goodness, it snowed in here in July last year! The sky is falling...

That is the truth western mom, it is the cycle of our planet it has happened before, and will happen again, true our polution is bad for our environment and for us but please blaming all humans for the condition of our planet is just silly. You could blame all the volcanos too, that is a major problem, if Yellowstone park ever blows half the US is dark. There isn't anything we can do about that!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 02:09 pm
"People in New Orleans can't count on the government coming to their aid, when disaster strikes"

And why is it the government's responsibility to respond to every disaster? Our wheat field was hailed out. We had no insurance. We didn't go crying to the government to bail us out. We took the loss, sucked up our belts and did with out that winter.

A local dam broke and a ten foot wall of water slammed down the valley and destroyed several communities around here. We didn't sit around whining and waiting for the government to move in and help. We grabbed shovels, wheelbarrows, and everything else we could to start cleaning up. We made sandwiches and cookies by the hundreds and passed them out to everyone working. We opened our homes to our neighbors and family that were wiped out. We jumped in the tractors and started tearing down and rebuilding. Did the government and the Red Cross come? Yeah, eventually but we already had things well on the way.

It's called personal responsibility. Get of your butts and help yourself and quit whining about being treated poorly and not getting enough handouts. What the h(&^ did they do before the socialized welfare system came in?

It's up to you to save your own culture. Not me or my tax money! I'm too busy trying to save my own.
Red cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 03:23 pm
westernmom;33103 wrote:
"People in New Orleans can't count on the government coming to their aid, when disaster strikes"

And why is it the government's responsibility to respond to every disaster? Our wheat field was hailed out. We had no insurance. We didn't go crying to the government to bail us out. We took the loss, sucked up our belts and did with out that winter.

A local dam broke and a ten foot wall of water slammed down the valley and destroyed several communities around here. We didn't sit around whining and waiting for the government to move in and help. We grabbed shovels, wheelbarrows, and everything else we could to start cleaning up. We made sandwiches and cookies by the hundreds and passed them out to everyone working. We opened our homes to our neighbors and family that were wiped out. We jumped in the tractors and started tearing down and rebuilding. Did the government and the Red Cross come? Yeah, eventually but we already had things well on the way.

It's called personal responsibility. Get of your butts and help yourself and quit whining about being treated poorly and not getting enough handouts. What the h(&^ did they do before the socialized welfare system came in?

It's up to you to save your own culture. Not me or my tax money! I'm too busy trying to save my own.

EGGactly, you have explained what the problem is, minority groups of people have been raised to believe they are entitled to what ever they need. No attempt to solve their problems without the government paying the bill.
Welcome to a Nanny Nation mentality, good luck getting rid of it, once they've sucked the public titty there's no getting them back to the bright side.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 03:31 pm
westernmom;33103 wrote:
"People in New Orleans can't count on the government coming to their aid, when disaster strikes"

And why is it the government's responsibility to respond to every disaster? Our wheat field was hailed out. We had no insurance. We didn't go crying to the government to bail us out. We took the loss, sucked up our belts and did with out that winter.

A local dam broke and a ten foot wall of water slammed down the valley and destroyed several communities around here. We didn't sit around whining and waiting for the government to move in and help. We grabbed shovels, wheelbarrows, and everything else we could to start cleaning up. We made sandwiches and cookies by the hundreds and passed them out to everyone working. We opened our homes to our neighbors and family that were wiped out. We jumped in the tractors and started tearing down and rebuilding. Did the government and the Red Cross come? Yeah, eventually but we already had things well on the way.

It's called personal responsibility. Get of your butts and help yourself and quit whining about being treated poorly and not getting enough handouts. What the h(&^ did they do before the socialized welfare system came in?

It's up to you to save your own culture. Not me or my tax money! I'm too busy trying to save my own.

Mom, or should I say Sister, unfortunately the slide in the American work ethic and responsibility are giving quickly way to the liberal leaders of this country that will say and do whatever they have to, to regain the political power. Promise anything - just get the votes. The whiners of this country need to buck up and be accountable for their actions or lack thereof.
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 05:44 pm
socalgolfguy;33115 wrote:
Mom, or should I say Sister, unfortunately the slide in the American work ethic and responsibility are giving quickly way to the liberal leaders of this country that will say and do whatever they have to, to regain the political power. Promise anything - just get the votes. The whiners of this country need to buck up and be accountable for their actions or lack thereof.

You need to tell the truth....Liberal leaders are not in control. Excuse me.
Bush and Co. still occupy the WH, and the Republicans will not compromise with the Dems to get anything meaningful done...so, so easy for you to blame "liberals" (call it "spin")...but just wait...the Dems will regain the WH in 2008, and integrity will once again be restored to government, instead of Republican scandal after scandal (a new one today, involving the Republican senator from Idaho, who was arrested at an airport Idaho senator arrested in airport - Yahoo! News)
Please comment on this, because I'd love to hear your take on it...bet you don't have a thing to say.
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Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 11:22 am
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