GOP Frontrunners Skip Black Debate

Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 01:02 pm
If i was a business owner, who am i going to hire?

(random images from google)







THIS is my point.

if you wanna be a gangster, fine, be a gangster. but don't bitch about being held back.

better your self, stop dressing like a fool, and be PROFESSIONAL, not GANGSTER.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 05:44 pm
briansol;40192 wrote:
it's not a color thing.... look at Pretty Woman. Julia Roberts was treated pretty much the same way, and went to a completive store and spent all that money there.

Without BEING there or knowing the whole story...

I mean, she could have walked in with ripped pants and looked like a homeless person. I can't say 100% that it was a color thing, but more perhaps an 'appearance' and how she held her self, spoke, or otherwise.

and then it gets turned around (reverse racism!!) into a color thing....


excuse me, but I watched the episode on "A Different World", as it happened in real life...she was dressed to the nines...and the stupid white saleswoman, thought she had no business being there...so the black woman in real life and in the episode, bought the most expensive watch in the joint to teach the biased white sales clerk a lesson....since you have pre-conceived notions, which aren't based in fact...I'll just leave you in your quandary...because real life is much different than you imagine...you really should get out more

I vaguely remember this.... i pretty much was dis-interested in politics back then.

I do remember the dead people voting though, so it's obvious the election system is fubar. Every polling center has their own gear, and i think that's a huge problem. we need a standardized voting system put in place.

Don't be patronizing...there were thousands of disenfranchised black voters..and if you're just going to make quips and bad stabs at humor...we needn't go any further. You are not serious

none of these are government issues though. They are private sector.
schools, they all suck to some extent... and the main issue there is districting and tax monies (or lack there of) that the city is able to collect.

my city is a good example of this.

I'd hazard a guess that the race split is roughly
80% Caucasian
12% Hispanic
7% African-American
1% other (Asian, etc)

We have 8 elementary schools, strategically placed in town since the early 40's or 50's semi-equidistant apart from one another.

Ivy Drive is probably 99% white and is probably the flagship school disctrict.
O'Connel is probably 35% African-american, 30% hispanic, and 35% white and is probably considered the 'worst' school district.

here's ivy drive. its the thing with the field...
ivy drive bristol ct - Google Maps

as you can see, its a nice wooded area on residential streets.

here's oconnel:
park street bristol ct - Google Maps

looks decent from the air, but its really pretty dumpy. all the houses to the right are the 3-family deals i will speak of below.

The area that ivy drive is in is upper middle class homes, 250-350k ish.
the area that o'connel is in is the old downtown area, filled with 3 family homes from the 20's that are pretty much all low income and section 8 rents now.

Short of tearing down the 'old neighborhood' and building nicer houses there, how do you fix this?
No one who can afford a 250k home is going to live in a run down 800 sq ft 3-family on the 3rd floor.

bus them? for better integration? it was discussed many times -- even as far as swapping students with neighboring towns.
at the end of the day, all it does is cost the city tons more money for tons more extra miles for the buses, kids that have 2 hour long bus rides (hell, its a half hour ride for the local route as it is!).
Neither side wants to get up at 4am to be on the bus for 5 am to drive around till 7am to start school at 730 (the bus needs to get there at 7 so it has time to get back to town it came from for its next route).

I've been to both schools for various things (our schools are our voting booths among other things) and while ivy drive is centainly nicer, o'connel is far from a ****hole. both schools have the bulletin boards of the kids activities, and so on. it's not like 'How High' or whatever that movie was with John Lovitz... lol

At the end of the day, o'connel is the dream mix, is it not? half or so minorities, little less than half whites.
if that's the dream mix, why is it considered to be the 'bad' school?

all of our schools are funded equally based on student population and other things, regardless of district.
all contain roughly the same kids to teacher ratios - some are just physically larger buildings with obviosuly contain more students.

it's just a bad area. the V or Y just to the right of oconnel - that intersection scares the **** out of me. I HATE hitting that red light. driving a bmw, and being a white boy, everyone stares at me like 'GTFO of my hood rich boy'. All i'm doing is passing through (its a state road and high traffic). I always roll my windows up and lock my doors as i drive through this section. too many punks trying to start ****.

near ivy drive, i'd leave my car unlocked parked in the road for hours without even really thinking about it.

sadly, it's nearly 95% of the time 4 or 5 black guys in their late teens/early 20s sporting colors from gangs from cali like they mean something 3500 miles away (HELLO! There are no crips here!), and trying to be 50 cent gang bangers.

sometimes its the Hispanics yelling **** in Spanish that i don't understand and driving around with their latin king crowns on the dash. A hiring manager probably can't either. learn English if you want to work in the US. Being bi-lingual is a GREAT job skill.

and the worst, yes, the worst are the white boys who think they are 'black' and have something to prove.

To who?

How can i feel bad for them?

They HAVE had every opportunity I have had. I went to public schools. My parents were poor as **** growing up. I missed many lunches for simply not having the $1.25 it cost back then to get hot lunch.

But I also never collected food stamps, had a starter jacket, had the latest air jordans, nor was I on welfare.
We probably should have been... but my dad worked his ass off 2 jobs stocking shelves at the grocery store, 19 hour days for many years to support us and wouldn't hear it.

We went on vacation for the first time when i was 10. I saved my allowance of $2 a week (which even back in 1990 was nothing) for 2 years, and had a grand total of $76 to spend while i was down in washington DC for the week.

I spent most of it on astronaut ice cream at the air and space museam gift shoppe.

I learned from an early age that if i want something, i need to save for it, work hard for it (that $2 wasn't handed to me-- it came with a long list of chores)

My point i'm trying to make in this dibacle of thoughts....
Their school isn't bad. it's the people that GO to the school that are bad, don't care, and don't even want to be their in the first place because it doesn't fit into their get rich or die trying idea of life.

At then end of the day, it's not color of skin to blame....
it's parents and rather, the lack thereof of parenting.

The sound of violins dueling is deafening.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 06:13 pm
excuse me, but I watched the episode on "A Different World", as it happened in real life...she was dressed to the nines...and the stupid white saleswoman, thought she had no business being there...so the black woman in real life and in the episode, bought the most expensive watch in the joint to teach the biased white sales clerk a lesson....since you have pre-conceived notions, which aren't based in fact...I'll just leave you in your quandary...because real life is much different than you imagine...you really should get out more

like i said, i didn't see it and i'd have to be there to pass any judgement on what really happened. I have NO facts, and you didn't post any the first time around. there were ZERO pre-conceived notions, other than your own that "i'm a racist". My counter point was simply suggestive that it also happens to white people, ala pretty woman.

For the record, I dated a black girl at one point in my life, and i have a couple black friends as well. None of them ever whined about petty topics like this.... mostly because it doesn't happen. Maybe it's different in the deep south... but around here, there's normal people and thugs, both filled with various colors and races.


Don't be patronizing...there were thousands of disenfranchised black voters..and if you're just going to make quips and bad stabs at humor...we needn't go any further. You are not serious

patronizing WHAT? that was 4 years ago. i vaguely remember who i was dating back then, let alone fine details of the fubar election.

its over, done with, and the world has moved on.

others, it seems, are still living in the past....
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 06:24 pm
aaronssongs;40158 wrote:
So, that would be the very reason the GOP "shouldn't" reach out to the black community, because they don't stand a chance?
Well, you got that right...if they continue to act like we don't matter, or that we're not "real Americans"...then the DNC, will continue to profit from black voters voting.

You don't seem to understand politicians at all. They weight risk/gain just like anybody else. They risk A LOT by going to this debate, and gain what in return? The blacks vote DNC because blacks generally benefit more from DNC social policies than they do from GOP policies. It's like pissing in the wind.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 09:24 pm
Freeman15;40279 wrote:
You don't seem to understand politicians at all. They weight risk/gain just like anybody else. They risk A LOT by going to this debate, and gain what in return? The blacks vote DNC because blacks generally benefit more from DNC social policies than they do from GOP policies. It's like pissing in the wind.

Uh, you wouldn't be the one to instruct anyone in the understanding of politics, based on your postings....given that, it boggles the mind that anyone would think that Democrats are the only ones 'spineless'...I refuse to buy the argument that the RNC shouldn't reach out to the black community, and its' potential voters, simply because RNC platform and policies do not cater to the black concerns, and don't feel that they need to...precisely why, blacks do not vote Republican in any substantial numbers....why would they, when they are treated with such disdain and disrespect?
The president presides over black people as well as everyone else...therefore, he needs to be sensitive to the needs of all constituents...not just those that voted for him. You'd piss , wind or no, if you had to go, wouldn't you? That doesn't even hold water.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 09:46 pm
briansol;40277 wrote:
like i said, i didn't see it and i'd have to be there to pass any judgement on what really happened. I have NO facts, and you didn't post any the first time around. there were ZERO pre-conceived notions, other than your own that "i'm a racist". My counter point was simply suggestive that it also happens to white people, ala pretty woman.

How can you compare what happens to a white woman, of dubious morality and habits, to what happens to black people based on a stereotype, that they are criminals, are "up to no good" when they enter retail stores, couldn't possibly have the means or the wherewithall to shop just anywhere, and justify being discriminated against? It doesn't make any sense.....and as far as the episode on "A Different World", I did see it...and I can tell you, I identified with it, as I have been made to fell like "the other" on numerous outings, in predominantly "white establishments"...so I'm talking from experience...you talk about what you know. Pretty Woman , indeed! A woman looking like Julia Roberts, would get carte blanche anywhere, and anytime....as if the fact that she was a hooker, had anything to do with real life...bottom line...she was white, and enjoys "white privilege".

For the record, I dated a black girl at one point in my life, and i have a couple black friends as well. None of them ever whined about petty topics like this.... mostly because it doesn't happen. Maybe it's different in the deep south... but around here, there's normal people and thugs, both filled with various colors and races.

Save your "some-of-my-best-friends-are" spiel for some of your cronies. I don't give a rat's booty. I have friends of all nationalities and races, and religions...and I wouldn't group them all into a bucket, and dilute their individuality and their personal concerns and expectations. People have their own stuff.....some of it is interconnected...some realities are "shared".
"Driving while black" happens....nothing happens in "driving while white"...so don't even try to go there with me. You want to pretend that there isn't a pink elephant in the room...excuse me , but I didn't drink any of the kool--aid.
"Thug life" is normal.....to thugs....you would be the abnormal one to them...I wouldn't rightly know, not being "a thug"....and if that is how you view black people as either "normal" (or in your 'white way of thinking", "tolerable") vs. being "a thug", which is a cultural construct within the black society (the justification for, which would be another topic), is but a subgroup within the framework....for you to insinuate that that is a "norm" for black folks to be "thuggish", is offensive and unfounded....like I said...you ought to get out more and meet more black people than you come in contact with in your limited and obviously "skewed" corner of the universe.

Normal people and thugs? What is that supposed to imply?

patronizing WHAT? that was 4 years ago. i vaguely remember who i was dating back then, let alone fine details of the fubar election.

its over, done with, and the world has moved on.

others, it seems, are still living in the past....

Yeah, right...Jena, Louisiana happened in the deep dark past....or was it weeks ago? Pink elephant, you know.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 11:21 pm
aaronssongs;40291 wrote:
Uh, you wouldn't be the one to instruct anyone in the understanding of politics, based on your postings....given that, it boggles the mind that anyone would think that Democrats are the only ones 'spineless'...I refuse to buy the argument that the RNC shouldn't reach out to the black community, and its' potential voters, simply because RNC platform and policies do not cater to the black concerns, and don't feel that they need to...precisely why, blacks do not vote Republican in any substantial numbers....why would they, when they are treated with such disdain and disrespect?
The president presides over black people as well as everyone else...therefore, he needs to be sensitive to the needs of all constituents...not just those that voted for him. You'd piss , wind or no, if you had to go, wouldn't you? That doesn't even hold water.

My friend, I have a DEGREE in Politics (Government with emphasis on International Politics), so I'd say I'm qualified to weigh in. What credentials do you have? Don't talk down to me, you'll find it won't suit you.

The president has authority over everybody, but he doesn't represent everybody, such an assertion is ridiculous. Not only is the presidency NOT descriptively representative or symbolically representative, it's not even LEGITIMATELY representative, as the president is free from answering the public until 4 years after his election.

If you are a GOP presidential candidate, especially the "frontrunners" you know the following:

Kerry took the Black vote in 2004 with 88%, and yet Bush won the popular vote.

Black voters historically vote Democratic.

Of the many black congressmen ever to serve in the Congress (in the modern era), only three have been Republicans, and none of them are still in office.

So the black vote, even if this debate would have been marginally successful for the GOP, would STILL be well over 50% DNC, and the GOP STILL would have a good chance of winning in a general election.

So you're Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney. You are clinging to frontrunner status for dear life whilst trying to raise money for your campaign. Much of your future fundraising depends upon your public perception. Do you take the two weeks of heat for not showing up to a black debate, or do you risk the campaign-long embarassment of being stumped on television? If you're a GOP candidate, the black vote means nothing to you because no matter what you do, YOU CAN'T GET IT. The politics of black America most closely coincide with the DNC. Romney or Giuliani at this debate would've made as much sense as Clinton or Obama at an NRA-sponsored debate. You have to pick your battles, it's called RUNNING A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 11:23 pm
aaronssongs;40293 wrote:

Yeah, right...Jena, Louisiana happened in the deep dark past....or was it weeks ago? Pink elephant, you know.

You mean the hate crime in which six black students assaulted a white student to the point of hospitalization? Don't even try to bring that case up, you'll lose. Two of the perps were repeat violent offenders, and the kid who was assaulted wasn't even involved in the noose hanging incident. Can't you look past your own self-righteous bullshit for five seconds?
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 12:54 am
Freeman15;40299 wrote:
You mean the hate crime in which six black students assaulted a white student to the point of hospitalization? Don't even try to bring that case up, you'll lose. Two of the perps were repeat violent offenders, and the kid who was assaulted wasn't even involved in the noose hanging incident. Can't you look past your own self-righteous bull**** for five seconds?

Trouble is the stuff people only know "in part"....why do you suppose the six black students beat the white student's natural ass? Do you suppose it was because he "mouthed off" some racial slurs? Or perhaps, as alleged, he resorted to going to his pickup truck and coming back with a shotgun, which the black students summarily relieved him of, and beat that ass, and rightfully so.
There comes a point where common sense comes into play...and you don't sling slurs around, when you are "outnumbered", 6 to 1. Stupid. He got what he deserved, and "some".
This whole thing was instigated by the white students laying claim to "a tree"...on public property, no less. Last time I checked, this was America, the slaves were free, and the civil rights act of 1964 was still in effect.
And putting up a noose, which has symbolic and sinister connotations, is universally viewed as tantamount to "a hate crime. They might as well have burned crosses on school property....
There is no getting around it....these incidents were exacerbated by the racist climate that pervades certain Southern cities, and by no means excludes certain Northern enclaves....Cicero, Ill., a nearby suburb of Chicago, is infamously "racist"....I know...I lived in Chicago for more than 13 years.
"Self-righteous", am I????? Hardly. So easy to want to maintain the status quo, and point fingers elsewhere. Telling. Speaks volumes.
Ironic you go by your ID, free man.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 02:19 am

How can you compare what happens to a white woman, of dubious morality and habits, to what happens to black people based on a stereotype, that they are criminals, are "up to no good" when they enter retail stores, couldn't possibly have the means or the wherewithall to shop just anywhere, and justify being discriminated against? It doesn't make any sense.....

it makes PERFECT sense.

if you can't see that, i don't know how else to explain it to you.

they didn't know she was a hooker.... she just looked 'too cheap' for their store and passed judgement.


and as far as the episode on "A Different World", I did see it...and I can tell you, I identified with it, as I have been made to fell like "the other" on numerous outings, in predominantly "white establishments"...so I'm talking from experience...you talk about what you know. Pretty Woman , indeed! A woman looking like Julia Roberts, would get carte blanche anywhere, and anytime....as if the fact that she was a hooker, had anything to do with real life...bottom line...she was white, and enjoys "white privilege".

nothing personal, but i wouldn't trust your opinion on nearly anything at this point. All you see is black and white, and nothing more.


Save your "some-of-my-best-friends-are" spiel for some of your cronies. I don't give a rat's booty.

you should. you constantly think i'm some racist, and i couldn't be further from it.

if i'm anything, im a culturalist. i don't care if your black or white. i DO care if your a thug, punk, criminal, or a normal citizen though.


"Driving while black" happens....nothing happens in "driving while white".

drive a lowered honda civic with an exhaust on it. you'll be shouting "driving while honda civic" in no time, even if its a 60 yr old white guy in a suit.

cops are cops. they suck. i'll agree with you on that.


"Thug life" is normal.....to thugs

perhaps, but i still won't patronize it, or moreover, claim it to be anyones fault but their own for not being able to get their ass out of the hood.
that has been my whole point all along.


and if that is how you view black people as either "normal" (or in your 'white way of thinking", "tolerable")

DO NOT put racial terms on me that i NEVER said nor implied.

The color of ones skin doesn't make you less tolerable. the way one ACTS does.


being "a thug", which is a cultural construct within the black society (the justification for, which would be another topic), is but a subgroup within the framework.

no, it's NOT a freaking black thing for the 123123123216th time. There's plenty of white thugs, there's plenty of asian thugs, and there's plenty of every other race and creed thugs.

it is NOT a subculture of any color. its simply a subculture, like Emo, goth, nerd, geek, jock, or whatever else.


for you to insinuate that that is a "norm" for black folks to be "thuggish", is offensive and unfounded....like I said...you ought to get out more and meet more black people than you come in contact with in your limited and obviously "skewed" corner of the universe.

for the 3rd time in this thread alone, i will RE-ITERATE AGAIN for you...

I was referring to the o'connel school district.

scroll up and re-read, because you missed everything it seems.

you are taking one block of my city that i spoke about and turning it into a nationwide event, which is simply out of context.


Normal people and thugs? What is that supposed to imply?

perhaps, i will use pictures again. my text is obviously not working.

Normal People:



Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 05:44 am
aaronssongs;40302 wrote:
Trouble is the stuff people only know "in part"....why do you suppose the six black students beat the white student's natural ass? Do you suppose it was because he "mouthed off" some racial slurs? Or perhaps, as alleged, he resorted to going to his pickup truck and coming back with a shotgun, which the black students summarily relieved him of, and beat that ass, and rightfully so.
There comes a point where common sense comes into play...and you don't sling slurs around, when you are "outnumbered", 6 to 1. Stupid. He got what he deserved, and "some".
This whole thing was instigated by the white students laying claim to "a tree"...on public property, no less. Last time I checked, this was America, the slaves were free, and the civil rights act of 1964 was still in effect.
And putting up a noose, which has symbolic and sinister connotations, is universally viewed as tantamount to "a hate crime. They might as well have burned crosses on school property....
There is no getting around it....these incidents were exacerbated by the racist climate that pervades certain Southern cities, and by no means excludes certain Northern enclaves....Cicero, Ill., a nearby suburb of Chicago, is infamously "racist"....I know...I lived in Chicago for more than 13 years.
"Self-righteous", am I????? Hardly. So easy to want to maintain the status quo, and point fingers elsewhere. Telling. Speaks volumes.
Ironic you go by your ID, free man.

The shotgun incident and the beating were two different incidents. The case for which the "six" were charged was an unprovoked act of aggression.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 05:46 am
Freeman15;40322 wrote:
Aaron skews the facts YET AGAIN.

No shotgun was produced during the assault.

An altercation TWO DAYS earlier involving a white student, Robert Bailey (who had been in a brawl with his friends and several white non-students the day before (most likely started by the white non-students it looks like)), and a group of Bailey's friends outside of a convenience store. Both parties tell a different story; the white student claims an argument ensued with Bailey about the previous night (the white student was at the party), Bailey and his friends then ran after him. The white student claims he produced his shotgun to defend himself, but that it was wrestled away from him. Bailey and his group fled the scene, and Bailey was charged with theft of a firearm, second-degree robbery, and disturbing the peace.

Bailey and his group claim the student met them with the shotgun, apparently looking for a confrontation, and they wrestled it away from him. He does not dispute fleeing the scene.

The assault on Justin Barker on Dec. 4, 2006 was TOTALLY UNPROVOKED. No shotgun, no nooses, just six black kids assaulting an unsuspecting white kid.

Further, the principal of the school recommended expulsion for the white students who hung the noose, he was overruled by the school board. So there was an attempt to punish the students, it wasn't simply let go as you would like us to believe.

Fact is, Robert Bailey had been involved in violent altercations twice in the same week as the assault, and surprise, turns out to be one of those involved in the attack. If racism is a factor in this case, it is anti-white racism on the part of Rober Bailey and his group of thugs. Charge them with everything you can and seek the maximum penalties.

Aaron, you are misrepresenting facts and I would like you to apologize for misleading our peers.

I posted this in the closed thread on the subject, looks like you chose to ignore facts again. That's a nasty habit of yours.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 05:42 pm
briansol;40303 wrote:
it makes PERFECT sense.

if you can't see that, i don't know how else to explain it to you.

they didn't know she was a hooker.... she just looked 'too cheap' for their store and passed judgement.

nothing personal, but i wouldn't trust your opinion on nearly anything at this point. All you see is black and white, and nothing more.

Wrong...I react to people seeing only "black and white",,,either "thug" or "normal" (or put another way, "less scary")
you should. you constantly think i'm some racist, and i couldn't be further from it.

if i'm anything, im a culturalist. i don't care if your black or white. i DO care if your a thug, punk, criminal, or a normal citizen though.

I don't know any thugs, personally....so I wouldn't know...I'm the closest thing to "Hootie and the Blowfish meet Sade, nursed by the Beatles, as you would ever see. I am so "white bread"...it isn't even funny....although, I have become somewhat of a world citizen, and a pan culturalist. I definitely ain't "hood"

drive a lowered honda civic with an exhaust on it. you'll be shouting "driving while honda civic" in no time, even if its a 60 yr old white guy in a suit.

Nope, and the reference is obviously lost on you.....you can't compare "driving while black" to anything else...except maybe, "driving while mexican"
cops are cops. they suck. i'll agree with you on that.

Yes, indeed, for the most part, they do
perhaps, but i still won't patronize it, or moreover, claim it to be anyones fault but their own for not being able to get their ass out of the hood.
that has been my whole point all along.

Oh, why don't you google Dr. Eric Michael Dyson and his take on Bill Cosby's take on the hood.....Cosby has valid points, and Dyson has valid points....I'm somewhere in the middle of them.

DO NOT put racial terms on me that i NEVER said nor implied.

The color of ones skin doesn't make you less tolerable. the way one ACTS does.

no, it's NOT a freaking black thing for the 123123123216th time. There's plenty of white thugs, there's plenty of asian thugs, and there's plenty of every other race and creed thugs.

it is NOT a subculture of any color. its simply a subculture, like Emo, goth, nerd, geek, jock, or whatever else.

Really? Why don't we see them plastered on the tv screen, on the Eyewitness News, 24/7......no, it's always Shemekia, or Darnell, and they always have nothing to say, ala Ebonics....they make sure that copy goes to tape, don't they???? Stereotype, again....for the 123123123216th time.for the 3rd time in this thread alone, i will RE-ITERATE AGAIN for you...

I was referring to the o'connel school district.

scroll up and re-read, because you missed everything it seems.

you are taking one block of my city that i spoke about and turning it into a nationwide event, which is simply out of context.

perhaps, i will use pictures again. my text is obviously not working.

Normal People:




That is such a cheap shot....of course there are thugs....it's a negative component and off shoot of hip hop culture....I wish it would go away, personally...but believe me, there is nothing worse than seeing wiggas, and asians "thugged out", with the dress and the mannerisms....it's like a Twilight Zone episode....really bad. But don't clarify the situation by suggesting that that lifestyle is marginal, and a small compnent of black society as a whole. That would be too much like "right"

Let me state again....it is classist and racist of you to sugges that the difference between the two pics is one represents "MOR" teens and the other "crime-bent" thugs who ought to be locked up or strung up, based simply on how they appear or are dressed....pure prejudice. Not likely, but they could be students from Morehouse College, hanging out on the weekend. You don't know...you've assumed what they are...and that is wrong. wrong, wrong
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 05:50 pm
Freeman15;40322 wrote:
The shotgun incident and the beating were two different incidents. The case for which the "six" were charged was an unprovoked act of aggression.

Spin....get your facts straight....it wasn't unprovoked...the "victim', had hurled "racial epithets". And all of the incidents are inter-related...whether you care to admit that fact, or not. You're entitled to your opinion...but not your own facts.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 05:54 pm
Freeman15;40323 wrote:
I posted this in the closed thread on the subject, looks like you chose to ignore facts again. That's a nasty habit of yours.

Oh, like the shotgun in question, didn't come up "mysteriously" missing.....I'd sooner believe their side of the story...having been the subject of overt hate and racism, and epithets, than some constituents of a "racially charged" town, who think that this is 1939, and they can lynch black people, or suggestively so. I'm not the only one with nasty habits, seemingly.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 11:40 pm
aaronssongs;40409 wrote:
Spin....get your facts straight....it wasn't unprovoked...the "victim', had hurled "racial epithets". And all of the incidents are inter-related...whether you care to admit that fact, or not. You're entitled to your opinion...but not your own facts.

Sooooo, name-calling justifies assault to the point of hospitalization? The law, and society disagree with you.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 11:47 pm
aaronssongs;40410 wrote:
Oh, like the shotgun in question, didn't come up "mysteriously" missing.....I'd sooner believe their side of the story...having been the subject of overt hate and racism, and epithets, than some constituents of a "racially charged" town, who think that this is 1939, and they can lynch black people, or suggestively so. I'm not the only one with nasty habits, seemingly.

I'd like you to apologize for misleading our peers. You mentioned the shotgun in reference to the "Jena Six" incident, and no weapon was present. You blended two events together in an attempt to justify the actions of violent ex-offender black teenagers towards an idiotic trailer trash hick. Fact is, you're the racist here, since you are excusing behavior from a group of people based solely on their/your race.

Facts of the case:

Mychal Bell was a four (now three)time convicted violent felon at the time of the assault.

Robert Bailey had been involved in two violent incidents, including the shotgun incident that same week.

Robert Bailey was charged with theft of a firearm and assault for his role in the shotgun incident.

The kid who got his ass kicked was unarmed, outnumbered, and beaten to the point of needing serious medical attention.

Imagine if six white kids did this to a black kid because the black kid called them "crackers" or "honkeys". They'd be social pariahs before the blood was dry, and you know it. Stop making excuses for these thugs. These punks and the idiots who defend them are the reason blacks don't advance to the levels of other minorities (hispanics for example). You have an air of entitlement and superiority about you because of your race, and it is revolting. You sir, are a racist apologist for these violent teenagers, and your arguments have no factual or logical basis. YOU are hurting black America.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:44 am
Freeman15;40442 wrote:
I'd like you to apologize for misleading our peers. You mentioned the shotgun in reference to the "Jena Six" incident, and no weapon was present. You blended two events together in an attempt to justify the actions of violent ex-offender black teenagers towards an idiotic trailer trash hick. Fact is, you're the racist here, since you are excusing behavior from a group of people based solely on their/your race.

You'll get no apology from me...not until I get an apology from you, for your accusations and your insensitivity.
I am not a racist...I have nothing against white people who act like "human beings"...but when they perpetrate, lie, manipulate, and bear false witness...I reject them and their behavior, out of hand. You'll forgive me if I'm sympathetic toward the black students, as I, myself, have endured "indignities", humiliation, and insults from "whites', thinking themselves justified, with a system in place, that is decidedly biased against black people and persons of color.

Facts of the case:

Mychal Bell was a four (now three)time convicted violent felon at the time of the assault.

Robert Bailey had been involved in two violent incidents, including the shotgun incident that same week.

Robert Bailey was charged with theft of a firearm and assault for his role in the shotgun incident.

The kid who got his ass kicked was unarmed, outnumbered, and beaten to the point of needing serious medical attention.

The kid was unarmed, because the six black kids "unarmed him"...then the shotgun in question, mysteriously vanishes...small wonder.
I guess the white kids in question are model citizens, with no criminal history...where is the documentation. Why aren't the stats listed as they are for the black kids???? We know why....Racism and bias....in a southern town. Odd that you wouldn't even consider the possibility that the "real culprits" are the white students, who instigated the chain of events...Is that because you believe that whites never do nothing wrong, ever...or it's more believable that blacks never do anything right, ever? Hmmmmm

Imagine if six white kids did this to a black kid because the black kid called them "crackers" or "honkeys". They'd be social pariahs before the blood was dry, and you know it. Stop making excuses for these thugs. These punks and the idiots who defend them are the reason blacks don't advance to the levels of other minorities (hispanics for example). You have an air of entitlement and superiority about you because of your race, and it is revolting. You sir, are a racist apologist for these violent teenagers, and your arguments have no factual or logical basis. YOU are hurting black America.

I am not defending the actions of the black students, in no way, fashion or form...actions have consequences (or should). What I am suggesting is that there is no parity, no fair play on the part of law enforcement in that town.
To single out the black students as the perpetrators and the wrong doers, is wrong....there was more than enough culpability to go around, which included some white students...but there is no reprimand forthcoming for them, is there? There is no accountability , no justice, no consequences for them, is there? But that's ok, isn't it? Two kinds of justice. Hypocrisy.

And where do you get off calling these students "thugs"...is it because they beat up a white student who had been "taunting" them...where were the parents in that? Do you suppose the white parents reprimanded their son for using "racial epithets"? Hell, no...and you know it. Where do you suppose he learned to "hate"? It was from "home". Where is the accountability? Where is the outrage for that?
I have an air of entitlement because I am human, and an American citizen, born and raised, and I am my mother's son. I have an air of superiority because I am "learned", and intelligent, and have command of the English language. I am proud of my heritage and my history...but I have no notions of being superior or having entitlement based solely on my race...you seem delusional, to suggest such.
I might be hurting your "skewed and biased" view of what Black America is...but I can assure you, I am not hurting "black America"...and that wouldn't be your call anyway. You can talk all you want to about how you think things should be....that in no way is related to reality, which, by your postings, you are far removed from.
It's simple .....act like a normal, MOR, human being..you might make some friends...call someone by a "racial epithet", hang a noose on a tree, and you might get your ass beat. Your decision. You must think we're gonna take it, and keep quiet like "good lil' darkies".....well, those days are over.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:51 am
Freeman15;40441 wrote:
Sooooo, name-calling justifies assault to the point of hospitalization? The law, and society disagree with you.

I betcha he won't call another racial epithet to anyone within earshot, again. I betcha that.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:52 pm
aaronssongs;40458 wrote:
I am not defending the actions of the black students, in no way, fashion or form...actions have consequences (or should). What I am suggesting is that there is no parity, no fair play on the part of law enforcement in that town.
To single out the black students as the perpetrators and the wrong doers, is wrong....there was more than enough culpability to go around, which included some white students...but there is no reprimand forthcoming for them, is there? There is no accountability , no justice, no consequences for them, is there? But that's ok, isn't it? Two kinds of justice. Hypocrisy.

And where do you get off calling these students "thugs"...is it because they beat up a white student who had been "taunting" them...where were the parents in that? Do you suppose the white parents reprimanded their son for using "racial epithets"? Hell, no...and you know it. Where do you suppose he learned to "hate"? It was from "home". Where is the accountability? Where is the outrage for that?
I have an air of entitlement because I am human, and an American citizen, born and raised, and I am my mother's son. I have an air of superiority because I am "learned", and intelligent, and have command of the English language. I am proud of my heritage and my history...but I have no notions of being superior or having entitlement based solely on my race...you seem delusional, to suggest such.
I might be hurting your "skewed and biased" view of what Black America is...but I can assure you, I am not hurting "black America"...and that wouldn't be your call anyway. You can talk all you want to about how you think things should be....that in no way is related to reality, which, by your postings, you are far removed from.
It's simple .....act like a normal, MOR, human being..you might make some friends...call someone by a "racial epithet", hang a noose on a tree, and you might get your ass beat. Your decision. You must think we're gonna take it, and keep quiet like "good lil' darkies".....well, those days are over.

In this country, people are entitled to their opinions no matter how hateful or unpopular, and their right to express those opinions is constitutitionally protected. There WAS a reprimand for the noose hanging, expulsion was recommended by the principal but he was overruled by the superintendent of the school board, so there WAS a reprimand.

Why should we expect accountability with regard to an unpopular opinion? Racial epithets don't infringe on anybody's rights, you don't have a right not to be offended. The hanging of nooses MIGHT be called a threat, but since no specific victim can be named, there isn't a case. You are equating violence with speech when there simply isn't a correlation. You want everybody to be blamed when in fact only ONE group committed the violent act in question.

I don't expect anybody to keep quiet. Unlike yourself, I am emotionally mature enough to handle free speech without supporting violent retaliation. If these black students had simply confronted the white student they assaulted, returned fire verbally, and left, this entire situation would not have come up. Instead, they chose to gang up and beat on this kid until he required medical attention. I was in my share of fights in high school, but none of them required a hospital visit. These students wanted the white student damaged, plain and simple.

I have an idea. Since through your own thinking, I have a right to attack those with whose speech I take issue, I'll gather up my friends and start beating up black kids who use the word nigger, because that word offends my delicate sensibilities. Grow up. Violence initiated against another human being, except in the defense of another, is ALWAYS wrong. I don't care if you're black, white, or chinese, if you commit a violent act, especially one as severe as the one in question, you deserve severe punishment. Especially if you're a repeat offender (which we know 2 of the 6 were).

You're excusing their behavior, or at the very least attempting to downplay it based on their race. Apparently, blacks are permitted to assault others if they don't like what we say.


Aaron, NO WEAPON, I say again, NO WEAPON, shotgun or otherwise was involved in the case for which the Jena Six are famous. Two days earlier, a DIFFERENT white student had an altercation with Bailey and his friends at a convenient store. It is unclear who taunted who first (likely the white kid), but the end result was Bailey and his friends chasing the white kid to his truck. The white kid (who is NOT the one involved in the Jena Six case), grabbed a shotgun from his truck, and had it taken away from him. Bailey and his friends then ran off after a short scuffle, where they were picked up and Bailey was charged with theft of a firearm and assault. THIS WAS A TOTALLY UNRELATED INCIDENT. I have told you this numerous times, but you still like to think that the 6/1 attack involved a shotgun, IT DIDN'T. You either aren't reading my posts, or you are ignoring facts that hurt your weak argument. You are being intellectually dishonest and you should apologize to our peers for it.

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