The slow march to impeachment

Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 12:47 am
FBI Chief Disputes Gonzales On Spying
Mueller Describes Internal Debate

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writer and Washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A08

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III yesterday contradicted the sworn testimony of his boss, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, by telling Congress that a prominent warrantless surveillance program was the subject of a dramatic legal debate within the Bush administration.

Mueller's testimony appears to mark the first public confirmation from a Bush administration official that the National Security Agency's Terrorist Surveillance Program was at issue in an unusual nighttime visit by Gonzales to the hospital bedside of then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who was under sedation and recovering from surgery.

The throwing of the gauntlet.
It's the beginning of the end....it's surely coming....
Leahy has already suggested investigation of possible perjury by Gonzales.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,839 • Replies: 91
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 01:25 am
Bush is out in a year. Why impeach?
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 02:12 am
Drakej;28056 wrote:
Bush is out in a year. Why impeach?

For principles. To teach him and everyone following him a lesson.
Besides, it'll be a hoot to watch.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 03:05 am
Drakej;28056 wrote:
Bush is out in a year. Why impeach?

Same reason they tried Clinton in '99 Even though he was done in Jan '01. If it is found that it's the right thing to do, than it needs to be done.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 06:15 am
the story will be over in a week
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:20 am
To bad more people in Washington do not want to follow through on the right thing. Seems America today is about doing whats easy not whats right.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:24 am
Indeed.....the long march toward impeaching and incarcerating the Clinton Mafia began in the 1990s, and continues today. In the end, the Christian People of America will triumph, and imprison the Clintons for life, at hard labor.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:33 am
Drakej;28097 wrote:
Seems America today is about doing whats profitable not whats right.

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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:08 am
Pinochet73;28101 wrote:
Indeed.....the long march toward impeaching and incarcerating the Clinton Mafia began in the 1990s, and continues today. In the end, the Christian People of America will triumph, and imprison the Clintons for life, at hard labor.

You seem delusional, to suggest the Clintons' missteps even remotely approaches the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the Bush/Cheney Mafia....
Christian People of America? Is that a non-profit "religious" organization? If so, then their collective voice is extremely limited due to laws and regulations separating matters of Church and State (Thank God!)
I'm a Christian...and a citizen of the US...does that mean I "automatically belong" to the organization? If so...I move that the group silence itself, in order not to appear intolerant of "other" groups (the Islamic People of America, the Buddhist People of America, the "GLBT" People of America, the Baha'is, etc....),because there are other bona fide Americans other than just Christians, this being "America" and all. Geez.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:18 am
aaronssongs;28058 wrote:
For principles. To teach him and everyone following him a lesson.
Besides, it'll be a hoot to watch.

Especially for the USA haters worldwide. They love it when we implode right in front of them.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:21 am
socalgolfguy;28132 wrote:
Especially for the USA haters worldwide. They love it when we implode right in front of them.

I could care less about what others think...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime...we need impeachment...we need cleansing....we need to remove the stench of this administration....and it is the foulest stench.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:24 am
You seem delusional, to suggest the Clintons' missteps even remotely approaches the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the Bush/Cheney Mafia....
WE can prove Clinton lied on video, what can you prove about Bush? No heresay either. For lies you need intent in a court of law.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:32 am
Drnaline;28136 wrote:
WE can prove Clinton lied on video, what can you prove about Bush? No heresay either. For lies you need intent in a court of law.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:33 am
Drnaline;28136 wrote:
WE can prove Clinton lied on video, what can you prove about Bush? No heresay either. For lies you need intent in a court of law.

Don't be idiotic....Clinton lying about having sex, in no way, is comparable to the gross crimes and excesses of Bush and Co. Are you mad?
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:35 am
So what your saying is it didn't go through Congress or a court? Then your reaching. Opinion doesn't cut it, judgment does. So do you have any thing from SCOTUS that would back you opinion?
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:38 am
aaronssongs;28140 wrote:
Don't be idiotic....Clinton lying about having sex, in no way, is comparable to the gross crimes and excesses of Bush and Co. Are you mad?
Don't be idiotic....Clinton lying about having sex, in no way, is comparable to the gross crimes and excesses of Bush and Co.
What crimes? Has he been charged? Where are the court records? Was he convicted? I can prove Clinton lied, you prove Bush did!?
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:46 am
Drnaline;28141 wrote:
So what your saying is it didn't go through Congress or a court? Then your reaching. Opinion doesn't cut it, judgment does. So do you have any thing from SCOTUS that would back you opinion?

Uh, I'm not falling for your spin and "slash and burn" tactics...Impeachment is on the way...mark my words...and even if it's not...history will be foreboding for this president...he'll be remembered in "infamy"...and mark those words. Sorry. No cigar. Truth doesn't need for you to believe it to be true.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:53 am
Boy you conspirists sure put up a good fight.
mark my words...and even if it's not...
Show a lot of faith in your prediction do ya?
Truth doesn't need for you to believe it to be true.
But it sure help if you got Congress or the court to back yuou up, any thing of that sort? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Didn't think so.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:59 am
aaronssongs;28134 wrote:
I could care less about what others think...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime...we need impeachment...we need cleansing....we need to remove the stench of this administration....and it is the foulest stench.

You like that word stench - have a look at Hillary - she belongs in federal prison in my devout opinion.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 12:10 pm
Drnaline;28152 wrote:
Boy you conspirists sure put up a good fight.Show a lot of faith in your prediction do ya?But it sure help if you got Congress or the court to back yuou up, any thing of that sort? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Didn't think so.

Whaaat? If you could express ideas and concepts succinctly, perhaps you would be understood....since you can't, I'll refrain from commenting, as I wouldn't want to misspeak, or be misunderstood. Hmmmm....word to the wise.
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