Why is homosexuality wrong?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:47 am
markx15;39418 wrote:
What a stupid thing to fret about. What is the matter with anyone being gay. There are so many worth while things to discuss about, yet people concentrate on some very strange details. People will do as they wish, it is not because you hate gays that they will disappear from the world. We decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong,

When did this happen.

Our first decision as to right and wrong come from those around us and perhaps later on our own true opinion.

Initially we are led by church or state. Only maturity will cause us to revue our moral and ethical position on things.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:48 am
aaronssongs;39528 wrote:
Indeed...it was not aimed at you...more rhetorical. I appreciate your commentary.


Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:03 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Gays need to recognize the position of even those straits who support the cause. Straits have to be careful as to how they express their support because, even as we support your right to be, we would not choose being Gay as a lifestyle. Just as Gays would not likely choose being straight as a lifestyle.

As a father, I thank God that none of my children are Gay. Not for any negative reason towards Gays but because I value strongly the attribute of reproduction. I do not like to see any gene pool end. Gay or straight. We are all the best that our pool has been able to produce to date. loosing the best is not good for any larger gene pool.

This, strangely, may be the same reason that other straights become homophobic. There is no moral reason to become homophobic but this biological reason may be why they resent the differences. They see the unlikely possibility that if this gene went wild, it would be the end of mankind.

They need to give their head a shake. This will never happen. They should be thinking more of their soul and less of the physical aspects of life.
They show how little faith they have in God by thinking they have to look after a problem instead of letting God deal in whatever way He wants with the Gay souls that after all, He created Gay.

So homophobes have no true faith in God.

Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:14 am
aaronssongs;39442 wrote:
What did you find insulting in my reply? Please point it out. Try as you might, I don't find "liberal" an insult....I wear the title as a badge of honor.

And I won't be sending you any more private messages, insulting your mother...I don't know what came over me. Perhaps it was in response to your post:
" Originally stated by AMERICAFIRST View Post
Because he/she is a basement rat,hell i bet he got beat up alot at school (by girls) now he mad at the world..I would love to meet him face to face and see what size panties he wears...oh he would call that a hate crime too.."

Do remember that? I didn't know you from Adam, and you insulted me first....some might say that the gut reaction was to talk about your mama, in no uncertain terms....I regret it, justified as it might have been.
I am a man. And I can handle you or anyone else, "man to man". Never forget that. I'm done.
Go back and read all the posts again, you attack me first, because I ask what right did 6 blacks have jump on 1 white..your reply was come put one by my tree...so i did, Not my mother, i did, than after that instead of being the man you claim to be, and debate it what do you do, you call for help and reported me..nice going.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:17 am
For what it's worth, I am not homophobic,and for the most part i have nothing agisnt gays, but I won't sleep with one just to make them feel welcome..
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:22 am
QUOTE=Campbell34;39475]The spread of AIDS has everything to do with God. If people had conformed their life to the Bible and kept sex only between the husband and his wife there would of been almost no spreading of Aids. It is because no one keeps sex within the marriage and now having so many partners that the spread of Aids was so fast and so extensive. NO WHERE DID I SAY GOD PUT THIS VIRUS TOGETHER TO ATTACK GAYS. I STATED JUST THE OPPSITE. Living a life within the marriage vows would of protected so many. The virus was spread because sex has become a sport more than something valued between husband and wife. It is not I who is spreading lies here. READ MY POST BEFOE MAKING YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE.[/QUOTE]

Well, my, my, my. Is this the Victorian Age or the 21st Century? Joni Mitchell has a song, "Sex Kills".....my suggestion is "stupidity kills", because it is only through awareness and education that the virus is contained. For godssake, it's damn virus....like a cold is a virus...like the flu is a virus. Did God send down "colds and flus" to punish people for their evil ways? Of course not.
Sex has been going on since...oh, let's see...the beginning of time? And were God to condemn people for having premarital sex, sex outside of marriage, kinky sex, boring sex, sex for profit, sex as recreation, sex to keep warm....then Heaven is going to be a pretty lonely place, occupied by mostly God and the Heavenly Host. Doesn't follow logic.
No, keeping it real, Whoopi Goldberg said, "you can't stop kids from having sex...it feels good". You stop having sex, if it has become problematic for you.
Everyone knows that sex, within the confines of a committed relationship or marriage, is more rewarding, and deeper (usually), and therefore, preferable...let that be the goal. But to assume that people are going to change their views on sex, into some hyper-moralistic mumbo jumbo robotic mindset, is to be naive to the extreme. Other cultures, societies, and nations "don't trip" on sex, as much as we American do. Hypocrites that we are, we use it to sell everything, from cars to toothpaste....yet we go bonkers if we think people are getting more than their fair share....at least, more than us.
Since we emerged from caves, sex has been for procreation, "and sport"...get a grip.

AIDS, spreading globally, is truly the result of the planet getting smaller, due to world-wide travel, and interaction, and fraternization. It has be dealt with on a global level, and not reduced to condemnation of subgroups, as the primary source...it is not, nor has it ever been "a gay disease". It is a disease, period. Take God out of the equation...your argument is not based on fact, but on faith..."ill-conceived", and based on delusion. Your own.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:26 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;39534 wrote:
Gays need to recognize the position of even those straits who support the cause. Straits have to be careful as to how they express their support because, even as we support your right to be, we would not choose being Gay as a lifestyle. Just as Gays would not likely choose being straight as a lifestyle.

As a father, I thank God that none of my children are Gay. Not for any negative reason towards Gays but because I value strongly the attribute of reproduction. I do not like to see any gene pool end. Gay or straight. We are all the best that our pool has been able to produce to date. loosing the best is not good for any larger gene pool.

This, strangely, may be the same reason that other straights become homophobic. There is no moral reason to become homophobic but this biological reason may be why they resent the differences. They see the unlikely possibility that if this gene went wild, it would be the end of mankind.

They need to give their head a shake. This will never happen. They should be thinking more of their soul and less of the physical aspects of life.
They show how little faith they have in God by thinking they have to look after a problem instead of letting God deal in whatever way He wants with the Gay souls that after all, He created Gay.

So homophobes have no true faith in God.


Wow! You said a mouthful.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:31 am
AMERICAFIRST;39536 wrote:
Go back and read all the posts again, you attack me first, because I ask what right did 6 blacks have jump on 1 white..your reply was come put one by my tree...so i did, Not my mother, i did, than after that instead of being the man you claim to be, and debate it what do you do, you call for help and reported me..nice going.

Oh, poor, poor victimology. Typical response. Do as I say, not as I do.
Forgive me, if I can better phrase my commentary so as not to be a direct attack, and still get my message over. It's a deft skill.
And you give yourself away...the very thought that you would, indeed, place a noose on a tree, near me, speaks more than volumes. Surprise, not.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:33 am
aaronssongs;39543 wrote:
Oh, poor, poor victimology. Typical response. Do as I say, not as I do.
Forgive me, if I can better phrase my commentary so as not to be a direct attack, and still get my message over. It's a deft skill.
And you give yourself away...the very thought that you would, indeed, place a noose on a tree, near me, speaks more than volumes. Surprise, not.
What ever, just get crying the "woe me's" besides I not a rope man,,take too much time..
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:35 am
AMERICAFIRST;39538 wrote:
For what it's worth, I am not homophobic,and for the most part i have nothing agisnt gays, but I won't sleep with one just to make them feel welcome..

Why is it that some straight men, actually think that all gays want to get with them? Believe me, were any one of them to know your mindset, you wouldn't have to worry about sleeping with one....they wouldn't do it, if you begged them. Geez. Come back to Earth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:38 am
AMERICAFIRST;39545 wrote:
What ever, just get crying the "woe me's" besides I not a rope man,,take too much time..

What is that supposed to mean? And you claim not to be homophobic or racist, right?
I'd be interested in anyone in this forum to comment on this. It's outrageous.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:45 am
aaronssongs;39548 wrote:
What is that supposed to mean? And you claim not to be homophobic or racist, right?
I'd be interested in anyone in this forum to comment on this. It's outrageous.
So i am a homophobic and a racist, why cause I won't kiss your ass, and believe me I have read some commits others have made about you..not very nice..but I will end this before you REPORT ME again..bye have a nice day..my god be with you guide you to a peaceful place..:peace:
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:54 am
AMERICAFIRST;39551 wrote:
So i am a homophobic and a racist, why cause I won't kiss your ass, and believe me I have read some commits others have made about you..not very nice..but I will end this before you REPORT ME again..bye have a nice day..my god be with you guide you to a peaceful place..:peace:

What a cop out! Instead of explaining your own words (which would have damned you), you bait and switch, accuse me of wanting you to kiss my ass (nothing could be further from the truth)....then you turn to hearsay (based all upon my willingness to challenge those who did not play by the rules, and expected me to be a good little darkie, and "take it".....WRONG).
Then, disingenuously, you feign an "olive branch", that you would sooner skewer me with, and then you run away. What a performance. Typical bully-like behavior.
I'm not buying it..and I'm sure, neither is anyone else.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 08:04 am
aaronssongs;39556 wrote:
What a cop out! Instead of explaining your own words (which would have damned you), you bait and switch, accuse me of wanting you to kiss my ass (nothing could be further from the truth)....then you turn to hearsay (based all upon my willingness to challenge those who did not play by the rules, and expected me to be a good little darkie, and "take it".....WRONG).
Then, disingenuously, you feign an "olive branch", that you would sooner skewer me with, and then you run away. What a performance. Typical bully-like behavior.
I'm not buying it..and I'm sure, neither is anyone else.
So now your black,and no I didn't offer you any branch, I just realize what kind of person you are, and did the right thing...nothing more, nothing less..now you have a nice day and don't let all them mean old white people get to you...
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 08:20 am
AMERICAFIRST;39558 wrote:
So now your black,and no I didn't offer you any branch, I just realize what kind of person you are, and did the right thing...nothing more, nothing less..now you have a nice day and don't let all them mean old white people get to you...

You, yourself said that you had read what others had to say about me...so it doesn't come as that big of a surprise. Remember you're the one who was coming with a noose to me, right? So, don't say, "So now your (sic) black"
You did offer up a olive branch when you pretended to mend fences and wish me a peaceful day....a sentiment you hardly felt.
And what kind of person am I ? I'd be interested in you elaborating. And for the record, I don't believe in "mean old white people", any more than I believe in the boogie man. Hmmmm.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 02:09 pm
aaronssongs;39540 wrote:
QUOTE=Campbell34;39475]The spread of AIDS has everything to do with God. If people had conformed their life to the Bible and kept sex only between the husband and his wife there would of been almost no spreading of Aids. It is because no one keeps sex within the marriage and now having so many partners that the spread of Aids was so fast and so extensive. NO WHERE DID I SAY GOD PUT THIS VIRUS TOGETHER TO ATTACK GAYS. I STATED JUST THE OPPSITE. Living a life within the marriage vows would of protected so many. The virus was spread because sex has become a sport more than something valued between husband and wife. It is not I who is spreading lies here. READ MY POST BEFOE MAKING YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE.

Well, my, my, my. Is this the Victorian Age or the 21st Century? Joni Mitchell has a song, "Sex Kills".....my suggestion is "stupidity kills", because it is only through awareness and education that the virus is contained. For godssake, it's damn virus....like a cold is a virus...like the flu is a virus. Did God send down "colds and flus" to punish people for their evil ways? Of course not.
Sex has been going on since...oh, let's see...the beginning of time? And were God to condemn people for having premarital sex, sex outside of marriage, kinky sex, boring sex, sex for profit, sex as recreation, sex to keep warm....then Heaven is going to be a pretty lonely place, occupied by mostly God and the Heavenly Host. Doesn't follow logic.
No, keeping it real, Whoopi Goldberg said, "you can't stop kids from having sex...it feels good". You stop having sex, if it has become problematic for you.
Everyone knows that sex, within the confines of a committed relationship or marriage, is more rewarding, and deeper (usually), and therefore, preferable...let that be the goal. But to assume that people are going to change their views on sex, into some hyper-moralistic mumbo jumbo robotic mindset, is to be naive to the extreme. Other cultures, societies, and nations "don't trip" on sex, as much as we American do. Hypocrites that we are, we use it to sell everything, from cars to toothpaste....yet we go bonkers if we think people are getting more than their fair share....at least, more than us.
Since we emerged from caves, sex has been for procreation, "and sport"...get a grip.

AIDS, spreading globally, is truly the result of the planet getting smaller, due to world-wide travel, and interaction, and fraternization. It has be dealt with on a global level, and not reduced to condemnation of subgroups, as the primary source...it is not, nor has it ever been "a gay disease". It is a disease, period. Take God out of the equation...your argument is not based on fact, but on faith..."ill-conceived", and based on delusion. Your own.[/QUOTE]

Let me just say this, if people lived moral lives as the Bible has instructed us to, Aids would not of been spread as it was. You don't want to follow the Bible, fine. It was the Bible that tried to first EDUCATE the people of this planet. And I got news for you, if you raise your kids without morals, then Whoopi is right, you can't stop your kids from having sex. When you raise your kids to act like animals, they may very well die like animals. Raise your kids to honor God, and live pure lives before Him, chances are they will live longer lives that help society not bring it down. Yeah those Christians, they were homofobics, they repressed people sexually, they were so stupid, and yet back then, we did not have Aids did we. Are open minds and the sexual revolution is killing us. If we had only listened to the Bible, but we did what was right in our own eyes, and laughted at the Bible, now millions are dieing.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 03:37 pm
Campbell34;39617 wrote:
Well, my, my, my. Is this the Victorian Age or the 21st Century? Joni Mitchell has a song, "Sex Kills".....my suggestion is "stupidity kills", because it is only through awareness and education that the virus is contained. For godssake, it's damn virus....like a cold is a virus...like the flu is a virus. Did God send down "colds and flus" to punish people for their evil ways? Of course not.
Sex has been going on since...oh, let's see...the beginning of time? And were God to condemn people for having premarital sex, sex outside of marriage, kinky sex, boring sex, sex for profit, sex as recreation, sex to keep warm....then Heaven is going to be a pretty lonely place, occupied by mostly God and the Heavenly Host. Doesn't follow logic.
No, keeping it real, Whoopi Goldberg said, "you can't stop kids from having sex...it feels good". You stop having sex, if it has become problematic for you.
Everyone knows that sex, within the confines of a committed relationship or marriage, is more rewarding, and deeper (usually), and therefore, preferable...let that be the goal. But to assume that people are going to change their views on sex, into some hyper-moralistic mumbo jumbo robotic mindset, is to be naive to the extreme. Other cultures, societies, and nations "don't trip" on sex, as much as we American do. Hypocrites that we are, we use it to sell everything, from cars to toothpaste....yet we go bonkers if we think people are getting more than their fair share....at least, more than us.
Since we emerged from caves, sex has been for procreation, "and sport"...get a grip.

AIDS, spreading globally, is truly the result of the planet getting smaller, due to world-wide travel, and interaction, and fraternization. It has be dealt with on a global level, and not reduced to condemnation of subgroups, as the primary source...it is not, nor has it ever been "a gay disease". It is a disease, period. Take God out of the equation...your argument is not based on fact, but on faith..."ill-conceived", and based on delusion. Your own.

Let me just say this, if people lived moral lives as the Bible has instructed us to, Aids would not of been spread as it was. You don't want to follow the Bible, fine. It was the Bible that tried to first EDUCATE the people of this planet. And I got news for you, if you raise your kids without morals, then Whoopi is right, you can't stop your kids from having sex. When you raise your kids to act like animals, they may very well die like animals. Raise your kids to honor God, and live pure lives before Him, chances are they will live longer lives that help society not bring it down. Yeah those Christians, they were homofobics, they repressed people sexually, they were so stupid, and yet back then, we did not have Aids did we. Are open minds and the sexual revolution is killing us. If we had only listened to the Bible, but we did what was right in our own eyes, and laughted at the Bible, now millions are dieing.[/QUOTE]

One cannot take you seriously, with so many spelling mistakes...when all that is needed is spell check or a dictionary...please take the time to use them, and spare the readers of your postings.

That being said....one as to wonder if you are at all "well-read"....Classic Greek literature predates any biblical writings by centuries. The Library at Alexandria, the largest in the world at the time, was founded in the 3rd century B.C....so for you to say that the Bible was the first writing to "educate the people of this planet", is ludicrous...which means that most of what you're saying is conceived in your own misguided mind, and not based in any fact...so let's just leave it at that...keep on believing what you know is true.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:52 am
aaronssongs;39618 wrote:
Let me just say this, if people lived moral lives as the Bible has instructed us to, Aids would not of been spread as it was. You don't want to follow the Bible, fine. It was the Bible that tried to first EDUCATE the people of this planet. And I got news for you, if you raise your kids without morals, then Whoopi is right, you can't stop your kids from having sex. When you raise your kids to act like animals, they may very well die like animals. Raise your kids to honor God, and live pure lives before Him, chances are they will live longer lives that help society not bring it down. Yeah those Christians, they were homofobics, they repressed people sexually, they were so stupid, and yet back then, we did not have Aids did we. Are open minds and the sexual revolution is killing us. If we had only listened to the Bible, but we did what was right in our own eyes, and laughted at the Bible, now millions are dieing.

One cannot take you seriously, with so many spelling mistakes...when all that is needed is spell check or a dictionary...please take the time to use them, and spare the readers of your postings.

That being said....one as to wonder if you are at all "well-read"....Classic Greek literature predates any biblical writings by centuries. The Library at Alexandria, the largest in the world at the time, was founded in the 3rd century B.C....so for you to say that the Bible was the first writing to "educate the people of this planet", is ludicrous...which means that most of what you're saying is conceived in your own misguided mind, and not based in any fact...so let's just leave it at that...keep on believing what you know is true.[/QUOTE]

So Classic Greek literature predates biblical writings, so what? And do those writings speak of future events before they happen as the Bible dose? And which one of those writings warned the people of earth that living a sexually immoral life will bring evil on them? I can't wait to hear your well educated answer. No, lets not leave it at that, back up your statement with facts. Which one of those Classic Greek writings warned the people of earth to live pure lives in order to keep themselves from evil? Where are your facts?
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
So Classic Greek literature predates biblical writings, so what? And do those writings speak of future events before they happen as the Bible dose? And which one of those writings warned the people of earth that living a sexually immoral life will bring evil on them? I can't wait to hear your well educated answer. No, lets not leave it at that, back up your statement with facts. Which one of those Classic Greek writings warned the people of earth to live pure lives in order to keep themselves from evil? Where are your facts?[/QUOTE]

So what? Some of the greatest literature in the world and all you can say is 'So what'? Aristotle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In the classical period many of the genres of western literature became more prominent. Lyrical poetry, odes, pastorals, elegies, epigrams; dramatic presentations of comedy and tragedy; histories, rhetorical treatises, philosophical dialectics, and philosophical treatise all arose in this period. As the genres evolved, various expectations arose, such that a particular poetic genre came to require the Doric or Lesbian dialect.

The two major lyrical poets were Sappho and Pindar. The Classical era also saw the dawn of drama. Of the hundreds of tragedy|tragedies written and performed during the classical age, only a limited number of plays by three authors have survived: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.

Like tragedy, comedy arose from a ritual in honor of Dionysus, but in this case the plays were full of frank obscenity, abuse, and insult. The surviving plays by Aristophanes are a treasure trove of comic presentation. Menander is considered the best of the writers of the New Comedy.

Two of the most influential historians who had yet lived flourished during Greece's classical age: Herodotus and Thucydides. A third historian, Xenophon, began his 'Hellenica' where Thucydides ended his work about 411 BC and carried his history to 362 BC.

The greatest prose achievement of the 4th century was in philosophy. Amongst the tide of Greek philosophy, three names tower above the rest: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Were it not for Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Western civilization would not exist as we know it.

Most of the writings were of a practical nature, dealing with the stuff of life, asking questions as to the how and why of things, and man's part in it. I don't know if there were predictions for future events in the writings...but look at the good that has been done by Biblical predictions....they might as well have gone missing for all the good it has done. People kill, go to war, abuse each other...there are disasters, floods, volcanic eruptions...it's not like the Bible provided a template that would avert such calamities...so what good is being warned, if you can't change anything?
We should live good and holy lives, despite whatever may come, because it's the "right thing to do"...it shouldn't be "fear-based", or under threat of retribution. How stupid is that?
If your premise is that the Bible, or bible reading has made the world a better place...then the verdict would be a deadlocked jury. For some, the world is a nightmare, and a hell on earth. For others, a thing of beauty and wonder.
However, for you to suggest that HIV/AIDS is the just reward for living an immoral life is simply ludicrous. One can be infected during one single solitary sexual encounter.....hardly indicative of a "sexual butterfly". Some teens have become infected after their first sexual experience. Would you call them "immoral", and therefore, got their "just desserts"???
My question to you is in the end, do you expect leniency for your transgressions, while you seemingly have no sympathy or compassion for others?
If the Bible was constructed, in an effort to keep evil from the world, it didn't work. There is more than enough evil to go around. And hate is, seemingly, everywhere.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:47 am
aaronssongs;39697 wrote:
So Classic Greek literature predates biblical writings, so what? And do those writings speak of future events before they happen as the Bible dose? And which one of those writings warned the people of earth that living a sexually immoral life will bring evil on them? I can't wait to hear your well educated answer. No, lets not leave it at that, back up your statement with facts. Which one of those Classic Greek writings warned the people of earth to live pure lives in order to keep themselves from evil? Where are your facts?

So what? Some of the greatest literature in the world and all you can say is 'So what'? Aristotle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In the classical period many of the genres of western literature became more prominent. Lyrical poetry, odes, pastorals, elegies, epigrams; dramatic presentations of comedy and tragedy; histories, rhetorical treatises, philosophical dialectics, and philosophical treatise all arose in this period. As the genres evolved, various expectations arose, such that a particular poetic genre came to require the Doric or Lesbian dialect.

The two major lyrical poets were Sappho and Pindar. The Classical era also saw the dawn of drama. Of the hundreds of tragedy|tragedies written and performed during the classical age, only a limited number of plays by three authors have survived: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.

Like tragedy, comedy arose from a ritual in honor of Dionysus, but in this case the plays were full of frank obscenity, abuse, and insult. The surviving plays by Aristophanes are a treasure trove of comic presentation. Menander is considered the best of the writers of the New Comedy.

Two of the most influential historians who had yet lived flourished during Greece's classical age: Herodotus and Thucydides. A third historian, Xenophon, began his 'Hellenica' where Thucydides ended his work about 411 BC and carried his history to 362 BC.

The greatest prose achievement of the 4th century was in philosophy. Amongst the tide of Greek philosophy, three names tower above the rest: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Were it not for Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Western civilization would not exist as we know it.

Most of the writings were of a practical nature, dealing with the stuff of life, asking questions as to the how and why of things, and man's part in it. I don't know if there were predictions for future events in the writings...but look at the good that has been done by Biblical predictions....they might as well have gone missing for all the good it has done. People kill, go to war, abuse each other...there are disasters, floods, volcanic eruptions...it's not like the Bible provided a template that would avert such calamities...so what good is being warned, if you can't change anything?
We should live good and holy lives, despite whatever may come, because it's the "right thing to do"...it shouldn't be "fear-based", or under threat of retribution. How stupid is that?
If your premise is that the Bible, or bible reading has made the world a better place...then the verdict would be a deadlocked jury. For some, the world is a nightmare, and a hell on earth. For others, a thing of beauty and wonder.
However, for you to suggest that HIV/AIDS is the just reward for living an immoral life is simply ludicrous. One can be infected during one single solitary sexual encounter.....hardly indicative of a "sexual butterfly". Some teens have become infected after their first sexual experience. Would you call them "immoral", and therefore, got their "just desserts"???
My question to you is in the end, do you expect leniency for your transgressions, while you seemingly have no sympathy or compassion for others?
If the Bible was constructed, in an effort to keep evil from the world, it didn't work. There is more than enough evil to go around. And hate is, seemingly, everywhere.[/QUOTE]

I don't care about how great the classic Greek literature is. I care that the World has ignored the warnings given in the Bible. Yes most of the writings were of a pratical nature and asking questions. The Bible does not ask questions, it tells you what will happen in this world because of unchecked sin. The Bible has made people who receive it's message better people over all. And the one's who donot receive it's message often donot try to achieve
those higher moral standards. You say some teens have become infected after their first sexual experience. You asked, would I call them "imoral". My answer to that is YES, if they were not married, YES. Sex is not some game, it is something God gave us to be pure in the marriage. I have had sex with one woman in my life, and that is my wife. Neither one of us have to worry about contracting some social sickness because we followed the Biblical standard. God did not send AIDS, but God told us how to avoid it. And the Bible tells us that most of the world would not be intrested in it's truth, because most of this world loves darkness more than light. This world loves pleasure more than God. And that is why Christ said, wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many their be that go in there at, but narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life, and few there be that find it. When people ignore God's warnings and support lifestyles that will harm others. Then they are the real one's who lack compassion. Real compassion requires that you speak the truth, and give warnings to protect those around you.

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