Why is homosexuality wrong?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:46 am
Xenocide91;39009 wrote:
God's design was tainted by the temptation Satan gave Eve and Adam and Eve used their free will to choose this. Satan just rolls it along until you decide to be an abomination and go against God's wishes.

This temptation that Satan gave Eve was sanctioned by God. Satan does not move without the will of God. See Job.

Why then do you think that God allowed a supernatural and powerful entity to tempt a completely innocent female who had no knowledge of good and evil and lies?

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Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:57 am
AMERICAFIRST;39326 wrote:
I just wonder,"If there was an cure for the gays, just how many gays would take it"?

Good question.

Closer to the theme of the thread would be the question.

How do we treat those who refuse the (cure).

Would the homophobes use force to insure participation?
Or would they just continue the denigration and discrimination without showing the moral tenant that is being served by this wrong action.

Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:27 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;39328 wrote:
Good question.

Closer to the theme of the thread would be the question.

How do we treat those who refuse the (cure).

Would the homophobes use force to insure participation?
Or would they just continue the denigration and discrimination without showing the moral tenant that is being served by this wrong action.

It's as close to the theme of the thread as bring god into it..besides it was just a question..but than that one of the reasons this wrong, gay get pissed when ask a question..
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:53 am
AMERICAFIRST;39333 wrote:
It's as close to the theme of the thread as bring god into it..besides it was just a question..but than that one of the reasons this wrong, gay get pissed when ask a question..

Read again.

Who is Gay and who is pissed??

My reply was to change any answer form a useless number to a moral question. Innocuous at worst.

Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 05:10 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39326 wrote:
I just wonder,"If there was an cure for the gays, just how many gays would take it"?

Well, count me out.....I feel that it's a blessing not a curse that I am gay.
I'm a little selfish...not a prescription for being a parent. My hat is off to those who decided to procreate but ( I was W.C.Fields, in another life...and he couldn't stand children). If it wasn't for gays, Art, Music, Fashion, Film, Design, Beauty are among the things in life that would suffer from the input and the impact that they exhibit.
I have sensibilities that I wouldn't have were I not gay...and I appreciate that aspect of myself.
But actually, it's a moot question..you might as well ask, if there was a cure for "left-handedness", would someone take it, in order to be "right-handed". NO. WHY?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 05:12 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;39328 wrote:
Good question.

Closer to the theme of the thread would be the question.

How do we treat those who refuse the (cure).

Would the homophobes use force to insure participation?
Or would they just continue the denigration and discrimination without showing the moral tenant that is being served by this wrong action.


I got a question....if you could take a pill to cure your "homophobia" , would you take it?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 05:18 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;39335 wrote:
Read again.

Who is Gay and who is pissed??

My reply was to change any answer form a useless number to a moral question. Innocuous at worst.


Uh, I bet that was a reference to "me".....as I seem to be the only "vocal" gay, up in here, but I hope I'm not ever addressed as "this wrong gay". And I don't get pissed by being asked a question. I get pissed when people asking questions don't consider the tone or the implications of the question asked, or for some one to assume something, based on their experiences . If I asked, "who are you sleeping with", you would be right to be pissed, and to tell me that its' none of my business....hey, it was question...just not the right question.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 06:35 pm
aaronssongs;39388 wrote:
Well, count me out.....I feel that it's a blessing not a curse that I am gay.
I'm a little selfish...not a prescription for being a parent. My hat is off to those who decided to procreate but ( I was W.C.Fields, in another life...and he couldn't stand children). If it wasn't for gays, Art, Music, Fashion, Film, Design, Beauty are among the things in life that would suffer from the input and the impact that they exhibit.
I have sensibilities that I wouldn't have were I not gay...and I appreciate that aspect of myself.
But actually, it's a moot question..you might as well ask, if there was a cure for "left-handedness", would someone take it, in order to be "right-handed". NO. WHY?
So being gay is a choice?I didn't know you could put a tone on the PC...wow now it's a hand thing..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 06:39 pm
aaronssongs;39391 wrote:
Uh, I bet that was a reference to "me".....as I seem to be the only "vocal" gay, up in here, but I hope I'm not ever addressed as "this wrong gay". And I don't get pissed by being asked a question. I get pissed when people asking questions don't consider the tone or the implications of the question asked, or for some one to assume something, based on their experiences . If I asked, "who are you sleeping with", you would be right to be pissed, and to tell me that its' none of my business....hey, it was question...just not the right question.
believe me you not that important for it to be about you, in your mind everything is about you, but it's not..life go's on..
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:25 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
What a stupid thing to fret about. What is the matter with anyone being gay. There are so many worth while things to discuss about, yet people concentrate on some very strange details. People will do as they wish, it is not because you hate gays that they will disappear from the world. We decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong, how can that be something concrete? If right and wrong are only opinion you can't hold someone to it. Some will say that God forbids it. He also forbids you to covet anything, in other words, he forbids ambition, but we have developed an entire economic-political reality firmly based on competition, which without ambition doesn't exist. What do you have to say about that? Some will say it is fisiologically worthless, it reduces the chance for procreation, well, since we have aproximatly 6 billion humans, and it is estimated that we will balance out around 9 billion, I don't think there is much need for all of us to have offspring. Actually it is a badge of freedom that people can decide to be gay, it shows how much we have grown as a society that we can choose how to live our lives in the manner that most accuratly expresses our temperment. Rejoice, we are all diferent and if you focus only on that you will fail to see that we are also very much alike.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:29 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39401 wrote:
believe me you not that important for it to be about you, in your mind everything is about you, but it's not..life go's on..

Uh it would be "...you're not that important.." and "...life goes on.."
If you used English correctly, people would put more importance to the things you might have to say.
And it is about me...and you know it. Don't play games...who could you have been referring to? And who said I wasn't that important?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:31 pm
markx15;39418 wrote:
What a stupid thing to fret about. What is the matter with anyone being gay. There are so many worth while things to discuss about, yet people concentrate on some very strange details. People will do as they wish, it is not because you hate gays that they will disappear from the world. We decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong, how can that be something concrete? If right and wrong are only opinion you can't hold someone to it. Some will say that God forbids it. He also forbids you to covet anything, in other words, he forbids ambition, but we have developed an entire economic-political reality firmly based on competition, which without ambition doesn't exist. What do you have to say about that? Some will say it is fisiologically worthless, it reduces the chance for procreation, well, since we have aproximatly 6 billion humans, and it is estimated that we will balance out around 9 billion, I don't think there is much need for all of us to have offspring. Actually it is a badge of freedom that people can decide to be gay, it shows how much we have grown as a society that we can choose how to live our lives in the manner that most accuratly expresses our temperment. Rejoice, we are all diferent and if you focus only on that you will fail to see that we are also very much alike.

Thank God, there are still some wise people in the world . Amen
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:31 pm
aaronssongs;39389 wrote:
I got a question....if you could take a pill to cure your "homophobia" , would you take it?
wrong again, i am not homophobic,that would be like me saying your only gay cause you can't get woman,make about as much sence...
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:38 pm
aaronssongs;39422 wrote:
Uh it would be "...you're not that important.." and "...life goes on.."
If you used English correctly, people would put more importance to the things you might have to say.
And it is about me...and you know it. Don't play games...who could you have been referring to? And who said I wasn't that important?
I said your not that important ,I guess I ask a question and caught you off guard, and the only reply can be an insult, how liberal of you..btw don't be sending me anymore pm"s insulting my mother, if you can't handle me man to man than don't reply to any of my post..and I will treat you the same way..
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:42 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39424 wrote:
wrong again, i am not homophobic,that would be like me saying your only gay cause you can't get woman,make about as much sence...

Who said the question was directed to you? Now, it's all about "you". Wasn't that what you were just deriding? And again, I failed to get the analogy you were trying to make. In your previous postings, it seemed as though you had such contempt for gays...you expressed as much to me in a private message...that being said, it's not at all that I can't get a woman, as I have had quite a few (between you and I, some women find it a "turn on", if they can turn the head or other parts of the anatomy of a "gay man", it must signify that they must be some kind of "super femme fatale", so, indeed, some try)...it's just that I biologically speaking "can function"...it's just that I have a preference...a decided preference...so, since I was "so wrong"...perhaps, you could clarify what you meant.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:56 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39428 wrote:
I said your not that important ,I guess I ask a question and caught you off guard, and the only reply can be an insult, how liberal of you..btw don't be sending me anymore pm"s insulting my mother, if you can't handle me man to man than don't reply to any of my post..and I will treat you the same way..

What did you find insulting in my reply? Please point it out. Try as you might, I don't find "liberal" an insult....I wear the title as a badge of honor.

And I won't be sending you any more private messages, insulting your mother...I don't know what came over me. Perhaps it was in response to your post:
" Originally stated by AMERICAFIRST View Post
Because he/she is a basement rat,hell i bet he got beat up alot at school (by girls) now he mad at the world..I would love to meet him face to face and see what size panties he wears...oh he would call that a hate crime too.."

Do remember that? I didn't know you from Adam, and you insulted me first....some might say that the gut reaction was to talk about your mama, in no uncertain terms....I regret it, justified as it might have been.
I am a man. And I can handle you or anyone else, "man to man". Never forget that. I'm done.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:02 pm
or bring in the mods
aaronssongs;39432 wrote:
Who said the question was directed to you? Now, it's all about "you". Wasn't that what you were just deriding? And again, I failed to get the analogy you were trying to make. In your previous postings, it seemed as though you had such contempt for gays...you expressed as much to me in a private message...that being said, it's not at all that I can't get a woman, as I have had quite a few (between you and I, some women find it a "turn on", if they can turn the head or other parts of the anatomy of a "gay man", it must signify that they must be some kind of "super femme fatale", so, indeed, some try)...it's just that I biologically speaking "can function"...it's just that I have a preference...a decided preference...so, since I was "so wrong"...perhaps, you could clarify what you meant.
well when you contacted me by PM you call my mother a whore but you were to much of a coward to bring it to the open board, so yes I tore you a new ass, and not the way you like it.. can't you debate without the hissy fits??or bring in the mods..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:58 pm
aaronssongs;39292 wrote:
Doggy-poo-poo. HIV is a virus which is common in some simians (monkeys) in Africa...word is that, some Africans were infected with tainted monkey blood, while they were being vaccinated against polio (whether an accident or on purpose is a matter of conjecture)...if true , would mean that the virus was a "man-made" anomaly, having absolutely nothing to do with the "wrath of God", and more with the evil nature of man, ...the sinister intentions of " certain governments" to find a "final solution " to Africans, and thereby access or annex their land and their resources....(and if you think this might be fantasy...just look at what is happening in Iraq)_. Joke is "the powers that be" didn't count on the general population (The West, Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world) being affected by what was meant to be a "contained African situation"...they underestimated sexual relations across racial divides and the virulence of the virus in humans. Now you can Google all this and find references to my assertions. Now the virus is world-wide....and has absolutely nothing to dowith God. So, would you please quit with spreading lies and gossip, and promoting mythology..because you are in essence denying the evil that men do and are capable of doing. The devil exists, and he is of this world...and he lives in some of us, quiet as it is kept.

The spread of AIDS has everything to do with God. If people had conformed their life to the Bible and kept sex only between the husband and his wife there would of been almost no spreading of Aids. It is because no one keeps sex within the marriage and now having so many partners that the spread of Aids was so fast and so extensive. NO WHERE DID I SAY GOD PUT THIS VIRUS TOGETHER TO ATTACK GAYS. I STATED JUST THE OPPSITE. Living a life within the marriage vows would of protected so many. The virus was spread because sex has become a sport more than something valued between husband and wife. It is not I who is spreading lies here. READ MY POST BEFOE MAKING YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:39 am
aaronssongs;39389 wrote:
I got a question....if you could take a pill to cure your "homophobia" , would you take it?

I hope that this is more of a general question and not one aimed at me.

If you read my posts you will find that I oppose the homophobes hence the reason why I started this thread to begin with.

Unfortunately we could not force this pill on anyone any more than we can or should force anything onto Gays.

Education and opinion will have to be the pill for all.

Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:44 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;39527 wrote:
I hope that this is more of a general question and not one aimed at me.

If you read my posts you will find that I oppose the homophobes hence the reason why I started this thread to begin with.

Unfortunately we could not force this pill on anyone any more than we can or should force anything onto Gays.

Education and opinion will have to be the pill for all.


Indeed...it was not aimed at you...more rhetorical. I appreciate your commentary.

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