GAYS - The Bible is full of Crapola

Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 10:07 am
Drnaline;20701 wrote:
They spread aids much more likely then hetero's. There lifestyle is detrimental to there health. They can not procreat. They promote abnormal behavior out side of the home. If they kept there antics strictly there i wouldn't have a problem but they like to have gay parade's and stuff. Taking there behavior out of the bedroom and into society. You do know that the only way there lifestyle can procreat is threw recruitment to there behavior? You consider this good for society, to promote abnormal behavior?

Please prove that homosexuals are detrimental to their health? There is no prove that the gay life style is unhealthy physically or emotionally.

define abnormal behavior. Is practicing wiccan abnormal behavior? Is shaving off your hair abnormal behavior? is being a socialist abnormal behavior? Many people have abnormal behavior but I do not see you making rules that they can only express themselves in their own homes. This is American home of diversity.

They are only recruiting others who are gay and oppressed not converting people from heterosexuals to homosexuals. No different than your christians converting people.

Them having gay pride is showing others it is ok to be gay. There is nothing wrong with that. I mean Christians go out with crosses on their shirts and giving out balloons to children to show it is ok to be Christian.

Yes I do think it ok to promote adnormal behavior. People are different. I think it quite acceptable to promote face piercing, studying wicca or another religion that is not widely accepted by the sheeple and the conformist. I think more people should shave their head bald, dye their hair purple and wear outdated clothing from the 70's.

I find it funny that Christians are all about the sin of homosexuality and how it is an abomination yet they never kick out or keep from their churches obese people which make up 60 percent of their congregations. Remember gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins.

Fat people live their lives in sin for being fat and lazy and are going to hell.

but I guess if you actually followed that rule who would fund your churches ROFLMAO.

Face it is all about sex. Something you personally find uncomfortable and probably secretly fantacize about homosexuals going at it. You don't want to see two gay lovers on the street because it may cause others to have erotic feelings.

Humans cannot handle their own sexuality and Chrisitan are taught it is taboo.

What an unfillfilling life to supress all those natural instincts.
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 11:37 am
STNGfan;20712 wrote:
Please prove that homosexuals are detrimental to their health? There is no prove that the gay life style is unhealthy physically or emotionally.

define abnormal behavior. Is practicing wiccan abnormal behavior? Is shaving off your hair abnormal behavior? is being a socialist abnormal behavior? Many people have abnormal behavior but I do not see you making rules that they can only express themselves in their own homes. This is American home of diversity.

They are only recruiting others who are gay and oppressed not converting people from heterosexuals to homosexuals. No different than your christians converting people.

Them having gay pride is showing others it is ok to be gay. There is nothing wrong with that. I mean Christians go out with crosses on their shirts and giving out balloons to children to show it is ok to be Christian.

Yes I do think it ok to promote adnormal behavior. People are different. I think it quite acceptable to promote face piercing, studying wicca or another religion that is not widely accepted by the sheeple and the conformist. I think more people should shave their head bald, dye their hair purple and wear outdated clothing from the 70's.

I find it funny that Christians are all about the sin of homosexuality and how it is an abomination yet they never kick out or keep from their churches obese people which make up 60 percent of their congregations. Remember gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins.

Fat people live their lives in sin for being fat and lazy and are going to hell.

but I guess if you actually followed that rule who would fund your churches ROFLMAO.

Face it is all about sex. Something you personally find uncomfortable and probably secretly fantacize about homosexuals going at it. You don't want to see two gay lovers on the street because it may cause others to have erotic feelings.

Humans cannot handle their own sexuality and Chrisitan are taught it is taboo.

What an unfillfilling life to supress all those natural instincts.
What an unfillfilling life to supress all those natural instincts
Fine example of how confused you really are. Do you not agree that natural behavior would be to have sex with the opposite sex to pro-creat? 99 percent of the rest of the planet does it this way. Would you not find it un-natural to do it any other way? Homosexual behavior goes against nature, not for it! If anything else were true they would be able to procreat there lifestyle?
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 11:42 am
99 percent is not true. In nature there are gay animals.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

80 percent of humans are straight 20 percent are gay or bi-sexual. This is hardly a sign of someting unnatural.

No they cannot procreate but since the human race is sufficating the planet earth and killing her with over population and causing the extinction of 80 percent of the animal inhabitants. I certianly see nothing wrong with gays slowing our contamination of the earth.

Yes I am confused.. ROFLMAO...I am a coward, unamerican and now I am confused.
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 11:59 am
STNGfan;20739 wrote:
99 percent is not true. In nature there are gay animals.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

80 percent of humans are straight 20 percent are gay or bi-sexual. This is hardly a sign of someting unnatural.

No they cannot procreate but since the human race is sufficating the planet earth and killing her with over population and causing the extinction of 80 percent of the animal inhabitants. I certianly see nothing wrong with gays slowing our contamination of the earth.

Yes I am confused.. ROFLMAO...I am a coward, unamerican and now I am confused.
99 percent is not true. In nature there are gay animals.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

How many example can you come up with? As compared to how many species are on this planet? I say it's less then one percent?
99 percent is not true. In nature there are gay animals.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate
80 % where you getting your info?
No they cannot procreate but since the human race is sufficating the planet earth and killing her with over population and causing the extinction of 80 percent of the animal inhabitants. I certianly see nothing wrong with gays slowing our contamination of the earth.
Well if you worried about over population you can always relieve the world of yourself, by some conversations we've had, you might end up doing it anyway, why not now?
Yes I am confused.. ROFLMAO...I am a coward, unamerican and now I am confused.
Don't forget your conversion soon to Islam, LOL.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 12:30 pm
Drnaline;20701 wrote:
They spread aids much more likely then hetero's. There lifestyle is detrimental to there health. They can not procreat.

GIA wrote
To you these should be good things. They will eradicate each other.

They promote abnormal behavior out side of the home. If they kept there antics strictly there i wouldn't have a problem but they like to have gay parade's and stuff.

GIA wrote
There are laws for lewd behavior for every one.
The parade is to remind us not to oppress a sub culture of our society without good reason. I have yet to hear yours.

Taking there behavior out of the bedroom and into society. You do know that the only way there lifestyle can procreat is threw recruitment to there behavior? You consider this good for society, to promote abnormal behavior?

Recruitment?? Any that do not like their lifestyle today "excluding prostitutes"
can choose whatever they want.

Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:43 pm
Drnaline;20742 wrote:
How many example can you come up with? As compared to how many species are on this planet? I say it's less then one percent?80 % where you getting your info?Well if you worried about over population you can always relieve the world of yourself, by some conversations we've had, you might end up doing it anyway, why not now?Don't forget your conversion soon to Islam, LOL.

I don't think Muslims will be invading the U.S anytime soon LOL and I doubt they would be able to get to all of us before the people with guns exterminated them.

I am not going to relieve the world of myself thank you. It is crazy, mentally unstable people as yourself who should leave. Your poison the very concept of religion your a drunken monkey with a loaded gun. Moderate Christians are embarrassed by people such as yourself, you are the reason Christianity is declining in the world along with religion. More and more become agnostic and Atheist because they realize what religion can turn them into. People like you and they shutter at the thought.

Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 02:35 am
If there is a God, which is in another debate so lets go no further on that one.
Plus there is a heaven. No one can really speak for God until we actually get there. So does God accept homosexuallity? We will not no for sure until we see him. It may well be education and out of date values, that turn us away from homosexuals. Or, it could be right that we are repulsed and is a natural abhorance. Its a tough call!
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 06:28 am
couchp;20906 wrote:
If there is a God, which is in another debate so lets go no further on that one.
Plus there is a heaven. No one can really speak for God until we actually get there. So does God accept homosexuallity? We will not no for sure until we see him. It may well be education and out of date values, that turn us away from homosexuals. Or, it could be right that we are repulsed and is a natural abhorance. Its a tough call!

If there is a God then He would create them for a reason.

If it was naturally abhorrence then the majority, not the minority, would hate. We do not therefore it is a natural occurrence.

You do not see other species hate. Get off the fence bud.

Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 08:03 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;20752 wrote:
Recruitment?? Any that do not like their lifestyle today "excluding prostitutes"
can choose whatever they want.

Recruitment yes. I have an x sisterinlaw who was with my fucked up brother for twenty years. She left him for another women she worked with and claims to be lesbian now. I know of three other situations like this in my personal life. Can you explain this? My explanation for it is they were abused so bad they sought the arms of the same supposedly less abusive, sex? Also one of my observations of these kind of relationships is that role play is still a large part, you have one woman acting/dressing like a man and one regular. I've seen this in gay male couples as well.
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 08:22 am
STNGfan;20857 wrote:
I don't think Muslims will be invading the U.S anytime soon LOL and I doubt they would be able to get to all of us before the people with guns exterminated them.

I am not going to relieve the world of myself thank you. It is crazy, mentally unstable people as yourself who should leave. Your poison the very concept of religion your a drunken monkey with a loaded gun. Moderate Christians are embarrassed by people such as yourself, you are the reason Christianity is declining in the world along with religion. More and more become agnostic and Atheist because they realize what religion can turn them into. People like you and they shutter at the thought.

I don't think Muslims will be invading the U.S anytime soon LOL
How many illegal Muslim immigrants do you think are in this country? What number would you consider an invasion?
and I doubt they would be able to get to all of us before the people with guns exterminated them.
I think they will be very content for a while if they get to detonate a few dirty bombs. As we all know they like i am willing to die for my conviction, you?
It is crazy, mentally unstable people as yourself who should leave.
Well if your not gonna step up to the plate maybe it's time for you to sit down, your definitely not capable of playing the game your talking about. When push comes to shove with you, you convert.
Your poison the very concept of religion your a drunken monkey with a loaded gun.
And you would like to spank the monkey right, LOL. But your affraid the monkey is gonna start shooting, and you not man enough to stop the monkey or the terrorist he's is trying to protect this country from. Future looks bleak for you. Might as well convert now so we know who the real enemy are or will be? Praise be allah?
Moderate Christians are embarrassed by people such as yourself,
Can you give me names? Quotes? Links?
you are the reason Christianity is declining in the world along with religion.
In your dreams baby, we will be the end of it.
More and more become agnostic and Atheist because they realize what religion can turn them into.
What percentage do you think are agnostic/atheist on the planet and can you back it up?
People like you and they shutter at the thought.
Be ready to convert. because some one is coming to get you, Booo!!!
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 08:28 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;20914 wrote:
If there is a God then He would create them for a reason.

If it was naturally abhorrence then the majority, not the minority, would hate. We do not therefore it is a natural occurrence.

You do not see other species hate. Get off the fence bud.

You do not see other species hate.
I've seen a few videos of elephants killing there trainers and running a muck at circus's. Wonder what could of made them do it? Hate maybe? I've seen dogs visciously turn on there masters, hate to strong a word for you?
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 09:38 am
Drnaline;20932 wrote:
How many illegal Muslim immigrants do you think are in this country? What number would you consider an invasion?I think they will be very content for a while if they get to detonate a few dirty bombs. As we all know they like i am willing to die for my conviction, you?Well if your not gonna step up to the plate maybe it's time for you to sit down, your definitely not capable of playing the game your talking about. When push comes to shove with you, you convert.And you would like to spank the monkey right, LOL. But your affraid the monkey is gonna start shooting, and you not man enough to stop the monkey or the terrorist he's is trying to protect this country from. Future looks bleak for you. Might as well convert now so we know who the real enemy are or will be? Praise be allah?Can you give me names? Quotes? Links?In your dreams baby, we will be the end of it.What percentage do you think are agnostic/atheist on the planet and can you back it up?Be ready to convert. because some one is coming to get you, Booo!!!

You are hopeless and I am blocking you because you cannot debate without personal attacks or emotional nonsense. You are ignorant and uneducated and I am not wasting my time in discussing this with you.
agnostic and Athiesm in America

Religion in America is declining

This doesn't really come as a surprise to me, but religion is in the decline here in America. It's been in the decline for the past couple of decades, and looks to continue its downfall in the future. How do I know this? Well a new survey in the U.S. tells us. Conducted by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, the survey questioned 18-25 year olds on whether they believed in a god or higher power. Out of those questioned, 20 percent stated they are atheist, agnostic or nonreligious, which increased from just 11 percent in 1986.

The survey also took a look at several European countries and came up with the same results. Religion continues to drop while humanist beliefs continue to increase. It's safe to say that a majority of religious people are older, while young people titled "Generation Next" are not. These elder religious people will get older and eventually die while younger, non-religious people will grow older and raise families with their non-religious beliefs. Continue this trend, and a majority of America will be non-religious. It's going to happen.

You can read about the survey in its entirety here >> Religious Decline in U.S. Follows Europe. I'd like to express my opinions on some of the points made.

Nearly two-thirds of Nexters (63 percent) believe humans and other living things evolved over time. By contrast, Americans over the age of 40 favor Creationist accounts over evolutionary theory.
Here we see the same trend. All the time people are accepting evolution and its constantly updating, hard-hitting facts. As time goes on, we discover more and more evidence about evolution. These facts and findings are easier for the younger generation to accept and understand. Meanwhile, Americans over 40 who are a lot more religious, are set in their ways and continue to believe what they were originally taught, that creationism is right and evolution is wrong.

Nexters are the most tolerant of any generation on social issues such as immigration, race and homosexuality.
This is fairly obvious and something we see all the time. Most older people are stubborn and set in their ways. In their time religion was the only way, race was a factor in judging someone, and homosexuality was just wrong or unheard of. But times change. People change. One of the greatest things about the human being is its ability to adapt to its new environment. People need to adapt and need to accept change. It's a part of life.

Back on topic, the above quote reins true, and is a good thing. Tolerance is a wonderful thing. So is acceptance. Older people do not like these changes and are afraid, thus they revolt against them. They revolt against the changes in social issues and religion. These changes are good, and will help to build a more tolerant, more acceptant world.

Nexters are among the most likely to say the will of the American people, not the Bible, should be a more important influence on U.S. laws.
Exactly! We need to take our faith and our beliefs out of the clouds and heavens, and put them into something real, something that matters for today and tomorrow. I'm talking about putting your faith in mankind and society. That's what matters. The will of society's people should govern the rules and laws, not religion. Religion was originally put into place to make people obey the rules and laws that leaders wanted for their society. But we don't need religion to help govern us anymore, we have society to do that for us, and people are starting to understand that.

Anyways, my rant is over. Sorry if that got kind of preachy. For more detailed info on this topic check out the full details of the survey here.

WebNV article
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 09:43 am
Secularism on the rise from a religious site

Secularism Is On the Rise
by Terry Mattingly
Scripps Howard

Pollsters who pry into matters of faith know they have to phrase their questions carefully.

One big question goes something like this: "What is your religion?" As a rule, few dare to answer "none."

But researchers at the City University of New York made a subtle change in 2001 when updating their portrait of U.S. religious identities. They asked: "What religion do you identify with, if any?" A stunning 14 percent said "no religion" -- nearly 30 million Americans. Another question asked if respondents were religious or secular, and 16 percent chose "secular."

"Those two words -- 'if any' -- made a big difference," said Fred Edwords, editorial director of the American Humanist Association. "Those two little words signaled that it was acceptable for people to say that they didn't believe in God or at least didn't practice any particular religion."

Other recent surveys have brought secularists similar glad tidings. According to the National Election Studies, the percentage of Americans who say they attend weekly religious services fell from 38 to 25 percent between 1972 and 2000. Meanwhile, those who never attend services rose from 11 to 33 percent.

Ordinarily these kinds of numbers would inspire chatter in Washington. A rising number of openly secular voters would have a big political impact, especially for Democrats.

"We are in touch with lots of people who are certainly to the left of theism, and it's no surprise they are on the political left and, thus, Democrats," said Tony Hileman, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "Also, it's no surprise that all the religious extremists -- the names John Ashcroft and George W. Bush come to mind -- are on the political right and, thus, they are Republicans.

Religion News: Secularism Is On the Rise
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 09:54 am
America following Europe in Secularism
Survey says non religious went up from 11 percent in 86 to 20 percent in 2001.

Face it Christians are jumping ship at an alarming rate and the ones left on the sinking ship are freaking out.
IHS :: HNN :: Religious Decline in U.S. Follows Europe
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:03 am
Drnaline;20931 wrote:
Recruitment yes. I have an x sisterinlaw who was with my ***ed up brother for twenty years. She left him for another women she worked with and claims to be lesbian now. I know of three other situations like this in my personal life. Can you explain this? My explanation for it is they were abused so bad they sought the arms of the same supposedly less abusive, sex? Also one of my observations of these kind of relationships is that role play is still a large part, you have one woman acting/dressing like a man and one regular. I've seen this in gay male couples as well.

I do not see how you get recruitment out of the story you give.
It is more of story of women not wanting to be abused by men. If non abusing men were available the story might be different.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:10 am
Also she was always gay but I mean from what has come out of Drnalines mouth so far if I was in her family I would lie about being gay too. I am sure the sister tried to play this "normal" act for a long time and she probably got tired of not being herself, not being authentic.
People do not turn gay. Many are in denial because they do not want to be rejected by their family and social group. I am mean if you have christian friends and family you are going to lose them all if you are gay.
I am sure she struggled with her sexuality for a long time.
Gay teens commit suicide on a very high frequency because these so called Christians spread hate and intolerance of gays. Teens feel trapped because they know how they feel about the same sex and they know how thier family will not accept them.
Suicides among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Youth

In 1989, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued its "Report on the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide," which found that "A majority of suicide attempts by homosexuals occur during their youth, and gay youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They may comprise up to 30 percent of (the estimated 5,000) completed youth suicides annually. (5) The report recommended that "mental health and youth service agencies can provide acceptance and support for young homosexuals, train their personnel on gay issues, and provide appropriate gay adult role models; schools can protect gay youth from abuse from their peers and provide accurate information about homosexuality in health curricula; families should accept their child and work toward educating themselves about the development and nature of homosexuality"

According to Kevin Berrill, Director of the Anti-Violence Project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at the time of the report,s release stated, "The increased risk of suicide facing these youth is linked to growing up in a society that teaches them to hide and to hate themselves. We welcome this report and hope it will lead to action that will save lives."

Initially, however, the report was suppressed by the Bush administration under pressure from right-wing groups and by conservatives in Congress. After the findings, William Dannemeyer, who was at the time a conservative Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California, called for then-president Bush to "dismiss from public service all persons still employed who concocted this homosexual pledge of allegiance and sealed the lid on these misjudgments for good." HHS Secretary Louis Sullivan wrote in a letter to Dannemeyer that the study "undermined the institution of the family." (6)

The findings of the report were leaked to the press and finally released. Other studies confirm these findings. Gary Remafedi, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, and author of Death by Denial: Studies of Attempted and Completed Suicide in Gay and Lesbian and Bisexual Youth, found in a 1991 study of 150 gay and lesbian youths in Minneapolis, more than 30% said they had attempted suicide at least once as a teenager.

The youths who are at the greatest risk for suicide are the ones who are least likely to reveal their sexual orientation to anyone. Suicide may be a way of making sure that no one ever knows. It's homophobia that's killing these kids. (7)

Remafedi confirmed a 30% suicide rate among gay and bisexual youth, and also found that young men with more "feminine gender role characteristics" and those who recognized their same-sex orientation at an early age and acted on those sexual feelings seem to face the highest risk of self-destructive behavior. This study also documents an unusually high relationship between homosexuality and sexual abuse, drug abuse, homelessness, prostitution, feelings of isolation, family problems, and school difficulties. Thirty percent of these subjects reported at least one suicide attempt, and almost half of the attempters reported more than one attempt. The mean age in this sample at the time of the suicide attempts was 15 1/2 years. Ingestion of prescription and/or nonprescription drugs and self-laceration accounted for 80% of the attempts. Twenty-one percent of the suicide attempts resulted in medical or psychiatric hospitalization, but almost 3 out of 4 attempts did not receive any medical attention. One-third of the first attempts occurred in the same year that subjects identified their bisexuality or homosexuality, and most other attempts happened soon thereafter. Family problems were the most frequently cited reason for attempts. Eighty-five percent of the attempters reported illicit drug use and 22% had undergone chemical dependency treatment. (8)

The earlier a young person is aware of a gay or lesbian orientation, the greater the problems they may face and may be more likely at risk of suicidal feelings and behavior.

Younger gay adolescents may be at the highest risk for dysfunction because of emotional and physical immaturity, unfulfilled developmental needs for identification with a peer group, lack of experience, and dependence on parents unwilling or unable to provide emotional support. Younger gay adolescents are also more likely to abuse substances, drop out of school, be in conflict with the law, undergo psychiatric hospitalization, run away from home, be involved in prostitution, and attempt suicide. (9)

Pollak found that nearly all gay and lesbian suicides occur between the ages of 16 and 21. (10)

The fear of AIDS adds to the anxiety gay youths experience. According to Joyce Hunter, Behavioral Researcher at the New York State Psychiatry Institute's HIV Center in New York City:

Gay teenagers already have so much to deal with that when they find out they are HIV-positive or even that they are going to have to live in a world where HIV is prevalent and a constant threat, they become overwhelmed. It's just another factor that can add to their suicidal thoughts. (11)

Issues of race and gender identity also impact suicide. Thirty-six percent of African-American lesbians compared to 21 percent of white lesbians, and 32 percent of African-American gay males compared to 27 percent of white gay males attempted suicide before age 18. (12)

Transsexuals may be at higher risk than homosexuals and much higher risk than the general population to suicidal behavior. (13) Fifty-three percent of transsexuals surveyed had made suicide attempts. (14)

In February 1992, Massachusetts Governor William F. Weld signed an executive order establishing the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, taken, in large part over concerns for the high incidence of suicide among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens.

OutProud - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth Suicide
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:11 am
Drnaline;20934 wrote:
I've seen a few videos of elephants killing there trainers and running a muck at circus's. Wonder what could of made them do it? Hate maybe? I've seen dogs visciously turn on there masters, hate to strong a word for you?

Is it a strange notion to you that prisoners do not like their keepers?
I spoke more of members of a species hating their own for sexual misconduct. You sort of took of on a different issue.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:18 am
STNGfan;20954 wrote:
Also she was always gay but I mean from what has come out of Drnalines mouth so far if I was in her family I would lie about being gay too. I am sure the sister tried to play this "normal" act for a long time and she probably got tired of not being herself, not being authentic.
People do not turn gay. Many are in denial because they do not want to be rejected by their family and social group. I am mean if you have christian friends and family you are going to lose them all if you are gay.
I am sure she struggled with her sexuality for a long time.
Gay teens commit suicide on a very high frequency because these so called Christians spread hate and intolerance of gays. Teens feel trapped because they know how they feel about the same sex and they know how thier family will not accept them.
Suicides among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Youth

In 1989, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued its "Report on the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide," which found that "A majority of suicide attempts by homosexuals occur during their youth, and gay youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They may comprise up to 30 percent of (the estimated 5,000) completed youth suicides annually. (5) The report recommended that "mental health and youth service agencies can provide acceptance and support for young homosexuals, train their personnel on gay issues, and provide appropriate gay adult role models; schools can protect gay youth from abuse from their peers and provide accurate information about homosexuality in health curricula; families should accept their child and work toward educating themselves about the development and nature of homosexuality"

According to Kevin Berrill, Director of the Anti-Violence Project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at the time of the report,s release stated, "The increased risk of suicide facing these youth is linked to growing up in a society that teaches them to hide and to hate themselves. We welcome this report and hope it will lead to action that will save lives."

Initially, however, the report was suppressed by the Bush administration under pressure from right-wing groups and by conservatives in Congress. After the findings, William Dannemeyer, who was at the time a conservative Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California, called for then-president Bush to "dismiss from public service all persons still employed who concocted this homosexual pledge of allegiance and sealed the lid on these misjudgments for good." HHS Secretary Louis Sullivan wrote in a letter to Dannemeyer that the study "undermined the institution of the family." (6)

The findings of the report were leaked to the press and finally released. Other studies confirm these findings. Gary Remafedi, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, and author of Death by Denial: Studies of Attempted and Completed Suicide in Gay and Lesbian and Bisexual Youth, found in a 1991 study of 150 gay and lesbian youths in Minneapolis, more than 30% said they had attempted suicide at least once as a teenager.

The youths who are at the greatest risk for suicide are the ones who are least likely to reveal their sexual orientation to anyone. Suicide may be a way of making sure that no one ever knows. It's homophobia that's killing these kids. (7)

Remafedi confirmed a 30% suicide rate among gay and bisexual youth, and also found that young men with more "feminine gender role characteristics" and those who recognized their same-sex orientation at an early age and acted on those sexual feelings seem to face the highest risk of self-destructive behavior. This study also documents an unusually high relationship between homosexuality and sexual abuse, drug abuse, homelessness, prostitution, feelings of isolation, family problems, and school difficulties. Thirty percent of these subjects reported at least one suicide attempt, and almost half of the attempters reported more than one attempt. The mean age in this sample at the time of the suicide attempts was 15 1/2 years. Ingestion of prescription and/or nonprescription drugs and self-laceration accounted for 80% of the attempts. Twenty-one percent of the suicide attempts resulted in medical or psychiatric hospitalization, but almost 3 out of 4 attempts did not receive any medical attention. One-third of the first attempts occurred in the same year that subjects identified their bisexuality or homosexuality, and most other attempts happened soon thereafter. Family problems were the most frequently cited reason for attempts. Eighty-five percent of the attempters reported illicit drug use and 22% had undergone chemical dependency treatment. (8)

The earlier a young person is aware of a gay or lesbian orientation, the greater the problems they may face and may be more likely at risk of suicidal feelings and behavior.

Younger gay adolescents may be at the highest risk for dysfunction because of emotional and physical immaturity, unfulfilled developmental needs for identification with a peer group, lack of experience, and dependence on parents unwilling or unable to provide emotional support. Younger gay adolescents are also more likely to abuse substances, drop out of school, be in conflict with the law, undergo psychiatric hospitalization, run away from home, be involved in prostitution, and attempt suicide. (9)

Pollak found that nearly all gay and lesbian suicides occur between the ages of 16 and 21. (10)

The fear of AIDS adds to the anxiety gay youths experience. According to Joyce Hunter, Behavioral Researcher at the New York State Psychiatry Institute's HIV Center in New York City:

Gay teenagers already have so much to deal with that when they find out they are HIV-positive or even that they are going to have to live in a world where HIV is prevalent and a constant threat, they become overwhelmed. It's just another factor that can add to their suicidal thoughts. (11)

Issues of race and gender identity also impact suicide. Thirty-six percent of African-American lesbians compared to 21 percent of white lesbians, and 32 percent of African-American gay males compared to 27 percent of white gay males attempted suicide before age 18. (12)

Transsexuals may be at higher risk than homosexuals and much higher risk than the general population to suicidal behavior. (13) Fifty-three percent of transsexuals surveyed had made suicide attempts. (14)

In February 1992, Massachusetts Governor William F. Weld signed an executive order establishing the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, taken, in large part over concerns for the high incidence of suicide among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens.

OutProud - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth Suicide

At conception, we are all given a nature by God. We should all be given the opportunity to follow it to the letter.

Follow your bliss is the best advice I have ever heard.

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Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:20 am
yes this is a very good way to look at this. I agree the gays are born this way for a reason and for people to bash them and ostrazing is going against Gods will.
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Red cv
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2007 06:44 pm
I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, however I have no issue with the Religious Right saying there is. They have every right to their opinion without being haragued and brow beaten by the liberal left. Forcing homosexuality down religious individuals throats is no less wrong then forcing communist/socialism doctorine down free thinkers throats. Given time the religious right will accept them as they are but the left need to STFU and let them do this in their own way and in their own time frame. Just because I think a certain way does not give me the right to critizes those who don't feel as I do.

On a side note here is a link to Saudi Arabia, it's videos of Imams and Muftis telling the faithful all about the west and our evil ways. If you have an ounce of common sense you will admit these teachings are being thought in Mosque in the US and Canada. Saudi Arabia is paying to Muslimfy our countries with this gibberish is being thought as fact. Freaking bile raising nonsense tought and preached as the truth. I'll take a Christian fundie over these animals anyday. Click on any of the videos on the right, but first watch what is happening in Europe and ask yourself is this happening in the west. YES it isssss and it's being funded by the House of Saudi.

Link:YouTube - Former Wife Of A British Muslim Extremist.
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