GAYS - The Bible is full of Crapola

Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 11:23 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;20476 wrote:
Homosexuals have no reason to repent.
I see though that you are not interested in answering any question and hide your homophobia behind scripture.


They have free choice to be or not to be imoral. To be or not to be, that is the question.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:07 pm
Volunteer;20493 wrote:
They have free choice to be or not to be imoral. To be or not to be, that is the question.

Oh My
Red cv
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:13 pm
I have no problem with homosexuality, it's been part of human behavior since the dawn of time. Who are they hurting, no one. Many homosexuals are devotely religious.
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Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:15 pm
Volunteer;20491 wrote:
Your premise is false. Homosexuality is a choice. If you mean that God created man with free will and that creates a rebellious nature so God can't hold someone accountable for their free will actions, then it is still a false premise. It is false because it attempts to remove personal responsibility from the actor.

No. I applaud anyone who follows His or Her God given nature.

You are saying that you could somehow fight your nature and you think they should as well.
typical homophobic stuff.
You cannot or will not decide for yourself and hide behind scripture without knowing why.
What is wrong with homosexual sex? What scares you about it?

Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:27 pm
Volunteer;20491 wrote:
Your premise is false. Homosexuality is a choice. If you mean that God created man with free will and that creates a rebellious nature so God can't hold someone accountable for their free will actions, then it is still a false premise. It is false because it attempts to remove personal responsibility from the actor.

So then you still believe in selling your daughters to your neighbor,not eating shellfish and pork, stoning people to death for adultry, slavery,and and all the other stuff in the old testiment that is obviously out of date and unethical?

If God is so ethical and perfect why did he condone this behavior of humans 2,000 years ago and why isn't he punishing us now for not continuing to follow them.

You cherry pick what you want to follow from the bible. The homosexuality being an abomination is no longer valid because the human race has been more than abundant on this earth.

Besides the bible is a myth.

and you concept of education is off because most education has fact behind it that can be scientifically proven. The stuff in the bible cannot be proven. this is why you must take a leap of faith.
and teaching little children about Jesus before they can think for themselves is brain washing. They are being manipulated at a young age while their minds are fragile and when those ideas are set in their heads when they grow up the tend to always follow it.

I am sorry the bible is full of making you feel quilty or bad for simply being born human. It is a book to control people.

I for one choose to be a free thinker and I will expose my children to all religions of the world as well as the concept of humanism, atheism and agnostics. I wont be putting them into a church where other people will be telling them myths without me there to explain them to my kids.

If when they are 16-18 and they choose christianity of their own free adult will. I will be more than happy to accept them as long as they understand that I will not put up with spouting hate against homosexuals in my home.

Also I will explain to them the difference between an extremist and christian supremist as yourself and moderates.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:28 pm
STNGfan;20519 wrote:
So then you still believe in selling your daughters to your neighbor,not eating shellfish and pork, stoning people to death for adultry, slavery,and and all the other stuff in the old testiment that is obviously out of date and unethical?

If God is so ethical and perfect why did he condone this behavior of humans 2,000 years ago and why isn't he punishing us now for not continuing to follow them.

You cherry pick what you want to follow from the bible. The homosexuality being an abomination is no longer valid because the human race has been more than abundant on this earth.

Besides the bible is a myth.

and you concept of education is off because most education has fact behind it that can be scientifically proven. The stuff in the bible cannot be proven. this is why you must take a leap of faith.
and teaching little children about Jesus before they can think for themselves is brain washing. They are being manipulated at a young age while their minds are fragile and when those ideas are set in their heads when they grow up the tend to always follow it.

I am sorry the bible is full of making you feel quilty or bad for simply being born human. It is a book to control people.

I for one choose to be a free thinker and I will expose my children to all religions of the world as well as the concept of humanism, atheism and agnostics. I wont be putting them into a church where other people will be telling them myths without me there to explain them to my kids.

If when they are 16-18 and they choose christianity of their own free adult will. I will be more than happy to accept them as long as they understand that I will not put up with spouting hate against homosexuals in my home.

Also I will explain to them the difference between an extremist and christian supremist as yourself and moderates.

Nice response... for a Kilngon LOL
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 12:40 pm
Also I morality is a point of perspective. Your morals are not an absolute though you may be taught that. For example it is completely moral for woman to be stoned to death in the middle east for getting pregnant out of wedlock even if she was rapped. To us obviously this is not moral. To us it is completely moral to have woman running around without headscarfs to muslms this is completely immoral.

Morality is a point of perspective depending on the culture and religion each country is practicing in that time period.

Homosexuality is not immoral to many Americans or things like Will and Grace would not be having a #1 sit com for 3 years in a row and making millions of dollars. If it was so immoral why is there no law against it? as with sex before marriage? Civil unions are coming more and more popular so there are many people obviously that do not think the same way as yourself.

Was it moral of God to mass murder or commit genocide on humanity in drowing 99 percent of them because the humans did not think the same way he did? I mean little babies and children drowning the same way Andrea Yates drowned her little kids and somehow this is ethical because the parents were sinning?

Andrea Yates thought she was sinning that is why she drowned her kids. She thought if she drowned them they would go to heaven instead of growing up and being doomed to hell because of her not being good enough in God eyes.

we are easy to condemn her for the atrocities on her children but God never seems to have to take responsibility for the same actions of millions perhaps billions.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:21 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;20507 wrote:
No. I applaud anyone who follows His or Her God given nature.

You are saying that you could somehow fight your nature and you think they should as well.
typical homophobic stuff.
You cannot or will not decide for yourself and hide behind scripture without knowing why.
What is wrong with homosexual sex? What scares you about it?


Labling someone as homophobic is a method (tactic) of attempting to discredit their ideas because you can't refute them based on fact.

I have decided for myself. It was a rational decsion based on examination of the facts and reading God's Word. I choose to do my best to honor God's Word. God's Word condemns homosexuality and all forms of immoral sexual behavior.

Why are you hiding behind a scare tactic? Are you a homosexual?
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:25 pm
Volunteer;20574 wrote:
Labling someone as homophobic is a method (tactic) of attempting to discredit their ideas because you can't refute them based on fact.

I have decided for myself. It was a rational decsion based on examination of the facts and reading God's Word. I choose to do my best to honor God's Word. God's Word condemns homosexuality and all forms of immoral sexual behavior.

Why are you hiding behind a scare tactic? Are you a homosexual?

If Gods word is a fact than why are we no longer selling our daughter to our neighbors, forbidden to eat shell fish and pork, stoning people to death for adultry and prostitution and supporting slavery?

Are these things facts today too?
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:26 pm
STNGfan;20519 wrote:
....Besides the bible is a myth....

and you concept of education is off because most education has fact behind it that can be scientifically proven. The stuff in the bible cannot be proven. this is why you must take a leap of faith.
and teaching little children about Jesus before they can think for themselves is brain washing. They are being manipulated at a young age while their minds are fragile and when those ideas are set in their heads when they grow up the tend to always follow it.

I am sorry the bible is full of making you feel quilty or bad for simply being born human. It is a book to control people.

I for one choose to be a free thinker and I will expose my children to all religions of the world as well as the concept of humanism, atheism and agnostics. I wont be putting them into a church where other people will be telling them myths without me there to explain them to my kids.

If when they are 16-18 and they choose christianity of their own free adult will. I will be more than happy to accept them as long as they understand that I will not put up with spouting hate against homosexuals in my home.

Also I will explain to them the difference between an extremist and christian supremist as yourself and moderates.

Rebuking bad behavior is not hate. Homosexuality is self destructive and destroys the future of humanity.

The Bible is and has been proven to be historical fact by archeological finds and hostile records. Archeology has also been unable to disprove the Bible.

Good for you, convey your values to your children and reap what you sow.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:29 pm
STNGfan;20575 wrote:
If Gods word is a fact than why are we no longer selling our daughter to our neighbors, forbidden to eat shell fish and pork, stoning people to death for adultry and prostitution and supporting slavery?

Are these things facts today too?

The fact that laws deal with what to do if you encounter a situation, does not mean they mandate creation of the situation the law deals with.

If this were the case you'd think our country condoned murder and white collar crime.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:31 pm
STNGfan;20531 wrote:
Also I morality is a point of perspective. Your morals are not an absolute though you may be taught that. For example it is completely moral for woman to be stoned to death in the middle east for getting pregnant out of wedlock even if she was rapped. To us obviously this is not moral. To us it is completely moral to have woman running around without headscarfs to muslms this is completely immoral.

Morality is a point of perspective depending on the culture and religion each country is practicing in that time period.

Homosexuality is not immoral to many Americans or things like Will and Grace would not be having a #1 sit com for 3 years in a row and making millions of dollars. If it was so immoral why is there no law against it? as with sex before marriage? Civil unions are coming more and more popular so there are many people obviously that do not think the same way as yourself.

Was it moral of God to mass murder or commit genocide on humanity in drowing 99 percent of them because the humans did not think the same way he did? I mean little babies and children drowning the same way Andrea Yates drowned her little kids and somehow this is ethical because the parents were sinning?

Andrea Yates thought she was sinning that is why she drowned her kids. She thought if she drowned them they would go to heaven instead of growing up and being doomed to hell because of her not being good enough in God eyes.

we are easy to condemn her for the atrocities on her children but God never seems to have to take responsibility for the same actions of millions perhaps billions.

Rapped?? Have you been listening to too much rap?

Morality is not a perspective it is an absolute.

Beam you into rural China with no food, money, or means of communication. You steal to eat and get caught. You are punished for stealing. Why? Is stealing an absolute crime? Why?
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 03:35 pm
STNGfan;20531 wrote:
Was it moral of God to mass murder or commit genocide on humanity in drowing 99 percent of them because the humans did not think the same way he did?

Yes, God decides what is moral. The people of the time chose to do what was right in their own minds, much as you promote. The Bible describes what happened when this happened.

The result is always corruption, destruction, and death when man turns from God. When man turns from God, he leaves God's protective watch as a child does when it runs away in a crowded store or in the forest. Does that mean the parent is at fault in those situations?
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 04:18 pm
I ain't never been into God really! so I certainly have'nt turned from God. And I'm not corrupt, quite the opposite. 'Very happy, good life, and family.
I like buddhism, because I find it honest. And I'm no buddhist. As for Gays, like us straights, there is weird and wonderful. The only thing I have against them is, they usurped a nice happy word 'Gay' As for God in all this, he is in your head man! which is cool, if you believe, he is there. I'm just happy with the faith of the human kind.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 04:28 pm
Volunteer;20576 wrote:
Rebuking bad behavior is not hate. Homosexuality is self destructive and destroys the future of humanity.

The Bible is and has been proven to be historical fact by archeological finds and hostile records. Archeology has also been unable to disprove the Bible.

Good for you, convey your values to your children and reap what you sow.

Rebuking homosexuality is like rebuking someone because they are black. No one should be rebuked for being born a cetian way.

umm only part of the bible has been proven as historical fact. Such as Jews enslaved by Egypt and such but things think Moses parting the red sea and Jesus changed water into wine is not been proven. It is hearsay and we do not know the credibility of the people writting the bible. They could have been skitzos or mentally unstable or simply dilusional.

My children have exellent values and morals. They love people unconditionally including homoseuxals and transgenders. They do not steal or hate people who are different than themselves and they do not see themselves better than others because of their belief system or economic status. They do not kill people or abuse them.

As for homosexuals destroying the future of humanity...there is no way that 1/10 of the population not procreating going to make the human race extinct. They are hurting no one by having sex with each other. Stop trying to run their lives and mind your own business. They are not children and do not need to be rebuked. YOu are not their father or have any business to tell them what they can and cannot do in their own bedrooms. THey are two consentual adults it is their business.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 04:34 pm
Volunteer;20578 wrote:
Rapped?? Have you been listening to too much rap?

Morality is not a perspective it is an absolute.

Beam you into rural China with no food, money, or means of communication. You steal to eat and get caught. You are punished for stealing. Why? Is stealing an absolute crime? Why?

In old testiment days if a woman got pregnant out of wedlock no matter what the reason she was stoned to death. This is why Mary lied about being rapped. She made up that she was impregnated by God so she would not be killed.

Morality is a perspective sorry..

stealing may be an absolute crime. If someone steals for food and the judge see that was the situation they will get a lesser sentence. As in when you kill someone. Killing someone is not and absolute murder. It depends on the circumstance. IF you are defending yourself in your own home you may not get charged with anything. If you did it out of anger or revenge you could get the death pentality.

The only think that is absolute in this life is that you have to eat,poop and die.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 04:37 pm
Volunteer;20579 wrote:
Yes, God decides what is moral. The people of the time chose to do what was right in their own minds, much as you promote. The Bible describes what happened when this happened.

The result is always corruption, destruction, and death when man turns from God. When man turns from God, he leaves God's protective watch as a child does when it runs away in a crowded store or in the forest. Does that mean the parent is at fault in those situations?

yep since God knows and controls everything. Not like a human who is failable. God is unfailable so he let them or allowed them to run off and be killed. It is called neglect. God put the seeds of evil in mans heart just as he hardened the pherohs heart to not let the Jews go and then punishes them for it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 07:25 pm
STNGfan;20587 wrote:
In old testiment days if a woman got pregnant out of wedlock no matter what the reason she was stoned to death. This is why Mary lied about being rapped. She made up that she was impregnated by God so she would not be killed.

I have a similar theory, mine was Mary commited adultery.

It is amazing that that in every other instance throughout history, Our theories would be the most accepted. EXCEPT with mary cause the bible says so LMAO
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 06:11 am
Volunteer;20574 wrote:
Labeling someone as homophobic is a method (tactic) of attempting to discredit their ideas because you can't refute them based on fact.

I have decided for myself. It was a rational decision based on examination of the facts and reading God's Word. I choose to do my best to honor God's Word. God's Word condemns homosexuality and all forms of immoral sexual behavior.

Why are you hiding behind a scare tactic? Are you a homosexual?

No I am not homosexual.
You are a homophobe if you have no direct reason to hate gays.
Other than the label of abomination that the Bible gives, what other "facts" did the Bible give you for it's position.
What exactly is wrong with two homosexuals being together.
What harm is done to either themselves or society.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jun, 2007 09:29 am
What exactly is wrong with two homosexuals being together.
They spread aids much more likely then hetero's. There lifestyle is detrimental to there health. They can not procreat.
What harm is done to either themselves or society.
They promote abnormal behavior out side of the home. If they kept there antics strictly there i wouldn't have a problem but they like to have gay parade's and stuff. Taking there behavior out of the bedroom and into society. You do know that the only way there lifestyle can procreat is threw recruitment to there behavior? You consider this good for society, to promote abnormal behavior?

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