@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;42995 wrote:No one can adhere to the Bible or the Koran and still be a good American. Muslims and Christians are FORCED to to good Americans due to the secular and civilizing nature of ths great country.
- America does not allow you to impose your religious beliefset on others. This is decidedly anti Christian and anti-Islam both of which require that the religion be preached and people converted.
- Amercia does not allow the State to impose any religious belief-set on its citizens. This is decidedly anti-Islamic and anti-christian both of which require a theocracy.
So, the reasons so many christians and muslims leave peacefully in this country is because of the laws imposed by the Jeffersonian Republic requiring even bigots to behave responsibly in public.
This is a great , great country for many reasons but this one single requirement to keep the church seperate from the state is its best feature.
We may pick on the Muslims but every time a christian insists o putting the ten commandments up in a public place, he is behaving no better tha a muslim insisting on the Sharia law in America.
There is little difference between the monotheists of both hue. America keeps them in place but is constantly under challenge from nutjobs on both sides. It is the duty of every true American to put the Constitution above any religious book, literature or requirement. Else we could easily become a chrisitian version of today's Iran.
Mr. Bing I would suggest you try studying American history before you make statements like that.
The Bible has always been embedded throughtout our culture, from classrooms to congressional halls. This was especially the case in the origins of our nation.
A study by the American Political Science Review on the political documents of the founding era, which was from 1760-1805, discovered that 94 percent of the period's documents were based on the Bible, with 34 percent of the contents being direct citations from the Bible. The Scripture was the bedrock and blueprint of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, academic arenas and heritage until the last quarter of a century.
Citing a few of our Founding Fathers.
"The Bible is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed." Patrick Henry
"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom." Horace Greeley
"I have always said, and will always say, that studious perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens." This was said by Washington D.C. first president to the public school board, Thomas Jefferson. Men like Jefferson believed in biblical education, and he believed this for the public school system.
Now please donot come here and try to rewrite history, because America was filled with Christians, and one of the very first Books that was studied in our public school system was the Bible.