Can Muslims be good Americans?

Red cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:51 am
politically-wrong;30743 wrote:
By the way Red, may be u dont know, but your country is high on the list of coutries muslim youth consider to be a place without discrimination and great chances of a better life (in my country atleast) , specially after whats been happening in the US after the 911 attacks, already a couple of my friends r over there, not sure which state though.

Afternoon PW, yes we have had an increase in immigrants from your country and they've been most welcome. In my Province (we have Provinces not States in Canada) we have a sever shortage of skilled trade workers (plumbers, electricians, masons-brick layers etc.) and we were lucking enough to get three Sudanese families. They formed a Mason/Brick Laying Company and they were desperatly needed, my community is mostly old Victorian homes and skilled labour is in high demand. The majority of immigrants go to Toronto, Ontario. This city is 80% immigrants, every color and language you can imagine. Hopefully you can visit it, I think the sheer size of it would stun you though.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 10:12 am
On a side note, Red, I love your avatar. Is it you..? Hard to tell with the hat on....
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Red cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 05:22 pm
Yep it's me I was signing my life away. I love hats, I have a ball cap that says I'm 39.95 not forty.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 08:28 pm
socalgolfguy;19773 wrote:
I received the following email today - curious what everyone thinks.


I sent that question to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.

The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except
Islam (Quran, 2:256)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Kor an).

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34).

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Mohammed, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation....perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both "good" Muslims and good Americans.

The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The war is bigger than we know or understand

Who defines who is a good American? Does that definition changes with the passing of time/the party in power/President in office? And what happens if that definition is distorted?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Oct, 2007 04:26 am
92b16vx;30801 wrote:
You shouldn't carry that burden, do you feel the same when you see a jew wearing a yamika?

You should feel angry about foot basins, and islamic prayer in school, even not being religious this is just unjust, and unconsitutional. I don't believe there should be organized prayer in public schools, even for christians, I couldn't care less if their religion requires x amount of prayer at certain times of day, adjust like everyone else, you are in America now, not the middle east.

You shouldn't carry that burden, do you feel the same when you see a jew wearing a yamika?

Jews did not fly planes into the world trade centers, Islamics did. And it is Islamics that are killing Christians all over the world.

Christian Persecution Blog: Muslims Burn Christians Alive
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 24 Oct, 2007 11:17 pm
No one can adhere to the Bible or the Koran and still be a good American. Muslims and Christians are FORCED to to good Americans due to the secular and civilizing nature of ths great country.
- America does not allow you to impose your religious beliefset on others. This is decidedly anti Christian and anti-Islam both of which require that the religion be preached and people converted.

- Amercia does not allow the State to impose any religious belief-set on its citizens. This is decidedly anti-Islamic and anti-christian both of which require a theocracy.

So, the reasons so many christians and muslims leave peacefully in this country is because of the laws imposed by the Jeffersonian Republic requiring even bigots to behave responsibly in public.

This is a great , great country for many reasons but this one single requirement to keep the church seperate from the state is its best feature.

We may pick on the Muslims but every time a christian insists o putting the ten commandments up in a public place, he is behaving no better tha a muslim insisting on the Sharia law in America.

There is little difference between the monotheists of both hue. America keeps them in place but is constantly under challenge from nutjobs on both sides. It is the duty of every true American to put the Constitution above any religious book, literature or requirement. Else we could easily become a chrisitian version of today's Iran.
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 12:53 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;42995 wrote:
No one can adhere to the Bible or the Koran and still be a good American. Muslims and Christians are FORCED to to good Americans due to the secular and civilizing nature of ths great country.
- America does not allow you to impose your religious beliefset on others. This is decidedly anti Christian and anti-Islam both of which require that the religion be preached and people converted.

- Amercia does not allow the State to impose any religious belief-set on its citizens. This is decidedly anti-Islamic and anti-christian both of which require a theocracy.

So, the reasons so many christians and muslims leave peacefully in this country is because of the laws imposed by the Jeffersonian Republic requiring even bigots to behave responsibly in public.

This is a great , great country for many reasons but this one single requirement to keep the church seperate from the state is its best feature.

We may pick on the Muslims but every time a christian insists o putting the ten commandments up in a public place, he is behaving no better tha a muslim insisting on the Sharia law in America.

There is little difference between the monotheists of both hue. America keeps them in place but is constantly under challenge from nutjobs on both sides. It is the duty of every true American to put the Constitution above any religious book, literature or requirement. Else we could easily become a chrisitian version of today's Iran.


Mr. Bing I would suggest you try studying American history before you make statements like that.

The Bible has always been embedded throughtout our culture, from classrooms to congressional halls. This was especially the case in the origins of our nation.

A study by the American Political Science Review on the political documents of the founding era, which was from 1760-1805, discovered that 94 percent of the period's documents were based on the Bible, with 34 percent of the contents being direct citations from the Bible. The Scripture was the bedrock and blueprint of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, academic arenas and heritage until the last quarter of a century.

Citing a few of our Founding Fathers.

"The Bible is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed." Patrick Henry

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom." Horace Greeley

"I have always said, and will always say, that studious perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens." This was said by Washington D.C. first president to the public school board, Thomas Jefferson. Men like Jefferson believed in biblical education, and he believed this for the public school system.

Now please donot come here and try to rewrite history, because America was filled with Christians, and one of the very first Books that was studied in our public school system was the Bible.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 02:14 am
Campbell34;43002 wrote:

Mr. Bing I would suggest you try studying American history before you make statements like that.

The Bible has always been embedded throughtout our culture, from classrooms to congressional halls. This was especially the case in the origins of our nation.

A study by the American Political Science Review on the political documents of the founding era, which was from 1760-1805, discovered that 94 percent of the period's documents were based on the Bible, with 34 percent of the contents being direct citations from the Bible. The Scripture was the bedrock and blueprint of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, academic arenas and heritage until the last quarter of a century.

Citing a few of our Founding Fathers.

"The Bible is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed." Patrick Henry

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom." Horace Greeley

"I have always said, and will always say, that studious perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens." This was said by Washington D.C. first president to the public school board, Thomas Jefferson. Men like Jefferson believed in biblical education, and he believed this for the public school system.

Now please donot come here and try to rewrite history, because America was filled with Christians, and one of the very first Books that was studied in our public school system was the Bible.

This is very important Mr.Campbell. Lets re-visit our nation's early years.

No one is saying the founding fathers were not christians. Of course they were. But they choose not to impose Christianity on the State. That is my point.

Lets start with Patrick Henry.Re. Washington, he was so pissed off at the Church of England that he'd regularly refuse to take Communion. Byt more importantly, he never ever encouraged Church influence over the State.

Now on to Jeferrson
With this blade, he excised every verse dealing with virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and other puerile superstition, thus leaving him (and us) with a very much shorter book. In 1904 the Jefferson Bible was printed by order of Congress, and for many years was presented to all newly elected members of that body. We need to revive that tradition.

Please feel free to challenge the above Mr.Campbell. With facts.

And by the way, here's a version of the Bible you especially need to read: The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (2006) Dover Publications paperback: ISBN 0-486-44921-1
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 02:23 am
It was Jefferson actually, who gave me the courage to renounce all the religous nonsense doing the rounds. If a man in his time, could have the courage to literally apply a razor to the Bible and cut off all the hocus-pocus from it, then surely I , in this day and age could emulate this great man and be rationale in my thinking eschewing nonsense totally. So, I try.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 03:58 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43006 wrote:
This is very important Mr.Campbell. Lets re-visit our nation's early years.

No one is saying the founding fathers were not christians. Of course they were. But they choose not to impose Christianity on the State. That is my point.

Lets start with Patrick Henry.Re. Washington, he was so pissed off at the Church of England that he'd regularly refuse to take Communion. Byt more importantly, he never ever encouraged Church influence over the State.

Now on to Jeferrson
With this blade, he excised every verse dealing with virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and other puerile superstition, thus leaving him (and us) with a very much shorter book. In 1904 the Jefferson Bible was printed by order of Congress, and for many years was presented to all newly elected members of that body. We need to revive that tradition.

Please feel free to challenge the above Mr.Campbell. With facts.

And by the way, here's a version of the Bible you especially need to read: The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (2006) Dover Publications paperback: ISBN 0-486-44921-1

"Patric Henry and other devout christians attempted to substitute the words "Jesus Christ" for "Amighty God" In this opening passage and were OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED DOWN."

And I think that tells the whole story right there. For the Americans that OVERWHELMINGLY voted down their attempt to change those words, obviously they were all Christian Americans who knew the value of the name Jesus Christ. Only in the later years has our nation rejected God and the Bible. We have replaced the Bible with metal detectors, abortion, and now instruct our boys how to put condems on. And now we are passing out birth control pills to middle school children. We have paid a heavy price, and we have raised a generation without morals and without God. So much for your secular society.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:10 am
Campbell34;43016 wrote:
"Patric Henry and other devout christians attempted to substitute the words "Jesus Christ" for "Amighty God" In this opening passage and were OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED DOWN."

And I think that tells the whole story right there. For the Americans that OVERWHELMINGLY voted down their attempt to change those words, obviously they were all Christian Americans who knew the value of the name Jesus Christ. Only in the later years has our nation rejected God and the Bible. We have replaced the Bible with metal detectors, abortion, and now instruct our boys how to put condems on. And now we are passing out birth control pills to middle school children. We have paid a heavy price, and we have raised a generation without morals and without God. So much for your secular society.

We've had all these "vices" from time immemorial since the homo sapien evolved. The bible could do nothing much about it in the past nor can it now. A good education however can. Teaching children science so they understand disease, health, taking care of themselves and others. Allowing them to think instead of bearing down on them.

Anyway, enough said. You claimed I was doctoring history and I refuted it. You have not responded to that so I assume you agree that I was not re-writing history which does not mean you agree with my view point, which is fine with me.

We've had a good discussion.

Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:19 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;42995 wrote:

So, the reasons so many christians and muslims leave peacefully in this country is because of the laws imposed by the Jeffersonian Republic requiring even bigots to behave responsibly in public.

This is a great , great country for many reasons but this one single requirement to keep the church seperate from the state is its best feature.

So how do you explain other non Middle Eastern democratic countries, which do not have a separation of Church and state written into their constitution, where other religions coexist without them going at each other?
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:35 am
Brian@764;43019 wrote:
So how do you explain other non Middle Eastern democratic countries, which do not have a separation of Church and state written into their constitution, where other religions coexist without them going at each other?

Excellent question.
1) In Europe, religion is truly defunct. So the christian portion of their institutional makeup remains because no one really cares. UK is a prime example. Church goers are in lower single digit percentages and declining rapidly.Compare this to 40% in the USA and you can see why they gape at us unbelievingly. Ditto for Germany, France and even Italy. Italy by the way has the highest rates for abortion in Europe and thats with the Man breathing down their necks from the Vatican.It also has the biggest decline in birthrates that suggests condom use.

Now why is that? Europe has seen the very worst of what Christianity and religion has to offer. They are wary. They do not want it to happen again. They have seen it all from close quarters and lost the faith.

Please bear in mind that it is reform and the renessance that made Europe adhere to what we like to call western values. It forced the Church to be more civilized. The people there will not brook interference from the Church.

Christainity has become more of a tradition than a religion.

Which is how it should be. Fundamentalist America like the Fundametalist Islamic world doesn't get it.
- Thatyou need to keep mythos seperate from logos. Which is what Europe does and we need to learn from that, as do the Muslims who think about their religion the way a lot of americans think about christianity.

- Do not take your religion literally. You do it a disservice by doing that. The Bible is not equipped to deal with say, evolution. Neither is the Koran but so what. They are cultural documents, precious to adherents, they give you solace and so enjoy them in your home. Do not impose them on others or expect them to contain the theory of relativity in them.

- Do not evangelize. Spreading the 'good news" has caused enough harm already. Besides, it is insulting to other cultures. Enjoy these other cultures for what they are. People the world over tell how they would enjoy the Christ story if it did not come with this requirement to treat him as their person god & saviour it they wanted to avoid hell. It insults their culture and their intellegence.

The Europeans by and large see this. We need to too.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:43 am
The massive immigration of non-Christians into America is yet another cause of our decline. Our stubborn insistence that America's first commitment is to Enlightenment idealism, as preserved and practiced in our Constitution, instead of Christian culture, which has held the country together more than anything else over the last 231 years, looks good in theory, but is fatal in practice. Consider the steady and ever-increasing flow of Chinese into the U.S. China is an uncivilized nation that places no value on human life. We are importing foreigners who will eventually overtake and destroy our country. Our ignorance and naivete are suicidal.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:54 am
Brian@764;43019 wrote:
So how do you explain other non Middle Eastern democratic countries, which do not have a separation of Church and state written into their constitution, where other religions coexist without them going at each other?

Brian, here's some thinking from Europe. You don't have to agree with it but it shows the difference in their mind sets versus here:
A Crime To Be An Atheist In America? Anne (Reply) (3-00)
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Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:56 am
Pinochet73;43030 wrote:
The massive immigration of non-Christians into America is yet another cause of our decline. Our stubborn insistence that America's first commitment is to Enlightenment idealism, as preserved and practiced in our Constitution, instead of Christian culture, which has held the country together more than anything else over the last 231 years, looks good in theory, but is fatal in practice. Consider the steady and ever-increasing flow of Chinese into the U.S. China is an uncivilized nation that places no value on human life. We are importing foreigners who will eventually overtake and destroy our country. Our ignorance and naivete are suicidal.

Pinochet, we couldn't expect any other view point from you. Good to have you back.
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 07:53 am
Campbell34;42884 wrote:
Jews did not fly planes into the world trade centers, Islamics did. And it is Islamics that are killing Christians all over the world.

No, radical fundamentalist did, not just muslims. According to your statement christians burned crosses and lynched black people back in the day too.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 10:43 am
92b16vx;43041 wrote:
No, radical fundamentalist did, not just muslims. According to your statement christians burned crosses and lynched black people back in the day too.

It is important to understand there is little to choose between Christians and Muslims. They are both monotheists with the same mind set. To prove this, I take you to Mr.Campbell's threads with claims of Muslims dreaming of jesus and converting en masse to Christianity. At the other corner is the Sword of God whose threads claim that western women are converting in droves over to Islam.

Bigoted and with hermatically sealed minds,these two monotheists have more in common than they'd like to acknowledge.

Now all this would have been hugely laughable if it wasn't downright dangerous to us innocent bystanders.

Lets take their revelations for example. These prophecies inexorably move them towards an armeggadon type situation in the Middle east also encouraged by people in high places like our President. So they create a fraught situation to enable a prophecy from their holy books and then point to it to show a prophecy being fullfilled.

All this would be fine if these monotheists just took potshots at each other. Unfortunately we innocents are destined to be the collateral damage or worse, the targets once the nutjobs are done with each other.

We therefore need to wake up and stop them now. How? By challenging the god myth every time it rears its head. Do not let any evangelising person or missionary get away with it. Teach their target audience to ask questions about the ressurection for example. I once taught a tribal to do precisely that to the great discomfort of the missionary who thought he had an easy kill waiting for him in the poor man's hut.

Challenge these evangelizing people and force them to keep their beliefs private. They have been allowed to get away with too much for too long.
Tulip cv
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 12:06 pm
When a Muslim comes to North America, seeking to become a Canadian or an American, they have already traveled over territory which would break our pampered backsides. Just the journey is hard, and so when they arrive, they are determined to do whatever they have to in order to contribute to society and establish themselves in the community. They are entering a country that is far more enlightened, collectively, and integris then where they have been, so chances are, that the changes through the generations will allow them to shed the unnecessary habits and ways that simply don't work in our society.
So l think that the article that started this is really not any help at all to ending the conflict and establishing peace. If you are born in the Middle-East you are raised in this and simply don't know any better, so are you terrible for following this? No, of course not. And by having the strength and conviction to move to a better place should only be appaulded, because it is a greater journey than many of us would be willing or able to make.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 04:11 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43058 wrote:
It is important to understand there is little to choose between Christians and Muslims. They are both monotheists with the same mind set. To prove this, I take you to Mr.Campbell's threads with claims of Muslims dreaming of jesus and converting en masse to Christianity. At the other corner is the Sword of God whose threads claim that western women are converting in droves over to Islam.


This is completely nonsense with wrong assumptions and therefore wrong and false conclusions. It seems that you write based on your personal desires not on justified knowledge.

How can you claim that the current corrupt Christianity which is based on the TRINITY paganism faith is a MONOTHEISM faith !!!? The corrupt trinity Christianity was brought from the ancient many-gods Greek faith which is in complete contradiction with the true MONOTHEISM that ISLAM is soley based on. Christians try to use deception to claim that they worship one god where in fact they worship THREE: The Father, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. Islam is crystal clear and firm on stating that there is only ONE God, the Creator who has no SON. Christianity is based also on the Original Sin paganism idea while Islam rejects this completely. Christianity is based on the Son of God (Jesus) came and died on the cross for the forgivness of this original Sin but Islam firmly stated that Jesus (peace be upon him) was just a human messenger sent by God and he never been killed on the cross, never was sent to die on the cross,; and God had saved him.

This is how ISLAM describes the true MONOTHEISM faith:

"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him." (Quran 112)

Adam Bing;43058 wrote:
To prove this, I take you to Mr.Campbell's threads with claims of Muslims dreaming of jesus and converting en masse to Christianity. At the other corner is the Sword of God whose threads claim that western women are converting in droves over to Islam.


Again, you are trying to mix things together (falsehood with truth) to convey your hidden agenda/negative prejudgement aginst Islam!

I always use documented non-muslim sources (mostly Christian) to support my claims and I also present videotaped interviews with those converted people where themselves tell their stories. That's why my thread has been closed after I posted those vidotaped interviews! On the contrary, those Christians (as Mr. Cambell and others) never do the same. They only post unsupported fake stories obtained from anti-Islam websites without any trusted proofs.

You try to equate and mix the TRUTh with the FALSHOOD in order to make them both FALSE but that tactic can not prevail and it is easily exposed.

"Say, 'The truth is from your Lord': Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it):......(The Noble Quran, 18:29)"
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