Reagaknight;19792 wrote:He was critical of the Pharisees for being hypocrites, Jesus was not the one who said that about women, and it was a contemporary social, not religious issue anyway. See how easy it is to explain that misconception someone may have? It takes no effort because that is how it was intended.
more like see how easy it is to mis interprit the Bible to justify your faith (and dine buffet style from your religion), Muslims do the exact same thing when they overlook Mohammad having sex with an 8 year old.
With the stoning of children: Jesus was in a heated debate with the Pharisees after they criticized him for not washing his hands before he ate. He countered by saying "well you don't stone your children in accordance with gods law, the prophets of the Torah were right, your hypocrites and you do many things like this"
We'll get to the god sanctioning the stoning of children thing in a min but consider the scripture in Mark and Matthew independently first.
of all the "many things like this" Jesus specifically chose the stoning of children. In any heated debate with an adversary you will always pick the largest polarities to argue, and you certainly wouldn't call somebody a hypocrite for not doing something you wouldn't do either. That would say that Jesus was "the pot calling the kettle black", a serious error to make in a debate. So basically either Jesus was pro stoning children, or the perfect living god on earth was a terrible debater who lacked the intellect to see that his argument in and of itself was hypocritical.
It's really a moot point anyway because one of biggest poofs that the Bible is not the word of God is that God sanctions rape, murder, slavery, and child abuse. Hardly very God like. And before you go off on that feeble attempt to say that the old testament "doesn't count", Jesus himself saw the Torah in a very literal sense.
On Corinthians The Apostle is very clear in this Christian work that he speaks for God, delivering a Holy message that Jesus himself sent to him in a vision. He goes on to make some seriously sexist remarks and sanctions slavery in the new covenant. Either you accept that or you decanonize the New Testament, which is very much against what the Bible itself says about dis considering portions of it.
Or maybe Corinthians isn't "as canon" as the canonical gospels. Well even those four books weren't written until well after the death of Jesus (in fact the earliest known copy is of the Gospel of Mark, dated to 125 CE nearly 100 years after the crucifiction, and makes no mention of the resurrection)
no your attempts to wash away what's actually a very real part of your religion are shaky at best and seems to be more driven by your lack of education on Christianity. Or perhaps you would put away the "word of God" as found in the Bible in favor of your own "man made" covenant with God. Funny, that's exactly what Jesus was so mad about in that debate...