Ron Paul Supporters (first post)

Reply Tue 15 Jan, 2008 05:24 pm
Do you see now why we gave you so much **** when you tried to use RON PAUL WINS EVERY STRAW POLL blah blah blah.... and even Brians Video From you tube.

As if LOSING HORRIBLY in Iowa (where he won the straw poll) and his 8% in New Hampshire isnt enough to PWN the idea that straw polls mean more than pin the tal eon the winner (blind folded)

Here are a couple other reasons

Internet Straw Polls

One Everyone Has the INternet... and Can sit down at home and click a button.

Unfortunately those same people dont get up off their couch to go vote. (I am glad we cannot vote from home in the actual election... I dont want the people who sit on their ass playing WoW all day deciding who runs my country)

Two... There is NO AGE VERIFICATION in online Straw Polls other than (IF YOU ARE 18 CLICK HERE)

Three... Most people have access to more than one computer. I have my Desk Top... and My Lap Top... and I have my three computers at work.... PLus My GF's laptop, and her moms desktop... One person Can STRAW POLL VOTE dozens of times.

and apparently something to that effect happened.

I would be willing to bet that if one were so inclined... The Iowa Straw poll had more votes than their are registered voters.

Sit on that a minute.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,430 • Replies: 42
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Reply Tue 15 Jan, 2008 06:33 pm
you won't get any argument from me on this issue
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Reply Tue 15 Jan, 2008 09:38 pm
Think i gotta agree.
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Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 12:04 am
A big problem with a lot of these early primaries is that they are closed party. Unless you are a registered republican, you can't vote in the republican primary. Some states allow independents, some don't.

Furthermore, historically, the winners of iowa and new hamshire rarely win the presidency.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 01:13 am
Partisan politics is one of the main problems with our political system.
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Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 08:22 am
briansol;50829 wrote:
A big problem with a lot of these early primaries is that they are closed party. Unless you are a registered republican, you can't vote in the republican primary. Some states allow independents, some don't.

Furthermore, historically, the winners of iowa and new hamshire rarely win the presidency.

Actually I did the manual leg work on New Hampshire Voting history, and since the mid 1800's there has only been 10 elections that New Hampshire did NOT vote for the winning candidate... just Ten.
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Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 09:08 am
rugonnacry;50819 wrote:
Do you see now why we gave you so much **** when you tried to use RON PAUL WINS EVERY STRAW POLL blah blah blah.... and even Brians Video From you tube.

As if LOSING HORRIBLY in Iowa (where he won the straw poll) and his 8% in New Hampshire isnt enough to PWN the idea that straw polls mean more than pin the tal eon the winner (blind folded)

Here are a couple other reasons

Internet Straw Polls

One Everyone Has the INternet... and Can sit down at home and click a button.

Unfortunately those same people dont get up off their couch to go vote. (I am glad we cannot vote from home in the actual election... I dont want the people who sit on their ass playing WoW all day deciding who runs my country)

Two... There is NO AGE VERIFICATION in online Straw Polls other than (IF YOU ARE 18 CLICK HERE)

Three... Most people have access to more than one computer. I have my Desk Top... and My Lap Top... and I have my three computers at work.... PLus My GF's laptop, and her moms desktop... One person Can STRAW POLL VOTE dozens of times.

and apparently something to that effect happened.

I would be willing to bet that if one were so inclined... The Iowa Straw poll had more votes than their are registered voters.

Sit on that a minute.

Why don't you make a thread for Thompson, and Giuliani supporters too? People like you bring out the worst in people.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 09:43 am
92b16vx;50839 wrote:
Why don't you make a thread for Thompson, and Giuliani supporters too? People like you bring out the worst in people.

Because Giuliani and Thompson did not win every straw poll.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 11:58 am
rugonnacry;50840 wrote:
Because Giuliani and Thompson did not win every straw poll.

No, Giuliani won every major "scientific" MSM poll out there, and Thompson has consistantly placed much higher than Paul and niether has beaten Ron Paul who placed very low, if at all, in all of them. So if you are going to be attacking the straw poll, you need to also attack the MSM polls you used to argue with.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 01:13 pm
Point is, Ron Paul - through
Fred Thompson - through
Duncan Hunter - through
What's 'is name - he's through, too.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 02:30 pm
socalgolfguy;50843 wrote:
Point is, Ron Paul - through
Fred Thompson - through
Duncan Hunter - through
What's 'is name - he's through, too.

Generalizations are dangerous, especially when based on no more than 6% of the primaries.
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 03:11 pm
92b16vx;50842 wrote:
No, Giuliani won every major "scientific" MSM poll out there, and Thompson has consistantly placed much higher than Paul and niether has beaten Ron Paul who placed very low, if at all, in all of them. So if you are going to be attacking the straw poll, you need to also attack the MSM polls you used to argue with.

Ummm Did you not see the New Hampshire primary Results... Rudy topped Paul

The only polls that can NOT be attacked are the ones that actually count... The voting booths people have to get off their asses to go to stand in line and punch their ballot.

And this vote always means more than Pauls Straw Polls

PS its spelled consistEntly Had to throw in a ball breaker there
Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2008 04:03 pm
rugonnacry;50846 wrote:
Ummm Did you not see the New Hampshire primary Results... Rudy topped Paul

The only polls that can NOT be attacked are the ones that actually count... The voting booths people have to get off their asses to go to stand in line and punch their ballot.

And this vote always means more than Pauls Straw Polls

PS its spelled consistEntly Had to throw in a ball breaker there

The polls that can not be attacked also have Giuliani, Thompson, Hunter, and that other dude as losing to Ron Paul. If your point was to show that straw polls polls are not right, than fair enough, if you goal was to attack Ron Paul supporters, which judging from your tone, it was, you will get hte respect you deserve, none.
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Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 08:54 am
The only polls that have merit are the nes at the box... so far we have only had New Hampshire, and Michigan... Ron is 50/50 against Guliani.
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Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 09:09 am
Current National Tally
1. Mitt Romney = 443,139 (38.88 %)
2. John McCain = 299,848 (26.31 %)
3. Mike Huckabee = 207,308 (18.19 %)
4. Ron Paul = 84,554 (7.42 %)
5. Fred Thompson = 50,925 (4.46 %)
6. Rudy Giuliani = 49,198 (4.31 %)
7. Duncan Hunter = 4,567 (0.4 %)

= 1,139,539 Votes in total in 2 GOP Primaries & 1 Caucus

July is behind by almost 50%. If his strategy in Florida fails, he is done.
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Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 10:37 am
Reagaknight;50845 wrote:
Generalizations are dangerous, especially when based on no more than 6% of the primaries.

True, but do you honestly think that Paul, Thompson or Hunter will be the candidate? Sorry, but I think not.
Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 11:00 am
socalgolfguy;50873 wrote:
True, but do you honestly think that Paul, Thompson or Hunter will be the candidate? Sorry, but I think not.

What's sad is anyone of them would be 100x better than any of the supposed frontrunners atm.
Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 11:35 am
92b16vx;50876 wrote:
What's sad is anyone of them would be 100x better than any of the supposed frontrunners atm.

Unfortunately, most of the voters out there are undereducated when it comes to politics. They are taught to follow their leaders. For the rank and file, that is their union management. They generally follow in lock step whatever they are told to do by those that purport to do them no harm when in fact, all they do is erode their free will. Thompson, Paul and Hunter have not shown a willingness to sell out to the unions to win, in my opinion. Why do you think Hillary and Obama have been so successful? Sweetheart back room deals with big labor and the promise of a chicken in every pot.
Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2008 08:22 pm
socalgolfguy;50878 wrote:
Unfortunately, most of the voters out there are undereducated when it comes to politics. They are taught to follow their leaders. For the rank and file, that is their union management. They generally follow in lock step whatever they are told to do by those that purport to do them no harm when in fact, all they do is erode their free will. Thompson, Paul and Hunter have not shown a willingness to sell out to the unions to win, in my opinion. Why do you think Hillary and Obama have been so successful? Sweetheart back room deals with big labor and the promise of a chicken in every pot.

The Clintons are the slimey filth of American politics. There is nothing more despicable than Clintonism. :thumbdown:
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2008 11:16 am
Pinochet73;50888 wrote:
The Clintons are the slimey filth of American politics. There is nothing more despicable than Clintonism. :thumbdown:

And yet, they promise cradle to grave relief to the lazy and uneducated with no regard as to how you, Pino, and I will pay for it.

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