wvpeach, who created the world?

Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 05:35 pm
Numpty;42121 wrote:
So if the Bible is the only book with Gods Fingerprint, it is therefore for the only book that tells of the true creation of life on earth. Would you agree to this statement?

Please explain what you mean by true creation of life on earth.
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 05:42 pm
Campbell34;42118 wrote:
Yet I would point this out, the Bible is the ONLY Book that fortells the future. No other religious book has prophecy that can be seen as true. You donot have to be a religious fanatic to see this. And since God alone knows the future. This makes the Bible the only Book in the world that has Gods fingerprint.

What the hell do I need with having the future foretold? If it is "pre-destined", nothing can be done about it...so what good does it do to know about it?
How foolish. And I, personally, don't believe books can foretell the future...not Nostradamus, not any book....if that isn't witchcraft, I don't know what is.
Man doesn't need to know the future. It can't be altered.
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 05:57 pm
aaronssongs;42143 wrote:
What the hell do I need with having the future foretold? If it is "pre-destined", nothing can be done about it...so what good does it do to know about it?
How foolish. And I, personally, don't believe books can foretell the future...not Nostradamus, not any book....if that isn't witchcraft, I don't know what is.
Man doesn't need to know the future. It can't be altered.

God knows the future and can predict it with 100% accuracy, witchcraft and Nostradamus cannot. A thinking person who was confronted with a Book that speaks 100% truth about future events should consider who first spoke those words. And any Book that has that kind of evidence should be considered. The Bible tells us that near the end of time the Jews would return to the land of Israel, they would retake Jerusalem, and these events would anger the nations. Considering this was spoken over 2,000 years ago with so many other prophecies coming to pass, one would be foolish not to give the Bible a second look. Man needs to know what Book can be trusted, and the Bible is a book that gives the way of Salvation and eternal life. I'm not sure that is important to you?
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 06:06 pm
Campbell34;42064 wrote:
Mlurp in the very first Book of the Bible God does not say let Me make man in My image. God actually says let (US) make man in (OUR) image and in (OUR) likeness. Since God alone was involved in the creation the only others He could of been speaking with were the other members of the Godhead. One God, yet three Persons. Gods being is like the atom. One atom but composed of three elements.

I tried hard to get someone to say the Trinity. I know what the book say. And there are two creation stories. And it also plain lt states we are in the middle of a family feud. Come on you know I know the basics. So why is it out of the little I added to the conversation you chose to ignore the rest. I believe we were talking about contradictions in the Bible.
So what about the rest of what I said? If you understand the atom and you do why not continue and say something about the entire post. Here let me makeit easy and re-post it now. I might have better presented it with i was going from the old to the new testament. Yes all three were present I believe.
The Holy Spirit but have no proof. And it isn't that important. But Jesus, by this name came in the new to fulfill the old, correct?
Originally stated by mlurp
Hummm as a believer I find some contradictions in the word. But will ask Him one day if at the time it is even a question.
And in the beginning they were one and yet two. And Jesus, was presented as the son. As God can't be near sin. And this brings up another contradiction in Job, Satan is in Gods', place with Him. But again I believe and will wait for the answer if it is important at all then. This is how I read and receive the word. Why debate it? If one believes, then he/she believes in Christ, is born again and follows the Way. Joining some Church isn't always the best thing to do. Many will screw up your belief system. End Quote.
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 09:09 pm
mlurp;42147 wrote:
I tried hard to get someone to say the Trinity. I know what the book say. And there are two creation stories. And it also plain lt states we are in the middle of a family feud. Come on you know I know the basics. So why is it out of the little I added to the conversation you chose to ignore the rest. I believe we were talking about contradictions in the Bible.
So what about the rest of what I said? If you understand the atom and you do why not continue and say something about the entire post. Here let me makeit easy and re-post it now. I might have better presented it with i was going from the old to the new testament. Yes all three were present I believe.
The Holy Spirit but have no proof. And it isn't that important. But Jesus, by this name came in the new to fulfill the old, correct?
Originally stated by mlurp
Hummm as a believer I find some contradictions in the word. But will ask Him one day if at the time it is even a question.
And in the beginning they were one and yet two. And Jesus, was presented as the son. As God can't be near sin. And this brings up another contradiction in Job, Satan is in Gods', place with Him. But again I believe and will wait for the answer if it is important at all then. This is how I read and receive the word. Why debate it? If one believes, then he/she believes in Christ, is born again and follows the Way. Joining some Church isn't always the best thing to do. Many will screw up your belief system. End Quote.

Well Satan is before the throne of God, and God appears to allow him access. I don't see a problem with that. God can do as He pleases. An I debate many issues and that is how sometimes we seperate truth from fiction. Your right about joining some churches. Some churches will mess with one's belief system if you allow them to.
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2007 10:20 pm
Campbell34;42146 wrote:
God knows the future and can predict it with 100% accuracy, witchcraft and Nostradamus cannot. A thinking person who was confronted with a Book that speaks 100% truth about future events should consider who first spoke those words. And any Book that has that kind of evidence should be considered. The Bible tells us that near the end of time the Jews would return to the land of Israel, they would retake Jerusalem, and these events would anger the nations. Considering this was spoken over 2,000 years ago with so many other prophecies coming to pass, one would be foolish not to give the Bible a second look. Man needs to know what Book can be trusted, and the Bible is a book that gives the way of Salvation and eternal life. I'm not sure that is important to you?

The Book imparts wisdom and knowledge, and perhaps a prescription on how to lead a godly life....but as far as the prophecies and predictions part of it...what matters? Who needs to know? Why not live in the now, do the right thing, and pray? Why do you need to know what's going to happen? If you're doing right or wrong, you'll know soon enough.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 02:25 am
Campbell34;42140 wrote:
Please explain what you mean by true creation of life on earth.

In the bible it clearly explains how god made the earth, the process behind it and how long it took him.

If gods fingerprint is to be found only in the bible, then do you subscribe to the idea that the bible is the only book available that tells the truth on the creation of earth and therefore man?

Does that make it clearer?
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 09:01 am
aaronssongs;42159 wrote:
The Book imparts wisdom and knowledge, and perhaps a prescription on how to lead a godly life....but as far as the prophecies and predictions part of it...what matters? Who needs to know? Why not live in the now, do the right thing, and pray? Why do you need to know what's going to happen? If you're doing right or wrong, you'll know soon enough.

The point the Bible is trying to make is that leading a good life and doing good works is not enought to save you. And God reveals the future to those who seek Him to let us know that it was God that authored the Book. Since God alone knows the future, then His Book the Bible can be trusted, and not only to accurately predict future events, but also to tell us how we may have eternal life with God.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 09:14 am
Numpty;42168 wrote:
In the bible it clearly explains how god made the earth, the process behind it and how long it took him.

If gods fingerprint is to be found only in the bible, then do you subscribe to the idea that the bible is the only book available that tells the truth on the creation of earth and therefore man?

Does that make it clearer?

The Bible does not clearly explain to us how God made the earth, or the process behind it. It does give a time line, yet that time line is not clear either. The timeline comes into question because there are two times spoken of in Scripture. There is Gods timing, and there is man's timing. In man's time, one day = 24 hours. In God's time, one day = 1,000 years. I believe that man may have the ability to some day understand how all this came about, but has been blindsided by attempting to support a theory that already has a number of holes in it. Evolution.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 11:00 am
Campbell34;42193 wrote:
The Bible does not clearly explain to us how God made the earth, or the process behind it. It does give a time line, yet that time line is not clear either. The timeline comes into question because there are two times spoken of in Scripture. There is Gods timing, and there is man's timing. In man's time, one day = 24 hours. In God's time, one day = 1,000 years. I believe that man may have the ability to some day understand how all this came about, but has been blindsided by attempting to support a theory that already has a number of holes in it. Evolution.

Why don't you quit posting lies and propaganda....nowhere in the Bible does it state that God's equivalent of a day is 1000 years. You zealots just bite my butt. Lies and propaganda....no wonder church attendance is down and people are more apt to practice personal spirituality, instead of being "hooked up" to organized religion, because most of it is a sham. Stop lying on or about the Bible and what it says...and get you some help for your delusions.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 11:08 am
Campbell34;42191 wrote:
The point the Bible is trying to make is that leading a good life and doing good works is not enought to save you. And God reveals the future to those who seek Him to let us know that it was God that authored the Book. Since God alone knows the future, then His Book the Bible can be trusted, and not only to accurately predict future events, but also to tell us how we may have eternal life with God.

Look, potato....ask yourself, who wants to know the future? Do you want to know the day of your death? I don't...it's why we should be living our lives like it our last day, because we don't know the hour of our death...
What will be, will be...I don't care to know
So what, someone predicted future events in the past...So what?
Knowing what's going to happen, shouldn't impact the here and now, other than the fact that you should be living a godly life...I believe that Christ died for my sins, and that he rose from the dead on the third day, and that he will come again to judge both the living and the dead...and that's supposed to be my ticket into the kingdom of heaven...that and nothing else (check the Nicene Creed)....so reading Revelations is not required reading for the aforementioned...the books of the Bible were chosen almost randomly...why someone chose to include that is a mystery, and has nothing to do with salvation.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 05:38 pm
aaronssongs;42200 wrote:
Why don't you quit posting lies and propaganda....nowhere in the Bible does it state that God's equivalent of a day is 1000 years. You zealots just bite my butt. Lies and propaganda....no wonder church attendance is down and people are more apt to practice personal spirituality, instead of being "hooked up" to organized religion, because most of it is a sham. Stop lying on or about the Bible and what it says...and get you some help for your delusions.

I'm sorry I don't post lies, and before you say such things you really should read a Bible. II Peter chapter 3 verse 8. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 06:29 pm
aaronssongs;42201 wrote:
Look, potato....ask yourself, who wants to know the future? Do you want to know the day of your death? I don't...it's why we should be living our lives like it our last day, because we don't know the hour of our death...
What will be, will be...I don't care to know
So what, someone predicted future events in the past...So what?
Knowing what's going to happen, shouldn't impact the here and now, other than the fact that you should be living a godly life...I believe that Christ died for my sins, and that he rose from the dead on the third day, and that he will come again to judge both the living and the dead...and that's supposed to be my ticket into the kingdom of heaven...that and nothing else (check the Nicene Creed)....so reading Revelations is not required reading for the aforementioned...the books of the Bible were chosen almost randomly...why someone chose to include that is a mystery, and has nothing to do with salvation.

I don't need to check the Nicene Creed, it is the Bible that I look to. And if it were not for the prophecies of the Bible we would not even know who Jesus Christ is. And if it were not for the prophecies of the Bible we would not even know if He was coming back. And the prophecies are important to all true believers, and that is why God put them there. And if you think that salvation is just a ticket to eternal life, then one has to wonder how much you really love Christ. And I would point out, that God put His prophecies in His Book so true believers would be aware of His coming. And as proof of His Word. Yet Jesus did say that many would worship Him with their lips, yet their hearts are far from Him.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 06:47 pm
Campbell34;42158 wrote:
Well Satan is before the throne of God, and God appears to allow him access. I don't see a problem with that. God can do as He pleases. An I debate many issues and that is how sometimes we seperate truth from fiction. Your right about joining some churches. Some churches will mess with one's belief system if you allow them to.

Thanks for sharing your opinion on Job. But I find it contradicts so can I have my opinion also? Thanks as I am sure you will agree.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 07:01 pm
Campbell34;42287 wrote:
I don't need to check the Nicene Creed, it is the Bible that I look to. And if it were not for the prophecies of the Bible we would not even know who Jesus Christ is. And if it were not for the prophecies of the Bible we would not even know if He was coming back. And the prophecies are important to all true believers, and that is why God put them there. And if you think that salvation is just a ticket to eternal life, then one has to wonder how much you really love Christ. And I would point out, that God put His prophecies in His Book so true believers would be aware of His coming. And as proof of His Word. Yet Jesus did say that many would worship Him with their lips, yet their hearts are far from Him.

Hogwash. The prophesies in the Bible (I'm almost sure you're referring to Revelations), are not more important than the 4 gospels, which clearly identify who Christ was, is , and shall be.
And I don't need no reprobate pseudo-Christian, telling me how to be Christian,, what to belief, and how to believe it, when his postings have revealed his true nature and conviction, one that is not of God, or Christ, or anything resembling "love and compassion"..that being said, you cannot condemn me with your false beliefs, or your holier-than-thou persona. They are like the cacophony, produced by the jungle. You see, you think you know it all, but you fall short, just like the rest of us...and have no keener insight into the ways of God, or the clear cut route to the kingdom of heaven, than the rest of us treading this Earth. I told, once before...believe whatever it is you believe...but be silence, because the rest us are entitled to do likewise. You need to get somewhere. Far, far away from me, and other sane folks. You are more of a mystic than a Christian....check yourself.
p.s. You said it all when you said you don't look to the Nicene Creed, for that is the profession of one's faith...professed, and adhered to by Catholics, and Anglicans, alike.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 07:09 pm
mlurp;42294 wrote:
Thanks for sharing your opinion on Job. But I find it contradicts so can I have my opinion also? Thanks as I am sure you will agree.

Ok mlurp, I will allow you to have your own opinion, but just this one time. lol
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 07:30 pm
aaronssongs;42295 wrote:
Hogwash. The prophesies in the Bible (I'm almost sure you're referring to Revelations), are not more important than the 4 gospels, which clearly identify who Christ was, is , and shall be.
And I don't need no reprobate pseudo-Christian, telling me how to be Christian,, what to belief, and how to believe it, when his postings have revealed his true nature and conviction, one that is not of God, or Christ, or anything resembling "love and compassion"..that being said, you cannot condemn me with your false beliefs, or your holier-than-thou persona. They are like the cacophony, produced by the jungle. You see, you think you know it all, but you fall short, just like the rest of us...and have no keener insight into the ways of God, or the clear cut route to the kingdom of heaven, than the rest of us treading this Earth. I told, once before...believe whatever it is you believe...but be silence, because the rest us are entitled to do likewise. You need to get somewhere. Far, far away from me, and other sane folks. You are more of a mystic than a Christian....check yourself.
p.s. You said it all when you said you don't look to the Nicene Creed, for that is the profession of one's faith...professed, and adhered to by Catholics, and Anglicans, alike.

I'm sorry but I never said the Book of Revelation was more important than the four Gospels. I did say most of the prophecies in the Bible (ARE NOT) found in the Book of Revelation. And no, I was not referring to the Book of Revelation. And I pointed out that God put those prophecies in the Bible because they are important. It is you who said , "who needs them.'' I guess the only part of the Bible that is important to you is the part that saves your pound of flesh, and forget about everyone else. And I'm sorry, I don't hear that love and compassion coming from you. My false beliefs are based on Scripture, what are your false beliefs based on? I guess according to you, sane folks are those who deny the Bible. I'm not a Catholic, I'm a Christian, and thats why I look to Gods Word first and not creeds established by men. And I do believe creeds can be correct, yet I always first go to Gods Word.
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2007 10:40 pm
Campbell34;37179 wrote:
Yes the Holy Spirit was involved. And this question was asked because there are those who donot believe in a Triune God. They will tell you that Jesus made the earth, and they will tell you the Jehovah also made the earth, and that's where the problem begin's for those who donot believe in a Triune God. You see in the Old Testament, Jehovah states He made the earth alone and by Himself. Now for Christians there is no problem with that verse, because we believe that Jesus and Jehovah = one God. Yet if you were a member of the JW's they donot believe that. They believe that Jesus was a second created God. So when you ask one if they believe that Jehovah made the earth alone and by Himself, that cannot agree with His statement.
They will tell you they believe everything Jehovah has said, but the reality is that cannot believe that He made the earth alone and by Himself. And the reason for this is because the New Testament tells us Jesus made the earth. So unless the Father and Jesus = One God they are left with this big problem that goes against their doctrine. That's why JW's refuse to agree with the Jehovah's statement in the Old Testament. It really come's down to the fact that their belief system is more important to them then what is actually stated in the Bible. For the JW's it is a real point of frustration, and they cannot resolve it. I discovered this verse long ago and have enjoyed speaking with them about it when they come knocking on my door. When ever I ask one of them to confirm Jehovah's own words about His creation of the earth they can't. Because Jehovah doesen't agree with their doctrine.

JW belief and your belief = One WRONG
Reply Sat 20 Oct, 2007 11:27 am
chico;42323 wrote:
JW belief and your belief = One WRONG

Please explain.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Oct, 2007 02:48 pm
Numpty;42168 wrote:
In the bible it clearly explains how god made the earth, the process behind it and how long it took him.

If gods fingerprint is to be found only in the bible, then do you subscribe to the idea that the bible is the only book available that tells the truth on the creation of earth and therefore man?

Does that make it clearer?

Are you going to reply Campbell?

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