mlurp I cannot explain the trinity because if does not exist , it is fictional and I suspect a lie of Satans designed to take worship away from the one true God , which is after all what Satan wants and has been all about from the beginning.
The trinity is a invention of the roman catholic church ( and Satan) and they helped to mistranslate the bible to back up their invention of the trinity.
I am not a jehovahs witness although they do not believe in the trinity either , nor do muslims or some churches of god's or many other denominations and faiths , so whats your point mlurp? Many groups or denominations do not believe in the trinity , you would know this if you studied the denominations out there. Most actual sabbath keepers do not believe in the trinity and I am a sabbath keeper. I am a non denominational sabbath keeper who attends a small temple with no name over the door on Saturday the day God decreed as the sabbath. But I have attended literally hundreds of churches over my years searching for the truth
For a good look at one group try
http://www.harvestherald.com/fag.htm You'll find a menu on their home page that will take you to their beliefs and why they do not believe in the trinity.
Devoted to Truth - Answers To Questions about the Word Of God is one of the best I have found for the layman who is just starting out to study the truth of God's word scroll to the bottom of the page and read " who we are" then if your really interested read articles , creeds and faith statements. This is a group of non denominational people who know the truth about the Holy Word of God and it does not include a trinity.
I can give you literally hundreds of sites mulrp of independent groups from all over the world who know the trinity is a lie of satans and hurts people , just that simple. It is not just the JW's that have come to this truth.
mlurp;37961 wrote:wvpeach would you explain the Trinity to us please. And if I might ask are you a practicing Jehovah Witness?