wvpeach, who created the world?

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:44 am
wvpeach;37593 wrote:
The saducees and pharasees of the day ( the religious leaders of the time ) did not like the fact he was questioning the way they ruled the people and what they taught them about God and his laws.

Pretty simple topple the money pot of anybody and they get upset and will want to kill you that is what jesus did to the religious leaders in his time.

And he said I am the Son of God

its in the bible, they did not like that either.

But God the father had jesus death planned from the beginning , the bible also tells us that.

To many people get caught up on the "son of God." It is the a spiritual son, NOT a son as we see in a family.

Jesus IS God via the trinity. They are seperate parts but one God. Like a proton, neutron, and electron make up ONE atom.

"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us" (Matt. 1:23).
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
I disagree totally.

Jesus is not the one true God

He is our Lord , our savior the first born of many brethren and will hand the keys to the kingdom back over to God the father so that God may be all in all just as first Corinthians says , or did you miss the hundreds of places in the bible where Jesus himself says this?

But it is not your fault died for you. No man can have the scriptures opened to his understanding unless God does it. Apparently he has not done that for you.

But God has a plan for you and that lack of understanding this I am sure of. And God's plans are always perfect, so I trust him and you will be fine in the end. As your zeal for God is apparent in even error.

JesusDiedForU;37696 wrote:
To many people get caught up on the "son of God." It is the a spiritual son, NOT a son as we see in a family.

Jesus IS God via the trinity. They are seperate parts but one God. Like a proton, neutron, and electron make up ONE atom.

"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us" (Matt. 1:23).
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 12:31 am
To many people get caught up on the "son of God." It is the a spiritual son, NOT a son as we see in a family.

Jesus IS God via the trinity. They are seperate parts but one God. Like a proton, neutron, and electron make up ONE atom.

I tend to lean this way too, JesusDiedForU
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 01:21 am
wvpeach;37595 wrote:
Christ and maybe all those other sons of God mentioned in the bible

or maybe the other gods also mentioned in the bible.

Doesn't really matter because if it was important God would have told us who the in our image was.

Now you know WVpeach according to the Old Testament, only Jehovah was involved in creation, so if Jehovah said let US make man in OUR image and in OUR likeness, then who He was talking with is very (important). Your abilty to slip shot the Wording of the Scriptures, is so typical of the JWs.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 06:15 am
mlurp;37914 wrote:
To many people get caught up on the "son of God." It is the a spiritual son, NOT a son as we see in a family.

Jesus IS God via the trinity. They are seperate parts but one God. Like a proton, neutron, and electron make up ONE atom.

I tend to lean this way too, JesusDiedForU

I knew I could count on you mlurp! : )
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 09:58 am
I will address this post to nobody in particular . I offer it only in the hope of correcting the teachings of the church which has led so many astray . I offer it only so that those who are seeking the truth might not be led astray by this lie of Satans so many have fallen to. I quote campbell''s post only because it is useful in showing how this lie is propagated in the churches.

I offer this post in the spirit of truth taught from the Holy Spirit and for academic study.

note: chapter heading in KJV of the bible

God has spoken to us through Christ his Son - This is the chapter heading to Hebrews in my king james bible printed in 1942 The entire first chapter of Hebrews is a love letter to Christ and explains just how God has exaulted him to be above all creation , even the angels ( except God who remains above all even Jesus )

Hebrews 1 : God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets.
Verse 2: Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath apointed heir of all things, by whom he also made the worlds.
..... underlining mine for emphasis on key words in passage

Note in verse 2: God has spoken to us through his Son whom he has made heir

definition of heir , One who inherits or is slated to inherit property or possessions from a parent or predecessor.

By whom he also made the worlds!

Hebrews : 1: 4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he haith by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
verse 5 : For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day I have begotten thee? And again, I will be unto him a father and he shall be to me a Son.

Note Christ being made so much better than the angels. Made by who ? By God the Father. By inheritance Christs name is above the angels proving that christ inherited that position from Father God it was not his to begin with , It pleased God to have Christ inherit all.

Now notice the words: this day have I begotten thee Dictionaries use a definition of begotten as follows : a lawful off spring or child born of a lawful union. Now nobody thinks God had a wife and Begat Jesus yet the word is used. It was not the word used in the original greek and hebrews scriptures . Follow this link for a better example of the word that was used in the original scriptues.

God's Only Begotten Son This link will take you to a thesis on all the words used through the modern day translations to illustrate this word begotten in the bible.

The important part is that in the Septuagint biblical writings done from the 3rd century B.C. ( before Christ) the Hebrew word used when speaking of the Son of God was yachiyd or agapetos . Both words would translate into our English language as : One having a special and loving relationship with the Father.

Now if we continue on in the first chapter of Hebrews we will see that God the father appointed Jesus a God. It is important here to understand the definition of the Word God, or Gods- People who through no fault of their own are often taught their is something special about the word- God. This is not true, God is not the name of the creator of the worlds it is just a term used to denote men of power who were to be honored above other men or creatures. Follow the following link to a hebrew / greek lexicon that will show the original meaning of the English word God in its original use in Hebrew.


God meaning many things mighty men, angels, God Jehovah, false things in nature, demons. The word God holds no special meaning and is not reserved only for the creator of the worlds in christs time God meant a honored man or thing.

We are told in the first chapter of Hebrews that Yaweh, Jehovah the great I am appointed Jesus a God ( honored above all by definition ) above all creation.

Hebrews chapter 1:10 And thou oh Lord ( Jesus) in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the earth; and the heavens are the work of thine hands.

Now some would say this is a contradiction in the bible as per what campbells post points out that in Genesis Jehovah / Yaweh says he created the heavens and the earth. This is where the holy spirit and extensive bible study are needed. This is not a contradiction at all.

Jesus Christ many times in the bible tells us that he can do nothing without the Father , that he Jesus does only what the father has taught him and that the Father is greater than he ( Jesus ) . Yet in Jesus time here on earth he was able through the Power of the creator ( Yaweh/ Jehovah) to raise the dead, make water into wine, wither trees, transend time and this dimension to talk with Moses and elijah in another dimension; all through the power of the creator. Many places in the bible it also says that Jesus Christ was the first born of all creation , meaning the creator Yaweh/ jehovah created Jesus first . Then it says that through Jesus Christ were all things created for him and through him. The creator gave Jesus the power and as we know Jesus did only what the creator wanted him to do in creating all that was made.

So there is not contradiction at all. Just like most of us are working on PC's with microsoft operating systems , and who created microsoft? Bill gates did. But did Bill gates hands on create the program in your computer? No he did not. Bill Gates designed the program in your computer and then he turned it over to production who produces it in mass , but only because Bill Gates has the power to do so.

It is much the same with God the Father Yaweh and Christ the Son . God the Father designed and started the creation , then turned it over to Christ the Son to finish.

Hope all who read this find this helpful and a blessing I ask in the Name of the Son , Christ our Lord.

Blessings to you all

Campbell34;37921 wrote:
Now you know WVpeach according to the Old Testament, only Jehovah was involved in creation, so if Jehovah said let US make man in OUR image and in OUR likeness, then who He was talking with is very (important). Your abilty to slip shot the Wording of the Scriptures, is so typical of the JWs.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 09:59 am
see my post above for a study as to this question of yours Campbell

Campbell34;37921 wrote:
Now you know WVpeach according to the Old Testament, only Jehovah was involved in creation, so if Jehovah said let US make man in OUR image and in OUR likeness, then who He was talking with is very (important). Your abilty to slip shot the Wording of the Scriptures, is so typical of the JWs.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:26 am
wvpeach;37957 wrote:
see my post above for a study as to this question of yours Campbell

wvpeach would you explain the Trinity to us please. And if I might ask are you a practicing Jehovah Witness? And if your not then which church do you belong?

I follow the only true church of Christ. The Way, which Jesus, and His, disciples started. I don't know how many members as it is in my heart and mind. When I do go to a church service it has to be non denominational
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 11:23 am
mlurp I cannot explain the trinity because if does not exist , it is fictional and I suspect a lie of Satans designed to take worship away from the one true God , which is after all what Satan wants and has been all about from the beginning.

The trinity is a invention of the roman catholic church ( and Satan) and they helped to mistranslate the bible to back up their invention of the trinity.

I am not a jehovahs witness although they do not believe in the trinity either , nor do muslims or some churches of god's or many other denominations and faiths , so whats your point mlurp? Many groups or denominations do not believe in the trinity , you would know this if you studied the denominations out there. Most actual sabbath keepers do not believe in the trinity and I am a sabbath keeper. I am a non denominational sabbath keeper who attends a small temple with no name over the door on Saturday the day God decreed as the sabbath. But I have attended literally hundreds of churches over my years searching for the truth

For a good look at one group try http://www.harvestherald.com/fag.htm You'll find a menu on their home page that will take you to their beliefs and why they do not believe in the trinity.

also Devoted to Truth - Answers To Questions about the Word Of God is one of the best I have found for the layman who is just starting out to study the truth of God's word scroll to the bottom of the page and read " who we are" then if your really interested read articles , creeds and faith statements. This is a group of non denominational people who know the truth about the Holy Word of God and it does not include a trinity.

I can give you literally hundreds of sites mulrp of independent groups from all over the world who know the trinity is a lie of satans and hurts people , just that simple. It is not just the JW's that have come to this truth.

mlurp;37961 wrote:
wvpeach would you explain the Trinity to us please. And if I might ask are you a practicing Jehovah Witness?
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 12:25 pm
I don't quite see it that way. But I do agree the Catholic Church isn't the best way to understand the bible. And it's history isn't that of all leaders being saints. And I don't mean with what is going on today with the catholic Church.
But even 144,000 Jews are in the book of life. As well I think many Catholics, and others of different christians churchs. I know I won't be the only on ein heaven. Sure hope my wife, mom and others I know are there.

Quote: I can give you literally hundreds of sites mulrp of independent groups from all over the world who know the trinity is a lie of satans and hurts people , just that simple. It is not just the JW's that have come to this truth.
End Quote, I don't think that is really necessary. I have about 15 different Bibles and some History books as well as many paperbacks on religion. I use the Bible for almost everything, period. And prayer for all things.

But my question is what church do you belong to or teachings do you follow?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 01:14 pm
I believe her answer would be Jehovah witness?
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 01:32 pm
Drnaline;37991 wrote:
I believe her answer would be Jehovah witness?

I would agree but really want her to say it. If one shares the ideas of their church then why avoid telling the name unless it isn't considered mainstream Christian. But I can accept wvpeach sharing her views. I just want it known what teachings are being provided. It is just a question so she should not fear answering it.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:02 pm
I attend Saturday services at Yawehs House a small worship building with about 40 regular attendees about a hour from my house .

I often take my step grandmother on sundays if her health allows to a South Side Southern Baptists church where my now deceased grandfather was a pastor for 44 years. This was my mothers father who pastored this Baptist church and it is still full of wonderful old people who knew my grandfather so I enjoy their sunday services very much, I have known many of these people since my child hood.

When I visit my parents I attend Sunday services at a Church of Christ where my fathers , father pastored for 18 years .

Both my grandfathers were pastors of different denominations and my father now co pastors a church of Christ

I also attended Catholic schools for 11 years and graduated from Cleveland Central Catholic highschool.

I went to college in Berea OHio where I attended a church of christ college.

But as for a regular worship services the only one I try to make and not miss is the Saturday ( sabbath ) service at Yaweh's House near my home.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:05 pm
Didn't catch your question on the first read.

what teachings are being used when I post in answer to a question , is you question I believe mlurp.

I am providing what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit through much study and years of prayer. I do not belong to a denomination or subscribe to any denominational creed . I have not for well over 10 years.

Its all the Holy Spirit baby and nothing else.

mlurp;37996 wrote:
I would agree but really want her to say it. If one shares the ideas of their church then why avoid telling the name unless it isn't considered mainstream Christian. But I can accept wvpeach sharing her views. I just want it known what teachings are being provided. It is just a question so she should not fear answering it.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 05:53 pm
wvpeach;38007 wrote:
Didn't catch your question on the first read.

what teachings are being used when I post in answer to a question , is you question I believe mlurp.

I am providing what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit through much study and years of prayer. I do not belong to a denomination or subscribe to any denominational creed . I have not for well over 10 years.

Its all the Holy Spirit baby and nothing else.

That is what I thought and hoping. I didn't think you were from one or the other of the close to 25,00 Christian faiths with names today.
In the Spirits name I thank you. One can't see or feel the Deoms or Angels with out the Holy Spirits as the guide.
may the Lord, continue to bless you.
Sharing Together In His, Grace.............................................
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 06:24 pm

May the one great true God bless you and all that you love and protect. I ask the great yaweh's , the great one true God's blessings on our studies together. I ask that you and I and all that read these studies be given wisdom and knowledge and have the scales removed from pur eyes so that they might know the truth about the holy word of Jehovah , the great I am .

I ask this in the holy name of Jesus Christ the son of our God .


Blessings to all


mlurp;38031 wrote:
That is what I thought and hoping. I didn't think you were from one or the other of the close to 25,00 Christian faiths with names today.
In the Spirits name I thank you. One can't see or feel the Deoms or Angels with out the Holy Spirits as the guide.
may the Lord, continue to bless you.
Sharing Together In His, Grace.............................................
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:25 pm
JesusDiedForU;37939 wrote:
I knew I could count on you mlurp! : )

hey I stick with the truth for what I know it. If anyone can strip us I will say I'm wrong. But I don't think anyone can mess with the basic's, right?

Besides I keep it simple. I find I grow futher in His, grace that way. But I am a man and prone to failure. he, he, he.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 02:46 am
briansol;37611 wrote:
science has proved most of the bible theories to be false.

again, the bibile was a way for people of the TIME to explain things they could not explain.

like the Sun god of greek and roman times.... we now know it to be a star.

Briansol, if you had any knowledge of the prophecies of the Bible you would not of made that statement. Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies of the Old Testament. That did not happen by accident. The Jews returning to Israel today was spoken of in the prophecies of the Old Testament as a sign of the end times. The prophecies of the Bible even speak of what is going to happen to America in no less than 3 chapters.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:12 am
Campbell34;38110 wrote:
Briansol, if you had any knowledge of the prophecies of the Bible you would not of made that statement. Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies of the Old Testament. That did not happen by accident. The Jews returning to Israel today was spoken of in the prophecies of the Old Testament as a sign of the end times. The prophecies of the Bible even speak of what is going to happen to America in no less than 3 chapters.

Without the extras I have to agree with Campbell34, Brainsol. Science and rock hounds have proven more of the Bible than they have debunked it.
But tell me after the 20 centerys or so why is the Bible still around? I mean from day two some fool has tried to stop the word from getting out. Yet like the Jewish Nation it is still around. Both proof God, lives.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 01:25 pm
I am currently working on my masters in Theology I have literally book cases full of religious research books and disks too many to count full of the same.

Just ask and ye shall receive when it comes to biblical research.

try this site for a good list of science topics that have been confirmed as written about in the bible long before mankind even understood the concepts.

Science and the Bible

Physics and many scientific fields of study were written about in the bible long before the authors could have even dreamed the concepts.


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