Okey take it easy and I shall go back and read some. I do hate to read a sit consumes so much of my free or online time. I want to get back into readings and understanding the Bible.
Who some how or some way allows that there is a trinity between man and God. By God and whom ever He speaks too.
Right now I am using my Scofield red Lettered, King James Bible to study and read.
geee lets see, man was made in the image and likeness of God man is Personal, rartional and a moral being. While God is infinite and man finite. Nevertheless man is possesses the elements of personality similar to those of the divine person: Thinking, See Gen. 2:19-20: 3:8.... feeling Gen.3:6 and willing Gen. Gen 3:6-7. that covers it for me. I don't have to accept small stuff if I believe in Jesus, and accept His, WAY!
But I do like what till now you have said and do like the fact your all over with this dealing with well I agree to dis agree with you anytime. looool
And opps I meant to post a reply to Jesus Died for U. And not you wvpeach. Sorry I click the wrong button. newbi rules.. #63 A newer poster can get out of trouble for clicking the wrong button .....loooooooooool
And the above is for Jesus died for u and you. I will get to the Trintiy tomorrow some time. man I have to stop going over to my friends Bobs. His zZimmer Time Zone isn't easy to get out of by just driving away. lol