wvpeach, who created the world?

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:01 am
Well let me see I owned and ran a home building company for 15 years.

I often say when I pass one of my homes. " I built that home"

Now technically I probably never drove the first nail or poured the smallest amount of concrete.

Instead I drew up the blueprints and worked on the plans. And my men went to the field and actually built the home.

But i can say I built it as well as they can, Because without me who started the whole thing the house never would have been built in the first place. It took my power to make that house happen. I had the money and the ability to give it to my men to build the house .

I imagine its the same way with God and his son Jesus by what we see in the scriptures .

Or do you have a different idea , died for you?

JesusDiedForU;37136 wrote:
(Isaiah was wrtten about 700 years BEFORE Jesus).

Jehovah made the earth?...[/SIZE]

I am the LORD [Jehovah],
who has made all things,
who alone stretched out the heavens,
who spread out the earth by myself
(Isaiah 44:24)

[SIZE="4"]Jesus made the earth?...[/SIZE]

By him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth...all things were created by him, and for him (Colossians 1:16)

All things were made by him(Jesus); and without him was not anything made that was made (John 1:3)

If Jehovah created the world alone and by himself, how can Jesus been part of creation of the earth?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:39 am
wvpeach;37209 wrote:
Well let me see I owned and ran a home building company for 15 years.

I often say when I pass one of my homes. " I built that home"

Now technically I probably never drove the first nail or poured the smallest amount of concrete.

Instead I drew up the blueprints and worked on the plans. And my men went to the field and actually built the home.

But i can say I built it as well as they can, Because without me who started the whole thing the house never would have been built in the first place. It took my power to make that house happen. I had the money and the ability to give it to my men to build the house .

I imagine its the same way with God and his son Jesus by what we see in the scriptures .

Or do you have a different idea , died for you?

I don't know about Jesusdied4u, but for me, I know God does not play word games, and He does not exaggerate. If Jehovah said He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF, then He did. If this is how you play with Scripture, then it is easy to see how JW's came up with their New World Translation.
This is exactly how cults are formed. And to support their doctrine they resort to doing extreme Biblical acrobatics.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 09:17 am
Campbell34;37239 wrote:
I don't know about Jesusdied4u, but for me, I know God does not play word games, and He does not exaggerate. If Jehovah said He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF, then He did. If this is how you play with Scripture, then it is easy to see how JW's came up with their New World Translation.
This is exactly how cults are formed. And to support their doctrine they resort to doing extreme Biblical acrobatics.

The thing of it is Campbell, you DONT KNOW what "Joe Hovah" REALLY said because you cant prove that the Bible is REALLY Gods word.

Can you?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
FedUpAmerican;37261 wrote:
The thing of it is Campbell, you DONT KNOW what "Joe Hovah" REALLY said because you cant prove that the Bible is REALLY Gods word.

Can you?

That is not what is under debate right now.

Both wvpeach, campbell and I believe in A scripture.

But the belief that Jesus is A God (what wvpeach believes) rather than the ONLY God is not congruant with Scripture.

The Bible teaches that Jesus and Jehovah are one in the same.

Create a new thread and Campbell and I will give the evidence of the inspiration of the Bible.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 09:39 am
FedUpAmerican;37261 wrote:
The thing of it is Campbell, you DONT KNOW what "Joe Hovah" REALLY said because you cant prove that the Bible is REALLY Gods word.

Can you?

Well there were many men in the Bible who could not prove that Jesus Christ was God. Yet it appears if one really wants to know God, He will reveal Himself to that person. People like me just try to point the way to Christ, yet it is only Christ that can prove Himself. Thats why Christ tells us that if you seek Him with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul, you will surly find Him. God has spoken to me, I know who He is. Each one of us have a limited time here on earth, and in that time we have the ability to find God if that's what we desire. In my life time, I have had some great experiences with Him. Yet they are my experiences. If you want to know God, I would suggest you ask Him to prove His existance to you personally.
I don't need to ask Him anymore, He has given me enought proof.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:46 pm
wvpeach;37209 wrote:
Well let me see I owned and ran a home building company for 15 years.

I often say when I pass one of my homes. " I built that home"

Now technically I probably never drove the first nail or poured the smallest amount of concrete.

Instead I drew up the blueprints and worked on the plans. And my men went to the field and actually built the home.

But i can say I built it as well as they can, Because without me who started the whole thing the house never would have been built in the first place. It took my power to make that house happen. I had the money and the ability to give it to my men to build the house .

I imagine its the same way with God and his son Jesus by what we see in the scriptures .

Or do you have a different idea , died for you?

Now you know how difficult the answer to this question can be. So maybe you can explain the Trinity to us and therefore answer the question at the same time.
I prefer to wait to ask Him, the questions I have when and if I get to heaven.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:04 pm
Campbell34;37271 wrote:
Well there were many men in the Bible who could not prove that Jesus Christ was God. Yet it appears if one really wants to know God, He will reveal Himself to that person. People like me just try to point the way to Christ, yet it is only Christ that can prove Himself. Thats why Christ tells us that if you seek Him with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul, you will surly find Him. God has spoken to me, I know who He is. Each one of us have a limited time here on earth, and in that time we have the ability to find God if that's what we desire. In my life time, I have had some great experiences with Him. Yet they are my experiences. If you want to know God, I would suggest you ask Him to prove His existence to you personally.
I don't need to ask Him anymore, He has given me enough proof.

I second that. 4 encounters. The reality of the calm, peaceful tranquility of the second 2 encounters was proof enough. But the results were the real proof. He used 2 of my six dogs twice and a real Lady to shape me for more.
Some day I will explain the first encounter. It involved my breaking my neck at 36 and an older vet who should have been sleeping. But was prompted to say something to me. Many witnesses and it got me on my knees when I was able.
And back to reading the Bible right after I sought the Holy Spirits help in understanding the words. Man an eye opener from there to now.. Thats why I say this is the best time to be alive. This generation will see His, return.
Why one might ask. Well lets wait for the question first. lol
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:05 pm
For those of you who value the truth , read my first post in answer to died for yous orignal question.

I listed a few places in that post where Jesus says he is not the one true God.

Campbell dude, you should ACTUALLY READ THE BIBLE

I have a notion if you actually read the bible you will find out how wrong you are about the trinity. Which by the way does not appear in the bible anywhere and is totally against the commands of God.

Campbell34;37179 wrote:
Yes the Holy Spirit was involved. And this question was asked because there are those who donot believe in a Triune God. They will tell you that Jesus made the earth, and they will tell you the Jehovah also made the earth, and that's where the problem begin's for those who donot believe in a Triune God. You see in the Old Testament, Jehovah states He made the earth alone and by Himself. Now for Christians there is no problem with that verse, because we believe that Jesus and Jehovah = one God. Yet if you were a member of the JW's they donot believe that. They believe that Jesus was a second created God. So when you ask one if they believe that Jehovah made the earth alone and by Himself, that cannot agree with His statement.
They will tell you they believe everything Jehovah has said, but the reality is that cannot believe that He made the earth alone and by Himself. And the reason for this is because the New Testament tells us Jesus made the earth. So unless the Father and Jesus = One God they are left with this big problem that goes against their doctrine. That's why JW's refuse to agree with the Jehovah's statement in the Old Testament. It really come's down to the fact that their belief system is more important to them then what is actually stated in the Bible. For the JW's it is a real point of frustration, and they cannot resolve it. I discovered this verse long ago and have enjoyed speaking with them about it when they come knocking on my door. When ever I ask one of them to confirm Jehovah's own words about His creation of the earth they can't. Because Jehovah doesen't agree with their doctrine.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:08 pm
Campbell did you read my post at all ?

I will not continue to try to have a biblical discussion with you if you refuse to read , even the truth.

In first corinthians wwhat does it say campbell? I posted it here so you should go read the whole chapter and come back and tell me the truth about what it says.

You have a serious problem with the truth and that is going to stop our conversations from bearing fruit.

Campbell34;37239 wrote:
I don't know about Jesusdied4u, but for me, I know God does not play word games, and He does not exaggerate. If Jehovah said He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF, then He did. If this is how you play with Scripture, then it is easy to see how JW's came up with their New World Translation.
This is exactly how cults are formed. And to support their doctrine they resort to doing extreme Biblical acrobatics.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:11 pm
There is no trinity and that concept or word is not found anywhere in the bible.

The trinity was made up by the catholic church and is not true.

In the bible Jesus says plenty of times that he is not God the Father and that God is greater than he. !st Corinthians also clearly spells it out that God has put Jesus over everything except god the father whome is still over Jesus .

People who believe this lie often refer to the passages where Jesus says he and the father are one, Its clear if you read the entire chapter and book instead of just taking a sentence out of context that he means they think alike and act in unison as Jesus said he always does what pleases the Father.

mlurp;37294 wrote:
Now you know how difficult the answer to this question can be. So maybe you can explain the Trinity to us and therefore answer the question at the same time.
I prefer to wait to ask Him, the questions I have when and if I get to heaven.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:43 pm
wvpeach;37347 wrote:
For those of you who value the truth , read my first post in answer to died for yous orignal question.

I listed a few places in that post where Jesus says he is not the one true God.

Campbell dude, you should ACTUALLY READ THE BIBLE

I have a notion if you actually read the bible you will find out how wrong you are about the trinity. Which by the way does not appear in the bible anywhere and is totally against the commands of God.

Well, why was Jesus killed?

And I'm still trying to understand how Jesus helped Jehovah create the earth when Jehovah states He created the earth alone by Himself...
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 10:04 pm
Okey take it easy and I shall go back and read some. I do hate to read a sit consumes so much of my free or online time. I want to get back into readings and understanding the Bible.
Who some how or some way allows that there is a trinity between man and God. By God and whom ever He speaks too.
Right now I am using my Scofield red Lettered, King James Bible to study and read.
geee lets see, man was made in the image and likeness of God man is Personal, rartional and a moral being. While God is infinite and man finite. Nevertheless man is possesses the elements of personality similar to those of the divine person: Thinking, See Gen. 2:19-20: 3:8.... feeling Gen.3:6 and willing Gen. Gen 3:6-7. that covers it for me. I don't have to accept small stuff if I believe in Jesus, and accept His, WAY!
But I do like what till now you have said and do like the fact your all over with this dealing with well I agree to dis agree with you anytime. looool
And opps I meant to post a reply to Jesus Died for U. And not you wvpeach. Sorry I click the wrong button. newbi rules.. #63 A newer poster can get out of trouble for clicking the wrong button .....loooooooooool
And the above is for Jesus died for u and you. I will get to the Trintiy tomorrow some time. man I have to stop going over to my friends Bobs. His zZimmer Time Zone isn't easy to get out of by just driving away. lol
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:50 am
JesusDiedForU;37362 wrote:
Well, why was Jesus killed?

[SIZE="6"] Jesus died for us because it was Gods plan before creation even came to be and the bible says it was the Fathers good pleasure that Jesus should be the first to be resurected so that Jesus might have preeminence in all things.[/SIZE]

And I'm still trying to understand how Jesus helped Jehovah create the earth when Jehovah states He created the earth alone by Himself...

I can give you some scripture on this if you are serious. I have better things to do if you are not.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:39 am
I am not talking about theology here peach. I am asking why did the people kill Jesus. What was their reason!?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 02:16 pm
wvpeach;37351 wrote:
There is no trinity and that concept or word is not found anywhere in the bible.

The trinity was made up by the catholic church and is not true.

In the bible Jesus says plenty of times that he is not God the Father and that God is greater than he. !st Corinthians also clearly spells it out that God has put Jesus over everything except god the father whome is still over Jesus .

People who believe this lie often refer to the passages where Jesus says he and the father are one, Its clear if you read the entire chapter and book instead of just taking a sentence out of context that he means they think alike and act in unison as Jesus said he always does what pleases the Father.

Well the name Jesus Christ does not appear in the Old Testament, so does that mean He does not exist? Of coarse the name trinity does not appear in the Bible. Yet the concept does. When the Father said let US, make man in OUR image, and in OUR likeness. Who was the Father talking to?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:03 pm
The saducees and pharasees of the day ( the religious leaders of the time ) did not like the fact he was questioning the way they ruled the people and what they taught them about God and his laws.

Pretty simple topple the money pot of anybody and they get upset and will want to kill you that is what jesus did to the religious leaders in his time.

And he said I am the Son of God

its in the bible, they did not like that either.

But God the father had jesus death planned from the beginning , the bible also tells us that.

JesusDiedForU;37528 wrote:
I am not talking about theology here peach. I am asking why did the people kill Jesus. What was their reason!?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:07 pm
Christ and maybe all those other sons of God mentioned in the bible

or maybe the other gods also mentioned in the bible.

Doesn't really matter because if it was important God would have told us who the in our image was.

Campbell34;37565 wrote:
Well the name Jesus Christ does not appear in the Old Testament, so does that mean He does not exist? Of coarse the name trinity does not appear in the Bible. Yet the concept does. When the Father said let US, make man in OUR image, and in OUR likeness. Who was the Father talking to?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:49 pm
science has proved most of the bible theories to be false.

again, the bibile was a way for people of the TIME to explain things they could not explain.

like the Sun god of greek and roman times.... we now know it to be a star.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 10:07 pm
FedUpAmerican;37261 wrote:
The thing of it is Campbell, you DONT KNOW what "Joe Hovah" REALLY said because you cant prove that the Bible is REALLY Gods word.

Can you?

Can you prove it isn't Gods, word?
0 Replies
mako cv
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:23 am
But I assure you that the creator has interacted with me in a very personal way a couple of times.

Nothing against you, as you said, I don't know you...but this "interaction" can be explained as an overactive pineal gland (which does cause "religious" experiences when stimulated), a vivid imagination combined with a need for a religious experience or (and I am not implying this applies to you - just an explanation) a pyscotic episode. Unless you can repeat this "interaction"under laboratory conditions and in a manner that can be verified, my statement remains, "There is no evidence that the Creator has ever interacted with his creation".:patriot:
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