One needs only Jesus in their heart and the Holy Word , nothing else is needed. LOL :thumbup:
I began working on a bachelors in theology when my youngest child was a sophomore in college. ( he's a doctor now so its took me awhile)
A class here and a class there.
My sole reason for pursuing this degree and I will probably go on for a doctorate is that my children left for college secure in their faith . So much so that my oldest sons friends took to calling him Jesus ( not something he liked being called as he thought that was making light or dishonoring our Lord)
All three of my children were raised with a very extensive religious up bringing . I did not shove it down their throats I just lived by example and they took it on themselves to follow the Lord in their teenage years. i always say God has as much right to be proud of my kids as I do because he was the main person who raised them. I could not have done it without his help and he did help me all the time. My husband died when the baby was 3 , and I raised them alone in the world , but with the help of the Holy Spirit daily. They all 3 were leaders in their schools and good kids. I was blessed , no doubt.
After my daughters stint in the Army , then Pharmacy school followed she began to come home with lots of information about what is provable about the time frame the bible was written in and what was not.
Then my oldest son in teaching college came home with some very strange info from his religious histories class.
My youngest son in pre med had to take world religions and they all but called the bible fiction.
So I jumped in to find the truth for myself. I jumped in to learn what if anything my kids were being taught in secular and religious colleges was true. And what exactly they were teaching kids that is not true. Needless to say many of my professors would probably crucify me given the chance. But a equal number have become my friends. Colleges cannot be depended on to teach faith to our kids that is for sure. Most try every way they can to debunk the bible . Even the ones who were founded on christian principles and claim to be christian colleges.
I have no desire to preach as I am pretty sure that where a man is able women are not to take that position on themselves. That precludes me as I am a woman ,no doubt about it.
I just want to know the truth and studying the Holy Word is my favorite pass time anyway. So off to school I went. I may be able to teach theology by the time I am done, but doubt I will do that either as they would not like what I would teach. I would teach that the bible is God's Holy Word and that while man has added to and taken away from it , through the Holy Spirit one can still know Gods truth in it.
But the good news is , my studies have helped me to counter act what my children were taught in college . I can now speak with authority about the lies their professors told them. And all three still have their faith in tact, visited my youngest son last week and observed a operation he did and was pleased to see him pray and all in the room stand respectfully as he did before the operation began. And this in a very secular hospital.
So truth be told I did it for my kids, the reason i do anything I guess.
And the love of my God comes even before my kids. I learned that lesson the hard way many years ago. And I may yet pay for another mistake I made. I distinctly felt that God was telling me to not send my kids to college at least not when they went. I have paid for not listening and hope the punishment is done. Thus I am still in school , think God wants me there now and has a plan that will make it worthwhile.
Anyway that is why I am on line so much now days. I now take most of my classes on line . Only having to be at the school one day a week and for finals and such. So I get bored and come to this forum ! :cool:
mlurp;38177 wrote:Thanks for the link. But read my post above your last post and let me know if you agree with this simple choice of stating the facts.
I have no degree or much else. But I do have Jesus in my heart and His, Comforter to guide and protect me. I have His, Holy word. One need nothing else unless they are trying to fill a void or become a preacher. IMHO....
Were you called to do this extra or was it a choice you made?
And no I am not putting you or any other down for wanting to know more on this thread subject. I just try very hard here to use the KISS approach.