wvpeach, who created the world?

Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 04:30 pm
Thanks for the link. But read my post above your last post and let me know if you agree with this simple choice of stating the facts.
I have no degree or much else. But I do have Jesus in my heart and His, Comforter to guide and protect me. I have His, Holy word. One need nothing else unless they are trying to fill a void or become a preacher. IMHO....

Were you called to do this extra or was it a choice you made?

And no I am not putting you or any other down for wanting to know more on this thread subject. I just try very hard here to use the KISS approach.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 04:33 pm
I agree with this post mlurp if this is the one you meant?:thumbup:

mlurp;38136 wrote:
Without the extras I have to agree with Campbell34, Brainsol. Science and rock hounds have proven more of the Bible than they have debunked it.
But tell me after the 20 centerys or so why is the Bible still around? I mean from day two some fool has tried to stop the word from getting out. Yet like the Jewish Nation it is still around. Both proof God, lives.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 04:47 pm
You got it wvpeach....Thanks for the acknowledgment.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 04:57 pm

One needs only Jesus in their heart and the Holy Word , nothing else is needed. LOL :thumbup:

I began working on a bachelors in theology when my youngest child was a sophomore in college. ( he's a doctor now so its took me awhile)

A class here and a class there.

My sole reason for pursuing this degree and I will probably go on for a doctorate is that my children left for college secure in their faith . So much so that my oldest sons friends took to calling him Jesus ( not something he liked being called as he thought that was making light or dishonoring our Lord)

All three of my children were raised with a very extensive religious up bringing . I did not shove it down their throats I just lived by example and they took it on themselves to follow the Lord in their teenage years. i always say God has as much right to be proud of my kids as I do because he was the main person who raised them. I could not have done it without his help and he did help me all the time. My husband died when the baby was 3 , and I raised them alone in the world , but with the help of the Holy Spirit daily. They all 3 were leaders in their schools and good kids. I was blessed , no doubt.

After my daughters stint in the Army , then Pharmacy school followed she began to come home with lots of information about what is provable about the time frame the bible was written in and what was not.

Then my oldest son in teaching college came home with some very strange info from his religious histories class.

My youngest son in pre med had to take world religions and they all but called the bible fiction.

So I jumped in to find the truth for myself. I jumped in to learn what if anything my kids were being taught in secular and religious colleges was true. And what exactly they were teaching kids that is not true. Needless to say many of my professors would probably crucify me given the chance. But a equal number have become my friends. Colleges cannot be depended on to teach faith to our kids that is for sure. Most try every way they can to debunk the bible . Even the ones who were founded on christian principles and claim to be christian colleges.

I have no desire to preach as I am pretty sure that where a man is able women are not to take that position on themselves. That precludes me as I am a woman ,no doubt about it.

I just want to know the truth and studying the Holy Word is my favorite pass time anyway. So off to school I went. I may be able to teach theology by the time I am done, but doubt I will do that either as they would not like what I would teach. I would teach that the bible is God's Holy Word and that while man has added to and taken away from it , through the Holy Spirit one can still know Gods truth in it.

But the good news is , my studies have helped me to counter act what my children were taught in college . I can now speak with authority about the lies their professors told them. And all three still have their faith in tact, visited my youngest son last week and observed a operation he did and was pleased to see him pray and all in the room stand respectfully as he did before the operation began. And this in a very secular hospital.

So truth be told I did it for my kids, the reason i do anything I guess.

And the love of my God comes even before my kids. I learned that lesson the hard way many years ago. And I may yet pay for another mistake I made. I distinctly felt that God was telling me to not send my kids to college at least not when they went. I have paid for not listening and hope the punishment is done. Thus I am still in school , think God wants me there now and has a plan that will make it worthwhile.

Anyway that is why I am on line so much now days. I now take most of my classes on line . Only having to be at the school one day a week and for finals and such. So I get bored and come to this forum ! :cool:

mlurp;38177 wrote:
Thanks for the link. But read my post above your last post and let me know if you agree with this simple choice of stating the facts.
I have no degree or much else. But I do have Jesus in my heart and His, Comforter to guide and protect me. I have His, Holy word. One need nothing else unless they are trying to fill a void or become a preacher. IMHO....

Were you called to do this extra or was it a choice you made?

And no I am not putting you or any other down for wanting to know more on this thread subject. I just try very hard here to use the KISS approach.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 08:18 pm
Yes a mothers duty her whole being the children. Glad to hear they took to the Lord on their own. It as as you pointed out the Liberal me first, I am as God, Why do we need a God, world of Babylon the Great, they must join full time the extra draw will help them. I doubt any believed the B.S. they endured to complete the tests.
But the idea is untill death and once the Mark is rejected the many under the table in the thrown room of God who cry out How Long Lord, must we wait, well it is us whom believe in Jesus. Free will of choice. And many take the easy way, the broad way. I know my path. At 60 I would run to the release, the glory the honor. hey just seeing who is already there. Isn't this the best time to be alive?
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 08:39 pm
I believe it is not humans who are the problem. or at least share the problem equally with the king of this world we currently live in.

Satan after all is the current king of this world and as the bible says controls it as he will.

Satans whole purpose and desire is to take love and worship away from the one true God. After all he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would fall down and worship him.

Satan has long been about keeping people away from God however he can. Some are easy , alcohol , drugs , money or sex is all he need dangle in front of them to make sure they forget about God.

But then he has the church to contend with . So Satan has long been about distorting the bible and the message of the Lord Jesus , so that even people who think they are following God are not . Satan is a crafty one and he is indeed the ruler of this world right now, its so apparent every where you look .

But never fear the good news is God will win and soon the son of God will come in the clouds to bind Satan a 1000 years and then all that satan has deceived the churches with and the world will be made known and the true will of God will be the rule of the earth.

Now that will be a exciting time to live mlurp. During the reign of the Lord

I'd have to say this time , the here and now is pretty bad. Too much evil and unwarranted death in the world to suit me.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 08:49 pm
Satan has only the power we give him. Other in power positions well I have ideas, theories but no true facts as what they believe about Satan. I thin they leave him out of the picture and add themselves. They think they are in control. And the Muslims think they are going to be in control and we know the truth.
But in the name of is a real power. And $ is all Satan has. Money will be what is worked by his magic to create more power and control. The masses blinded. The world situation getting worse. I love living this moment in time. I am waiting and watching. As in the tower keeping ready.

Sharing Together In His, Grace
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 09:25 pm
True mlurp money , kingdoms , power and hate are the main tools of Satan.

But let us not forget that in the book of Job Satan was allowed to kill all of Jobs children.

And he offered the kingdoms of the world to Christ because they were his to rule and give as he chose.

Our Lord said at his ascension that he could speak with his followers no more because the prince of this world ( Satan) was coming and Christ could not be in the world with him.

Christ warned that a man could sweep his house clean and rid himself of demons and without staying firmly for God would find himself with more demons than he had before.

The apostles warned that we had to guard against giving satan a foot hold .

I believe Satan has more power than you think he does.

mlurp;38201 wrote:
Satan has only the power we give him. Other in power positions well I have ideas, theories but no true facts as what they believe about Satan. I thin they leave him out of the picture and add themselves. They think they are in control. And the Muslims think they are going to be in control and we know the truth.
But in the name of is a real power. And $ is all Satan has. Money will be what is worked by his magic to create more power and control. The masses blinded. The world situation getting worse. I love living this moment in time. I am waiting and watching. As in the tower keeping ready.

Sharing Together In His, Grace
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 09:30 pm
Quote: But let us not forget that in the book of Job Satan was allowed to kill all of Jobs children. End Quote. yea that is anothe rquestion I have as God, isn't around any evil as it would be destoryed.
The rest look at the time frame.
jesus took the keys and Acted as the second Adam 3 years later. right?
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 09:36 pm
I'm sorry mlurp I am not following your post. You'll have to elaborate a little .

I am a blonde after all and you know us blondes , we need it spelled out for us. LOL

mlurp;38215 wrote:
Quote: But let us not forget that in the book of Job Satan was allowed to kill all of Jobs children. End Quote. yea that is anothe rquestion I have as God, isn't around any evil as it would be destoryed.
The rest look at the time frame.
jesus took the keys and Acted as the second Adam 3 years later. right?
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 09:39 pm
wvpeach;38219 wrote:
I'm sorry mlurp I am not following your post. You'll have to elaborate a little .

I am a blonde after all and you know us blondes , we need it spelled out for us. LOL

Satan was there with God. But it is written and I accept it. I just wonder about it as at the time I knew evil coundn't survive in the same space as God, why Moses face was brightened. I still hven't seen anyplace else evil was near God. So I wonder tha tis all.
Hey blonde jokes do enough to make it tought for women like you don't pick on yourself also. A real blonde, you are, really?
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:08 pm
Yes I am a real blonde.


Heres a picture on me and my husband recently at a friends wedding. You can tell how unhappy he is to have to clean up .LOL He even wears jeans to church services , but that is allowed where we go.

And as for being a blonde , I am a pretty smart one I think, but my brain does tend to get stuck on a subject and it takes a tow truck to drag it on to the next.

mlurp;38221 wrote:
Satan was there with God. But it is written and I accept it. I just wonder about it as at the time I knew evil coundn't survive in the same space as God, why Moses face was brightened. I still hven't seen anyplace else evil was near God. So I wonder tha tis all.
Hey blonde jokes do enough to make it tought for women like you don't pick on yourself also. A real blonde, you are, really?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:34 pm
On to the subject at hand.

Habakkuk 1:13 Thou art of pure eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look upon iniquity

And I cannot find it at the moment but scripture also tells us that the one true God covers the sins of those who are his as though covered by clouds because he cannot look upon sin.

Take Isaiah 45:6-7 That they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord and there is none else.
I form the light and create the darkness, I make peace and create evil, I the Lord do all these things.

Now above we would seem to have a contradiction , God has such pure eyes that he cannot look upon evil or iniquity (sin)

Yet many places in the bible we are told that the Lord creates evil and as in the above scriptures he makes peace and evil and also war and goodness.

How can this be?

It can be because there is one true God the Father and he cannot look upon evil or sin. So he created a son and savior Christ who can look upon evil and who indeed is the one who will do the dirty deeds so to speak when the world needs purged of sin in the end. The Lord is the one who over saw the flood in Noahs days. Not God the father.

mlurp;38221 wrote:
Satan was there with God. But it is written and I accept it. I just wonder about it as at the time I knew evil coundn't survive in the same space as God, why Moses face was brightened. I still hven't seen anyplace else evil was near God. So I wonder tha tis all.
Hey blonde jokes do enough to make it tought for women like you don't pick on yourself also. A real blonde, you are, really?
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 11:08 pm

also look at 2nd Chronicles 18:18
Again he said , therefore hear the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne , and all the hosts of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left.

And the Lord said , who shall entice Ahab king of Israel , that he may go up and fall at ramoth-gilead? And one spake saying after this manner and another saying after that manner.

Then there came out a spirit and stood before the Lord, and said I will entice him. And the Lord said to him where with?

And he said , I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets . And the Lord said , thou shalt entice him , and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so.

Now therefore , behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets , and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee.

This same scripture is repeated in 1st Kings 22 . Not many things except the gospels get repeated twice in the bible mlurp but this is one of the stories that is important enough to get told twice in scripture.

And what does this story tell us?

First we must look at the the Lord sitting in heaven with all the host . The Lord on his throne ( the place of honor) and the host standing.( to pay him honor) Some on his right hand and some on his left hand. This situation is used through out scriptures as the way the Lord will separate the good from the evil some on the right and some on the left . So we have the Lord in heaven and both good and evil heavenly beings are with him.

Then we have the Lord asking who will entice ? If you read the beginning of the chapter in fact the whole book of Chronicles king Ahab was not about to risk his own skin , so he was not going to the battle of ramoth -gilead. yet the Lord wanted to get him to go. Now would not a all powerful God have just been able to put it in ahabs mind to go . Much as a all powerful God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to cause him to not let the hebrews go and this led to Pharaohs death along with thousands of his soldiers at the red sea?
So why would the one true God , have to ask for help to get ahab to do anything? And why would our mighty God who cannot look upon sin use a lying spirit to trick a man into doing something that eventually caused his death and the death of thousands in Battle? We are talking lies and tricks here. Does that sound like something our mighty all powerful God would do?

Because this was not God, this was the Lord Jesus Christ who is not God, but the honored and first loved in a unique relationship to God the father. God the Father could not do this , it is against all his own rules, neither could God the Father condone this . But Christ could and did as he is a servant to God and his job is to make the plans of God come about on the earth so that all may be well in the end and all may know the one true God and his sinless perfection.

One has only to look at the entire bible to know this is true. Notice when you are reading your King James Version of the bible ( mine is a 1942 print) that in the verses listed above the word Lord is in bold sometimes and italicized in one place. The translators did this because they were not sure of just which Lord in that particular instance they were speaking of . One has to know some greek and hebrew to know the truth. Thankfully jewish christians have made good translations of the bible that clears all this up about exatly who is being spoken of Christ the Lord or God the Father. David Stern does a excellent translation that is straight from the original hebrew and greek and does not have to guess at if it was the Lord or God the father that was being spoken of.

Because the original manuscripts did not jump back and forth as our English translations do , like in this book of Chronicles , you have only to look at the beginning of chapter 18 , its talks of God and then jumps back to the Lord , the truth is the entire story is about the Lord Jesus Christ . God The father was not mentioned in this scripture in the original manuscripts.

But you will not hear this story talked about in most modern churches , nor the contradiction that English translations say God cannot even look upon evil , yet the bible mistranslates that God created evil . God the father did not, but he allowed Jesus Christ the Son and our savior to create evil .

[SIZE="3"] And God the Father has a plan that we will all praise his ordering and decrees for the world once we fully understand it.[/SIZE]

May the God of all the one true God bless this study of his word and all who read it , I ask in the name of Jesus Christ the first begotten of God almighty .

Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2007 12:40 pm
Honest, I don't have the time to check out any of the different chapters and verses mentioned by you and others right now. I have a man waiting for me to help with his bathroom. And I will get another call before I get through the 30 oddd threads replies I already have to read and answer. This site is over whelming. But I love it. So I am juggling to maintain afloat right now.
I prefer jeans too. But my wife was a dresser and when she came home with a new suit, guess what. yes I wore it to Church or a wedding or what ever.
It looks like your husband did cut the beard for you! he, he, he.

Now more important that the question, How does on eget a picture in with the posts on this board?
And you both look like it is a nice life.
Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2007 03:08 am
LOL he only cuts the beard when I make him , you should see it now ! He always says he needs a full beard for dear hunting.

Us ladies always get our way about what you fella's wear to weddings , its a law that nobody told you guys about!

As for the picture thing mlurp your need to have a photo site like photo bucket to upload the picture to which will then create html url's for you to post it on this site. Or you could always email it to me and I'll do it for you.:thumbup:

I will be gone this weekend , talk to you next week.


mlurp;38313 wrote:
Honest, I don't have the time to check out any of the different chapters and verses mentioned by you and others right now. I have a man waiting for me to help with his bathroom. And I will get another call before I get through the 30 oddd threads replies I already have to read and answer. This site is over whelming. But I love it. So I am juggling to maintain afloat right now.
I prefer jeans too. But my wife was a dresser and when she came home with a new suit, guess what. yes I wore it to Church or a wedding or what ever.
It looks like your husband did cut the beard for you! he, he, he.

Now more important that the question, How does on eget a picture in with the posts on this board?
And you both look like it is a nice life.
Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2007 11:31 am
wvpeach;38455 wrote:
LOL he only cuts the beard when I make him , you should see it now ! He always says he needs a full beard for dear hunting.

Us ladies always get our way about what you fella's wear to weddings , its a law that nobody told you guys about!

As for the picture thing mlurp your need to have a photo site like photo bucket to upload the picture to which will then create html url's for you to post it on this site. Or you could always email it to me and I'll do it for you.:thumbup:

I will be gone this weekend , talk to you next week.


Thanks wvpeach. I have to go as the Realtor in Indiana wants another set of disclousers signed and faxed and Bob is waiting for me so we can router the bathroon closet door. See you tonight.
I might have trouble with Photo Bucket as I use to use it and haven't been back in more than a year.
So if I click on your user name I can e-mail you. If it doesn't require Outlook. I use yahoo.com. So maybe if you sent me your e-mail addy by way of a PM. I will try Photo Bucket but I am sure I will have the same trouble as I had with e-bay. And I just told them to forget it. As I haven't the time to spend re-doing what I already done. I make my own rules and follow them.
Each provider of anything on the web thinks they are the only one on the web and time isn't an issue to them.

See you later. Michael
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2007 08:56 am

I will be more than happy to post anything you give me that is tactful.

No nudes and no bad jokes. ( not that you would)

I am finishing most of my college this year on line and can only read so long at a time before I need a break. So I surf the net for breaks.

Seems to be widening my behind too! :thumbdown:

mlurp;38503 wrote:
Thanks wvpeach. I have to go as the Realtor in Indiana wants another set of disclousers signed and faxed and Bob is waiting for me so we can router the bathroon closet door. See you tonight.
I might have trouble with Photo Bucket as I use to use it and haven't been back in more than a year.
So if I click on your user name I can e-mail you. If it doesn't require Outlook. I use yahoo.com. So maybe if you sent me your e-mail addy by way of a PM. I will try Photo Bucket but I am sure I will have the same trouble as I had with e-bay. And I just told them to forget it. As I haven't the time to spend re-doing what I already done. I make my own rules and follow them.
Each provider of anything on the web thinks they are the only one on the web and time isn't an issue to them.

See you later. Michael
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2007 09:37 am
No nudes and no bad jokes. ( not that you would)
Do you look at your husbands magazines?
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2007 11:29 am
Certainly Drnaline

I am really interested in the law in different states for riders and Easy rider keeps on top of that as well as having a joke page that is always a hoot.

See drnaline you have the wrong perception of what a Christian is . A christian is one who follows the teachings of Christ as closely as they can. And that is what I am .

That does not mean I am perfect, far from it. But hey Christ turned water into wine at a wedding party. And if you read the bible all God's favorite people were huge sinners. Moses a murder, David a murderer and adulterer , king soloman , well lets not even go into it with his 1000 wifes and many more concubines and don't forget Paul who was killing Christians before he was struck down on the road to Damascus.

A Christian is not one who never sins or even allows sin in their presence a Christian is one who tries to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus as closely as possible. I have almost every word Jesus ever said memorized , how about you?

Drnaline;38786 wrote:
Do you look at your husbands magazines?

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