mark x
My advice to you is that you pray each time you read the bible . Clear your mind and really pray. Ask God to give you wisdom and understanding of his Holy Word . Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to instruct you in what is truth. Ask God to remove the scales from your eyes that you might see clearly and to open your understanding of the scriptures. Ask this in praise because you want to know your God and his will for your life . And ask in the name of the Son and savior Jesus Christ and God will be faithful as promised to answer this prayer.
And praise his Holy name as his Holy Spirit begins to open your understanding and thank him for the sacrifice of the Son our Lord Jesus .
Never forget to pray for this as scripture tells us that man does not live by bread alone , but rather by every word that proceedth from the mouth of God. God wants nothing more than for his kids to love him and know him, he will gladly answer your prayer if you are in earnest.
One thing I believe really helps is that you must learn to do as Jesus instructed us, and this is hard. We must love God above all and nobody above God. This is hard for humans as we love our human families so much and after all we can put our arms around our human families and tell them face to face we love them. I learned the hard way that God has decreed we must love him first, and that until we learn to do this we will never fully know the truth or be happy. Believe me it was hard as I a mother loved my children so much I could not even conceive of loving God more. But God instructs his children as any loving parent would and sometimes even though those lessons hurt he will insist that we learn them.
God taught me to love him first. And my life is grand ever since! LOL.
I'd say my husband and children come in about tied , But God always comes first in my life now and in my love.
Blessings to you and yours this night markx.
And let me know when you want to study anytime . I am not expert but i do have the best teacher anyone could have the Holy Spirit.
I have a web site that is little used we could study on just PM me
markx15;39008 wrote:wvpeach, I do not trust the Bible. I have fear that what I read might have been written by men to control men. I understand your experiences, I have had similar, for that reason I know that the spirit of truth guides those who want it. I wish to learn the word of God, maybe you can help me experience the truth as you have?