@mako cv,
The Hebrew word for pillar is YQXM the root is QX meaning "to melt" There fore YQXM means " a molten like pillar. The earth floats on molten rock.
And Job 9:6 speaks of the earth being shaken out of her place, and this happens because the plates of the earth move on molten rock.
Job 37:18 states the sky is strong, and as a molten glass? This may be a reference to it's appearence and not trying to get the reader to believe its actually made of glass ect. I don't believe one can understand these verses without first looking into the wording a little closer. What may be silly to you may only be silly because of a lack of understanding on your part.
Please don't blame the Christian faith for the Iraq war. And I don't care what other countries think of America, we are not a Christian Nation. America is what it is, a nation that has murdered 60 million of it's own children by abortion. And many of the Moslem nations believe America is the Great Satan. America is doing all it can to make their point. Their may be Christians here in America but there appears to be a lot more non christians supporting evil than good.
And Jesus is not going to appear in the dreams of every Moslem in the world, because it appears He only appears in the dreams of Moslems that are truly seeking God. Most of this world may have religions, or beliefs, but few are really seeking God.
Moslems believe that goodworks may help you to get to heaven, but Christ tells us your best works are but filthy rags before the throne of God. Islamics believe the only sure way you can get to heaven is if you die killing non believers. Christ tells us many will worship Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. So you are right, few people will be in heaven and only those who follow Christ with their heart will be found there.