Who is this guy??/

Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 09:31 pm
Reagaknight;16881 wrote:
Ignorant of what he did? That applies perfectly and equals stupid to me, if you insist on talking about politics.

Hey dumb ass, ignorance and stupidity are two seperate things. Ignornace is not knowing any better, stupidity is knowing better and doing it anyways.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 09:40 pm
ignorance - Wiktionary

stupid - Wiktionary

stupid- lacking intelligence

ignorant- lacking knowledge

If you lack knowledge of what Reagan did, you are displaying poor intelligence if you insist upon talking about such things that he contributed to.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 09:54 pm
Reagaknight;17563 wrote:
ignorance - Wiktionary

stupid - Wiktionary

stupid- lacking intelligence

ignorant- lacking knowledge

If you lack knowledge of what Reagan did, you are displaying poor intelligence if you insist upon talking about such things that he contributed to.

if a kid sticks his finger into a light socket and gets shocked for lack of knowing better(knowledge), he was ignorant. If you, Knowing better(intelligence), do the same...you are stupid. There is a big difference in the two. Besides, do you honestly think John Goodman is going to attempt to become president. Regan has nothing to do with your everyday bought celebrity. That is the point i made. What "knowledge" do these jack-offs have to sway our society, only what is written on the que-cards. Besides, i'm sure regan acted in order to make money, not to sway people to his side. He probably even enjoyed it.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:01 pm
I don't think we're exactly in the same conversation. I'm saying you're ignorant if you don't know what Reagan did. Therefore you would be stupid to carry on a conversation, assuming you were ignorant of what he did, about things that he influenced.
Reply Sat 26 May, 2007 07:42 pm
Reagaknight;17570 wrote:
I don't think we're exactly in the same conversation. I'm saying you're ignorant if you don't know what Reagan did. Therefore you would be stupid to carry on a conversation, assuming you were ignorant of what he did, about things that he influenced.

the conversation was not about regan, it was about celebrities being payed to back political views. regan was 1 celebrity who had anything to do with any good polotics. I did not want to talk about regan therefore i bypassed your comment saying something about arnold. Who gives a rip about regan, he is an ex-president and is not going to help our future. He has already done his terms. I like to look to the future, not dwell on the past. Altho i wish alot of things were like how they used to be, there is nothing that can be done about it anymore. Arguing who was the best former president, religion, or anything on a blog site sure as hell is not going to do it. Yes regan was a b rate celebrity who became president. I'm sure he already had plans to do something in polotics before then. These hacks i speak of do not. You changed the conversation, therefore your assumption is correct. We are not in the same conversation.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 08:35 am
92b16vx;16741 wrote:
Should Reagan have been ignored? He was an actor.

This changed the conversation not me. ANd I didn't say anythig about Arnold.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 May, 2007 05:54 pm
trapped.by.parties;16819 wrote:
And arnold....well that is obvious!

this is what i replied to
Originally stated by Pinochet73
Actors are merely exploiting their fame. They should be ignored.
92b16vx Quote:
Should Reagan have been ignored? He was an actor.
Honestly, Regan wasn't president and had no intent on being president during the time he was an actor. It wasn't untill he was broadcasting on the radio and rich people talked him into running for govenor of california that he started getting into polotics. So in this i would have to agree with pinochet and say during the time he was an actor YES HE PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN IGNORED!!! If he were being payed to back an agenda.

excuse me you didn't bring up regan, you just felt the need to defend someone who doesn't need defending. "Whether you're a liberal or not, you're stupid if you think Reagan's legacy is to be ignored." I can agree he was a great President, But i think the only reason he did so well is he didn't need to go to college and take years of political classes. He didn't need to have family history in polotics. He was a regular man who started working as a lifegaurd, moved to radio, then movies, then radio/telivision(GE commercials), then govenor, then after many failed attempts president. He also did public speaches before his govenorship. He was a normal American who actually wanted to help Americans. This is not a great legacy, It was an honest man doing what he could to try and make the world a better palce. People do this everyday. He was not Jesus.
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