I like the post. I've expressed my opinion on several items in the original post and tried to seperate them for clarity. Those items in quotes are from the original post.
"How many people are aware of the criminal alien problem we have?"
I think that crime and illegal "aliens" are seperate issues.
"In California there was a group of criminals who took down the American flag and the californian flag and replaced them with a mexican flag.?!"
My response:
Those who replaced the American flag with a Mexican one, I don't care what country you are from, did that act violate the law?
"Isn't replacing a nations flag with another nations flag concidered an act of war?"
My response:
If the acting of replacing the American flag by a select few individuals, is cause for us to assume Mexico is declaring war on the United States, then our country has much larger problems then illegal immigration. Or would it be considered an act of war by those individuals? If so, it may be a quick war.
Your position:
"I've heard this from many LEGAL mexicans, mexico is going to try to take the border states back. I don't know if you realize this, BUT THEY ARE!!!"
Exactly which LEGAL mexicans are you listening to? Obviously I'm not asking for names. But are they government sources, prominent mexican american citizens, are they a majority of mexicans, do they belong to a mexican organization that supports taking over the border states. Or are they a few people with whom you've had casual conversations? I would hate for the US to declare war on Mexico based on the assumption they were trying to annex our borders states. Or declare any war based on an assumption.
Perhaps there is documented evidence regarding the Mexican government's agenda to annex the border states. I would love it if you could provide that info.
Here are some of my theories:
I think to tackle this issue we must look to who benefits from illegal immigration and how does it burden and benefit American society.
I theorize business owners benefit the most from illegal immigration through cheap labor. Perhaps a prime example would be in California, crop pickers, strawberries, lettuce, etc. Not sure how many Americans want that job, or even the restaurant dishwasher job, etc. So, if we make all employment only available to those of a legal status, we may make headway. Employers should be held accountable and penalized by hiring illegal labor.
The burden on American society - only those with legal status should obtain an education. We then hold educational institutions accountable for admitting only legal status students.
Our defunct healthcare system. I further propose that unless a visit to an emergency room is truly life threatening, we should turn away those who do not have legal status. I would further propose we station immigration agents at hospitals to verify status.
To attack the immigration issue at the border is a daunting task and I would say limited in scope. To truly solve it through legal non-racist or discrimination may be an even more difficult task, but in the long run, may be a solution to an over 200 year old American issue.
Now, this does not address the "refuge" status of some immigrants, those fleeing their countries, war, genocide, etc. That is a seperate topic.
I firmly believe in the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
"And none of our leaders are doing anything about it, short from kissing the feet of every criminal alien in this country."
Our leaders have addressed the issue since 1790:
1790 Naturalization rule adopted. Federal government establishes a two-year residency requirement on immigrants wishing to become U.S. citizens.
Some more current:
1980 Refugee Act. A system is developed to handle refugees as a class separate from other immigrants.
Immigration Reform and Control Act.
Immigration Act of 1990.
Immigration Act. In an effort to curb illegal immigration, Congress votes to double the U.S. Border Patrol to 10,000 agents over five years and mandates the construction of fences at the most heavily trafficked areas of the U.S.-Mexico border. Congress also approves a pilot program to check the immigration status of job applicants.
1996 Immigrants lose benefits. President Clinton signs welfare reform bill that cuts many social programs for immigrants
As far as the most current laws, I am a bit unclear. I have seen news reports regarding increased walls, increased border patrol officers and even some individual americans defending our borders.
I assume when you say kissing the feet of every criminal alien, you mean our political leaders are appeasing a small group of convicted non American citizen individuals who do not have the American right to vote for them. Whomever these leaders are, hopefully there is an election soon.