You didn't have to reveal your age for us to know. Certain points of your arguement I can tell come from inexperience and from what you were taught to recite. The reason you may win debates with your friends does not make your argument fact, you are armed with information. Which in the wrong hands can be very dangerious and in the right hands be very fulfilling. If your friends were similarly armed you would find the debate quit different. Just like i'm sure you found our PM conversation different. Did you think you won that discussion? Personally i think i had you on the ropes from the start.
Quote:Also if I make any grammer mistake or misquote something, it will be turned onto me as an insult.
I doubt any one will correct your grammar and if some one does it IMO it won't be a repug. I've had dozens try and correct my grammar and spelling, not one of them was a repuglican. Personal attacks are not allowed hear, i and a few other mods here police the site for such things, if we miss something or something offends you or cause's you distress you let someone know, and if we feel you have appropriate cause we will take care of it for you.
Quote:I appreciate advice but I dont want any "You'll grow out of it." crap like its a bad acne problem.
One undenyable fact is. We have all been where you are at. For the most part, we have all made progressions from our political starting points. That's the deal with politics. If your dead set on having one point of view, IMO you are doomed. If you stick around here long enough, i know you will learn what we mean. It is not and we are not trying to demean you by saying "You may grow out of it" We were all once you. And when you are our age you will look back to where you have been with the same thought to a person you know is just starting out. Politics is an ideoligy that is not carved in stone. Not for a reasonable person of which you sound like. By reasonable i mean, if in a debate you feel yourself proved wrong you will learn from this mistake and move on. From this point your perception has changed, or should have. If not then your claim : "I doubt illl be changing my screen name (lol)." in fact will be true. I for one think we will have very revealing debates.