Where are they now?

Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 12:27 pm
Drnaline;37008 wrote:
That is legislating from the bench, SCOTUS does not make law, period. That is unConstitutional.

Article III clearly gives SCOTUS judicial review over the Constitution and federal statutes. No, it isn't unConstitutional.

And what right have they taken away from you is what you still haven't explained? Right here right now? You don't have one example of what has been taken? You keep pointing to some right to privacy but when i ask where in the Constitution you beat around the bush because you know it's not there. You probably believe separation of church and state in the there too? Take my word for it, it ain't.

Thus far I have not had my rights infringed upon, but the idea that they can if they so desire is unAmerican. I know the words "separation of church and state" aren't in the Constitution, but it does forbid laws establishing religion.

I thought we were talking rights, now you want to change to LAW? In any case, show me where it says the Constitution applys to those only in our borders? I can't take your word for it because you thought there is a right to privacy in the Constitution.

The Constitution provides and denies POWERS to the federal and state governments, and provides RIGHTS to the people. The Constitution obviously doesn't apply overseas, so we know it stops at our borders. You accept all or none of the Constitution, so to say that only citizens recieve the rights of which you speak is to say that the Constitution, and thus all federal laws and jurisdiction do not apply to visiting or residing non-citizens.

So in your opinion if you think it's not legal it must be illegal? What does the Constitution have to say about it? Nothing. If something doesn't make it legal that don't automatically made it illegal.

Amendment X says that all powers not given to the federal government EXPRESSLY in the Constitution are forbidden to it. So yeah, if it aint in the Constitution, they can't do it, end of story.

WE can prove Sklinton lied, you need to prove intent to get Bush. If you guys had it he would already be gone.

I didn't mention Bush, god you're defensive. My point was (and still is) that just because the government DOES it, doesn't make it legal. Clinton lied under oath and he was rightfully impeached for it, this is a GOOD EXAMPLE of the government being held to the same standard as the rest of us.

So you think they were forced to vote under threat? Didn't they just giver him another 50 billion in appropriations, they don't seem so opposed wouldn't you think?

I don't care if the vote in Congress was 535-0 to let Bush deploy troops in Iraq, they don't have the right to let him do it. They can declare war, or they can choose not to. US war-making was designed to go like this:

Bad thing happens with......Canada.
Congress declares war on Canada.
President takes the military to war and kicks some Canadian ass based on his plans and his choice of leadership.
Canadians ask for peace treaty, president approves it.
Senate approves peace treaty.
So ends the war of the sled-dogs.

Congress did not, nor do they now have the right to simply allow the president to deploy troops at his discretion. Since WWII we have not declared war and since WWII we haven't won a war (no, Reagan/Bush 1 police actions don't count, the enemy have to actually be able to fight back). I'm not making this **** up, read Article I.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 03:50 pm
We have History on our side. It was Canada that kicked some serious ass in the US and we looted and burnt your White House to the ground.
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 04:12 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 07:21 pm
@Red cv,
Red;37085 wrote:
We have History on our side. It was Canada that kicked some serious ass in the US and we looted and burnt your White House to the ground.

Yeah....but we gained international prestige for standing toe-to-toe with the fabled and feared British Army, and kicked your butts out of the US. You outflanked us, when we concentrated most of our forces in a failed, northward attack. Nonetheless, the British attempt to reclaim the American colonies bottomed out. AMERICA IS THE ONLY FORMER BRITISH COLONY WITH GUTS AND SKILLS. The others are soft-spoken pansies.
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 07:22 pm
@Red cv,
Red;37085 wrote:
We have History on our side. It was Canada that kicked some serious ass in the US and we looted and burnt your White House to the ground.

Yeah, well, we let you win. We knew you guys were going to brew better beer than we could. In the end, we needed you to be our friends.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:29 am
Pinochet73;37113 wrote:
Yeah....but we gained international prestige for standing toe-to-toe with the fabled and feared British Army, and kicked your butts out of the US. You outflanked us, when we concentrated most of our forces in a failed, northward attack. Nonetheless, the British attempt to reclaim the American colonies bottomed out. AMERICA IS THE ONLY FORMER BRITISH COLONY WITH GUTS AND SKILLS. The others are soft-spoken pansies.

yeh the americans were right to fight off british imperialism,pity you want to see american imperialism in the middle-east :thumbdown:
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:43 am
Pinochet73;37113 wrote:
Yeah....but we gained international prestige for standing toe-to-toe with the fabled and feared British Army, and kicked your butts out of the US. You outflanked us, when we concentrated most of our forces in a failed, northward attack. Nonetheless, the British attempt to reclaim the American colonies bottomed out. AMERICA IS THE ONLY FORMER BRITISH COLONY WITH GUTS AND SKILLS. The others are soft-spoken pansies.

I love your never give up, never give in attitude. Take a deep breath after work and buy yourself a margarita.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:51 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37231 wrote:
yeh the americans were right to fight off british imperialism,pity you want to see american imperialism in the middle-east :thumbdown:

Like America is without a sordid past....JFK and MLK were state-sponsored assassinations...as we now know. It's not such a proud time to be an American....it's why we true Americans have to wrest power away from the corrupted...Why do you suppose we have such a high standing in the eyes of the world today? (being facetious, in case you didn't know). Why do you suppose Bush is reviled everywhere? Guess it's because he's such a rootin' tootin' cowboy, kick butt John Wayne type....in his dreams. He's the Pansy-in-Chief....and according to some, I guess I should know. Or should I?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:38 pm
aaronssongs;37297 wrote:
JFK and MLK were state-sponsored assassinations...as we now know.

Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2007 09:20 pm
socalgolfguy;37333 wrote:

Listen, continue drinking the kool-aid, hear! I don't give a rat's booty.
I choose to wake up and smell the coffee...if you think that the US government is sinless and pristine...then that is beyond pollyanna.
The government was complicit in the assassinations of Malcolm X, MLK, JFK, RFK, Medger Evers, just to name a few...why do you ask...because either they were "feared" or didn't tow the line...and if you think I'm the only one who thinks that...you're sadly mistaken....the evidence is abundant, if you care to look for it. But why would you? You're a part of the scheme of things....it's all in your rhetoric. But you know what? I'm not afraid, because God is on the side of the righteous...and my mother intercedes for me daily....and she's a saint. You cannot hurt me.

Big Brother has been watching for years...the New World Order is "in effect"...and obviously, that's just the way you want it. 'Cuse me, but I don't have to like it...and I don't...don't care too much for you, either. We clear?
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 01:03 am
aaronssongs;38398 wrote:
Listen, continue drinking the kool-aid, hear! I don't give a rat's booty.
I choose to wake up and smell the coffee...if you think that the US government is sinless and pristine...then that is beyond pollyanna.
The government was complicit in the assassinations of Malcolm X, MLK, JFK, RFK, Medger Evers, just to name a few...why do you ask...because either they were "feared" or didn't tow the line...and if you think I'm the only one who thinks that...you're sadly mistaken....the evidence is abundant, if you care to look for it. But why would you? You're a part of the scheme of things....it's all in your rhetoric. But you know what? I'm not afraid, because God is on the side of the righteous...and my mother intercedes for me daily....and she's a saint. You cannot hurt me.

I believe that our govt. had something to do with JFK and all and most "conspiracy theorys" and the people who come up with them have nothing to gain by them, but where is the proof we as a people need to prosecute these criminals who perpetrated these foul acts?
0 Replies

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