MLK started out in his local church, and with time, became a household name where streets are named after him. People heard his statement.
Today, with the power of the internet, in theory,
I could run for president.
Hell, if ron paul doesn't get the nod, i'm going to start a campaign to elect me.... kinda like Colbert did for that bridge in Holland or where ever it was.
I don't think Paul is the only one who can handle the fiscal matters. There's a lot more to him than that.
Out of everything i've read, the only thing i DON'T agree with him on is abortion. I am pro-abortion. I think more girls should have them. but that was another thread.... whereas Paul is pro life.
Since im a guy, and i'm smart, i don't really have to worry about abortions. My g/f is on the pill, and we play it safe. If it happens, it happens, and I will take care of our kid if we should have one with out any issues.
Other than that, there's not a thing I don't nod my hat to him for saying.
Ron who?
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Watch some. get to know him.