Hitler was a liberal

Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 06:25 am
I found this quote the other day:

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Who do you reckon it is? Nancy Pelosi? Howard Dean? John Kerry?

Actually it’s one of the original founders of liberal thinking: Adolf Hitler. Don’t you find it odd that liberals and wingers will often call us mainstream Americans “Fascists” when it’s the liberals who are indistinguishable from the real fascists?!

But lets have a look at some of Hitler’s other polices: He was big on gun control: in fact that’s where many of America’s liberals get the idea that we should restrict firearm ownership.

Everybody knows that Hitler hated the Jews, but what few liberals admit to is the fact that they also hate Jewish people. Why else would they side with islamofascists like Al-Queda and Hizbolah?


Hitler works the crowd.


Bill Clinton works the crowd.

Spot the difference?

Adolf Hitler:

Came to power after a Terrorist incident
Nationalized industries
Set up athiest youth organizations
Killed a religious minority

Bill Clinton:

Came to power after the Oklahoma City Bombing
Hillary tried to take over the health-care industries
Rock the vote, Americorps
Waco, TX — Branch Davidians

The fact is that Hitler was a self-proclaimed liberal….not a self-proclaimed conservative. And those icons of liberalism Hillary and Bill Clinton lived a life that was completely moddled after their liberal hero: Adolph Hitler. Please excuse me if I’m wrong, but the way I see it is that liberals are the same kind of anti-Semitic, jew-hating whackadoos responsible for the atrocities of Nazi Germany.

Watch out for Jesus!

Tristan Shuddery
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,844 • Replies: 36
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scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 08:39 am
unlike any liberal ive ever heard of :thumbdown:
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 09:08 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28074 wrote:
unlike any liberal ive ever heard of :thumbdown:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 09:24 am
92b16vx;28078 wrote:

it was socialists and communists,hitler and his allies were fighting on the streets of germany after the end of world war 1,he certainly wasnt a liberal,he was a extreme nationalist,he hated socialism/communism.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:08 am
Great observation, b16 - anyone that has read anything about Hitler knows that everything you have posted is absolute fact. The comparisons with Hitlery are interesting enough but I do not think even she would execute 6,000,000 conservatives. Although she probably would go for the interment camps....
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:12 am
socalgolfguy;28090 wrote:
Great observation, b16 - anyone that has read anything about Hitler knows that everything you have posted is absolute fact. The comparisons with Hitlery are interesting enough but I do not think even she would execute 6,000,000 conservatives. Although she probably would go for the interment camps....

so hitler was a liberal socialist lol
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:14 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28080 wrote:
it was socialists and communists,hitler and his allies were fighting on the streets of germany after the end of world war 1,he certainly wasnt a liberal,he was a extreme nationalist,he hated socialism/communism.

I'm inclined to agree.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:19 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28080 wrote:
it was socialists and communists,hitler and his allies were fighting on the streets of germany after the end of world war 1,he certainly wasnt a liberal,he was a extreme nationalist,he hated socialism/communism.

Ok, so democrats are fascist, not socialist.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:22 am
92b16vx;28096 wrote:
Ok, so democrats are fascist, not socialist.

how exactly,do you work that one out :dunno:
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:24 am
socalgolfguy;28090 wrote:
Great observation, b16 - anyone that has read anything about Hitler knows that everything you have posted is absolute fact. The comparisons with Hitlery are interesting enough but I do not think even she would execute 6,000,000 conservatives. Although she probably would go for the interment camps....

Well, isn't that where they belong...where they cannot further contaminate the public discourse...it is, after all, the Bushies and the Cheney-ites, who have subverted our public discussion, quashed our civil rights, disregarded the rule of law...claiming executive privilege, in place of judicial or legislative oversight, which, in fact, makes them unanswerable to anyone, lied , cheated, stole, perjured, imprisoned, mocked..( need I go on, and on?).
Hell, even under Reagan, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were still in effect. Even Barry Goldwater and George Wallace moderated their stances toward the end of their days. Not so, these conservatives and neo-cons, and right wingers, these days....nobody matters but them...cold hearted S.O.B's.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:30 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28099 wrote:
how exactly,do you work that one out :dunno:

I said Hitler was a socialist/liberal based on the fact that his policies and rhetoric are almost identical to the of the modern democrats. You said he was against socialist and not a liberal, (even though he was a self proclaimed liberal), we can all agree he was a fascist, and if his policies are not socialist, and they are the same as the democrats, than democrats must be fascist. Simple a plane has wings and flies, a duck has wings and flies, ergo, a plane is a duck logic :peace: Well that is my subversive story, and I am sticking to it.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:32 am
aaronssongs;28100 wrote:
Well, isn't that where they belong...where they cannot further contaminate the public discourse...it is, after all, the Bushies and the Cheney-ites, who have subverted our public discussion, quashed our civil rights, disregarded the rule of law...claiming executive privilege, in place of judicial or legislative oversight, which, in fact, makes them unanswerable to anyone, lied , cheated, stole, perjured, imprisoned, mocked..( need I go on, and on?).

And you see something different in the democrats?
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:39 am
92b16vx;28104 wrote:
I said Hitler was a socialist/liberal based on the fact that his policies and rhetoric are almost identical to the of the modern democrats. You said he was against socialist and not a liberal, (even though he was a self proclaimed liberal), we can all agree he was a fascist, and if his policies are not socialist, and they are the same as the democrats, than democrats must be fascist. Simple a plane has wings and flies, a duck has wings and flies, ergo, a plane is a duck logic :peace: Well that is my subversive story, and I am sticking to it.

Sticking to it, you may...doesn't make it any less ridiculous...or less hyperbole.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:44 am
aaronssongs;28111 wrote:
Sticking to it, you may...doesn't make it any less ridiculous...or less hyperbole.

I am here to confound and confuse. But to deny that the modern democratic party has anyones best interest other than their own sets of special interests is naive. There is no difference in the two parties today, they are both trying to steal America, just from different sides of the court.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:48 am
92b16vx;28104 wrote:
I said Hitler was a socialist/liberal based on the fact that his policies and rhetoric are almost identical to the of the modern democrats. You said he was against socialist and not a liberal, (even though he was a self proclaimed liberal), we can all agree he was a fascist, and if his policies are not socialist, and they are the same as the democrats, than democrats must be fascist. Simple a plane has wings and flies, a duck has wings and flies, ergo, a plane is a duck logic :peace: Well that is my subversive story, and I am sticking to it.

what can i say to that post ! RUBBISH
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:50 am
92b16vx;28106 wrote:
And you see something different in the democrats?

Of course I do! You can't compare the miscarriages of justice, and high crimes and misdemeanors committed by this administration with anything the Democrats have ever done, in the history of the US. Puh-leeze!
I did not fall off of a turnip truck...and dare I say, neither did any of the rest of the people who believe as I do...what is wrong with you people?
Clinton lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky, and they voted to impeach his ass...
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, lied about the evidence of WMD's Saddam was believed to have possessed...and used manufactured documents and spin to intiate a war against a despot, who was contained, if noisy, and changed the premise for going to war, in the middle of the damn war, and the debacle has cost untold lives, on both sides, to what end?????
The Republicans are not Republicans in the traditional sense...I really don't know what they are...they seem so un-American to me. And this all seems like a bad episode of The Twilight Zone, or better....The Outer Limits, because this is totally "alien". All of this.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:50 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28117 wrote:
what can i say to that post ! RUBBISH

Then prove it otherwise. Labels mean nothing, actions speak volumes.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:54 am
aaronssongs;28119 wrote:
The Republicans are not Republicans in the traditional sense...I really don't know what they are...they seem so un-American to me. And this all seems like a bad episode of The Twilight Zone, or better....The Outer Limits, because this is totally "alien". All of this.

They are called Neocons, they are not republicans anymore. The democrats want to take away my guns, and make me pay for everyone elses healthcare, they are socialist. The "republicans" want to take away my privacy, and make me pay for everyone in Iraqs healthcare, I hate them both equally.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:54 am
92b16vx;28114 wrote:
I am here to confound and confuse. But to deny that the modern democratic party has anyones best interest other than their own sets of special interests is naive. There is no difference in the two parties today, they are both trying to steal America, just from different sides of the court.

So, while you admit that both parties are trying to steal America, somehow you're aligned with the Repubs "against" the Dems????
Well, hey...pick a side...root for your team, get in the trenches, and fight.
Everybody thinking they have the upper hand in what is right, morality, direction....and couldn't find a light switch, in the dark...Dems or Repubs, truth be told.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:59 am
aaronssongs;28123 wrote:
So, while you admit that both parties are trying to steal America, somehow you're aligned with the Repubs "against" the Dems????
Well, hey...pick a side...root for your team, get in the trenches, and fight.
Everybody thinking they have the upper hand in what is right, morality, direction....and couldn't find a light switch, in the dark...Dems or Repubs, truth be told.

Not really. I am voting in the Republican primary because Ron Paul is running on the republican ticket. And I will probably be doing a write in vote for him next year. I hate the two party system, it is corrupt. I like real republican government, non interventionalist foreign policy, small government, low taxes, unfortunately, that is not a reality anymore, BushCo destroyed the GOP, and their chances for next election.

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