I know of a Middle Eastern man who was imprisoned for years because he was a "suspected terrorist" he was tortured and held without charges or a trial and never spoke to a lawyer, after years of torment he was released after they discovered he had no ties to terrorist organizations. His constitutional rights were denied. His freedom was cast aside. It would not have been legal were it not for the patriot act.
To answer your question, No, I have not personally experienced a "loss of freedom" but others have and more will. I have not personally been abused by the government, but it is absolute folly to legalize govt. abuse and then expect it to never happen. The question you ask is as meaningless as if you had asked "Who here has been raped, do we really need laws against it?" It's foolish because even though it might not have happened to you or I, it has happened to others, and will only escalate with time.