Does Ron Paul have enough eperience to lead this nation?

Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 04:12 pm
Being the mayor of a city does not equate to anything related to running the most powerful nation on earth, especially when you are A) a liberal democrat that is going to lose to Hitlery in the general, B) Your whole campaign is based of parroting the same tired, and proven false "look what I did during 9/11" line. Ron Paul has intimate knowledge of foreign relations from sitting on the Foriegn Relations Commitee, and monetary dealings from the Financial Services committee, he has actual knowledge. Rudy touts himself as some expert in terrorism, yet has NO experiance beyond happening to be mayor when NY was attacked. He doesn't have the first clue, and his entire campaign is based on feeding off the fear in America from terrorist. Rudy Giuliani is a liberal democrat who is only on the republican ticket because he is a chickenhawk, that is symathetic to destroying America via the neocons antagonistic warmonger agenda.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 04:21 pm
okay, Rudy still has more experience and support. Your opinion is exactly that. The facts favor me
Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 04:22 pm
Silverchild79;43583 wrote:
okay, Rudy still has more experience and support. Your opinion is exactly that. The facts favor me

Keep telling youself that.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 05:32 pm
Silverchild79;43581 wrote:
he's presented no proof, he's presented nothing but his opinion

I've shown documentation on how the size of NYC's economy means that Rudy's fiscal experience should be considered, I've shown documentation on how Rudy's policies are independently credited whith NYC's economical success.

Yet he throws a little mud, with no substance, and he wins? Haha, reality has escaped you. The fact is the only maningfull thing Ron Paul has brought up is that the government is failing the people, well Mr Paul you can file that under sh1t I already know...

And Rudy knows the answer, he took on a similar challange in NYC, the world's 17th largest economy. His actions have been independatly credited to him as the saving grace of the economy. Your mudslinging doesn't change that, neither does the lemonade stand Paul ran...

let me brake it down for you

Rudy's Experience


Paul's Experience


any questions?

Giuliani didn't do a damn thing for NYC's economy, his CITY COUNCIL did.

This is like blaming Bush for economic downturn. The executive doesn't mold the economy in ANY powers-seperated system.

Paul has demonstrated consistent, principled representation in voting for free trade, limited government, and CONSTITUTIONAL rule of law. He is a published writer on monetary policy, and his economic policy is echoed by many economics professors in this country (Dr. Hamid Beladi for example).

Giuliani isn't running on his economic platform, he's running on his weak(er) security platform. Paul's economic and foreign policy decisions have yet to be disproved by ANY candidate from ANY party, he has never accepted a foreign honor (Giuliani accepted knighthood, which some argue precludes him from running for office again (I am not one of them, though it is in bad taste for an American to tread so close to unconstitutional behavior)), and he has yet to attempt to turn the deaths of 3000 Americans into political capital.

Paul has ten years of economic and foreign policy experience at the national level. Giuliani has eight years of municipal experience with an economy not 5% of the federal economy, which was largely run by his city council, and he HAPPENED to be mayor on 9/11. Yeah, he's got the experience we need.

But this brings us back to the flaw with your original post concerning "experience". Why are we judging candidates based on experience instead of their ideas? John McCain is easily the most experienced Republican candidate out of the pack, and neither of us are endorsing him, why? His IDEAS are flawed, just like Rudy's IDEAS are inherently flawed because, in addition to his support of the unconstitutional Iraq war, he supports tax cuts without a significant cut in spending. If you are making $30 a day, and spending $30 a day, you're getting by. If however you end up making $20 a day, but maintain spending at $30 a day, you're bound to go broke FAST. Giuliani is unwilling to cut the US military budget (and it needs cutting) because he wants to appear strong on the "war on terror", the most misguided and idiotic foreign policy endeavor in this country's history (yes, this includes Vietnam).

Paul is uniform and principled in his assertions. Cut all spending, cut all taxes, bring troops home IMMEDIATELY (from everywhere). He supports the Constitution, sound monetary policy, and naturally sane foreign policy. He is the man we need in 2008 to fix the mess neocons (and yes, Giuliani is a neocon) have made for us (and democrats are spreading around).
Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 05:41 pm
Freeman15;43591 wrote:
Giuliani didn't do a damn thing for NYC's economy, his CITY COUNCIL did.

keep telling yourself that

none of the other candidates will even hint at that because it isn't true, if it wasn't Rudy then why don't you actually prove something you say and produce some supporting information? You never do, because you're a BS artist who puts fluff before foundation.

Yeah I'm sure it was a bunch of liberal Dems in his city counsel that actually cut taxes countless times to spur economic growth...:wtf:

Rudy was the reason, even those running against him acknowledge that
Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 05:45 pm
Silverchild79;43593 wrote:
keep telling yourself that

none of the other candidates will even hint at that because it isn't true, if it wasn't Rudy then why don't you actually prove something you say and produce some supporting information? You never do, because you're a BS artist who puts fluff before foundation.

Yeah I'm sure it was a bunch of liberal Dems in his city counsel that actually cut taxes countless times to spur economic growth...:wtf:

Rudy was the reason, even those running against him acknowledge that

If you look at NYC's city charter.....hell I'll do it for you.

New York Law: New York City Charter: Council: Powers Of Council. :: Justia

The city council adopts laws, not the Mayor.

The other candidates don't question his record because, like the Constitution, nobody has read the damn city charter.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 11:09 am
92b16vx;43547 wrote:
Yes he does. Prove he doesn't other than your opinion.

In all the world you HAVE to PROVE something exists, the only time you HAVE to PROVE that something DOES NOT EXIST , is

1.) Reality of God

2.) Ron Paul has enough support to become president.

IMO neither are special and should be taken off that exception list.
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 12:05 pm
rugonnacry;43646 wrote:
In all the world you HAVE to PROVE something exists, the only time you HAVE to PROVE that something DOES NOT EXIST , is

1.) Reality of God

2.) Ron Paul has enough support to become president.

IMO neither are special and should be taken off that exception list.

No, when you make a statement as fact, then the burden of proof is on the person making the statement/accusation. Not supporting your statement/accusation makes it simply, an opinion.
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