Ron Paul: The candidate for the lazy uninvolved American

Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 12:57 pm
mlurp;40110 wrote:
Gee Freeman15, where were you when I posted the same thing. Your spouting and not listening. We agree, but your so wrapped up in Freeman15 that you don't know left from right, up from down. There is that something or do you count that staement as nothing too? It doesn't matter to me your the one showing yourself.
Have A Nice Afternoon...............

Oh, you were agreeing with me in a facetious way. Sarcasm doesn't translate well through the internet, apologies.
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Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:09 pm
Look if your a Jew hater deal with it. The problem began way before then. Hagar and son! Or do you separate the Bible from life?
This is today what will something in 1948 do to make it different today. You want the nation Israel to go away? When it has the first written property deed in History I know of. I sure don't agree with your theory now!!!!
Again do have a nice day
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:11 pm
mlurp;40119 wrote:
Look if your a Jew hater deal with it. The problem began way before then. Hagar and son! Or do you separate the Bible from life?
This is today what will something in 1948 do to make it different today. You want the nation Israel to go away? When it has the first written property deed in History I know of. I sure don't agree with your theory now!!!!
Again do have a nice day

Wow, how typical you have become. If someone can see that the creation of Israel caused a lot of problems in the middle east, and doesn't give it all a free pss, they must be an anti-semite huh? Neocons, lapping it up since '00.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:18 pm
What the ________ is wrong with you and your pals? READ IT ALL. Do any Arabs have a deed that goes back to 4,000 years ago. Now all Israel did was what America did become a FREE nation. And you guys just blame them for all the problems. When the lies, start of the trouble comes from some whom believe differently and have a different God. Your all nothing but a real waste of my time good bye. You take the fun out of sharing. You nick pick and then trounce. You don't want to debate. You like patting each other on the back for the trash you spout.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:19 pm
mlurp;40119 wrote:
Look if your a Jew hater deal with it. The problem began way before then. Hagar and son! Or do you separate the Bible from life?
This is today what will something in 1948 do to make it different today. You want the nation Israel to go away? When it has the first written property deed in History I know of. I sure don't agree with your theory now!!!!
Again do have a nice day

I am an anti-Zionist, because Zionism is hypocritical and racist, I am not anti-Jew, Larry David is hilarious. I do not base foreign policy on the bible, and you sir are scary to do so.

My point is that muslims didn't harm us until we put our foot in their pool. Take your foot out, and they'll hate you less.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:22 pm
mlurp;40123 wrote:
What the ________ is wrong with you and your pals? READ IT ALL. Do any Arabs have a deed that goes back to 4,000 years ago. Now all Israel did was what America did become a FREE nation. And you guys just blame them for all the problems. When the lies, start of the trouble comes from some whom believe differently and have a different God. Your all nothing but a real waste of my time good bye. You take the fun out of sharing. You nick pick and then trounce. You don't want to debate. You like patting each other on the back for the trash you spout.

Sooooo, we should give our land back to the Indians? If Israel was meant to have that land, wouldn't God have helped them out? Why do WE need to help them? You don't debate, you ramble incomprehensibly.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:45 pm
Freeman15;40125 wrote:
Sooooo, we should give our land back to the Indians? If Israel was meant to have that land, wouldn't God have helped them out? Why do WE need to help them? You don't debate, you ramble incomprehensibly.

I believe they termed it "willful ignorance". It's easier to barf up rhetoric than look into the facts and form your own opinions. But when you do form your own opinions, it's all ad hom.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 05:49 pm
Lou Dobbs show was with several guest radio anchors. They all put the facts on this N.Y. State giving illegal drivers license is a way for the U.S. being forced in a few years to adopt a National ID Card. I was cooking so i misse dsome of it.
Each of the three pointed out Ron Paul was against this move by N.Y. State and he was looking better each day over the rest of those running on both sides.
I need to take another look at this man. And weigh his 3rd party chance to pull off winning the Presidential Palace. lol
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:16 pm
The "lazy, uninvolved American" YOU refer to are those who are turning our own government into a provider and the American people into slaves for all they provide... keep sticking those hands out America... soon you'll be pulling back a stub!!! Get off your a-ses and provide for yourselves and elect those who are not willing to promise you more! As far as our "foreign policy" goes... WE are in bigger trouble than some of the countries you seem to think we need to be spilling blood over. You pick, we spill blood for foreign oil or to keep America a sovereign nation!
Ron Paul may not be "THE" answer, but then again... he doesn't expect to be. He wants to lead us back to "self sufficiency" and independance... you know... the OLD AMERICA!!! I'll follow him there in a heart beat!!!
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 01:02 am
mlurp;40164 wrote:
Each of the three pointed out Ron Paul was against this move by N.Y. State and he was looking better each day over the rest of those running on both sides.
I need to take another look at this man. And weigh his 3rd party chance to pull off winning the Presidential Palace. lol

good. please do some research on him. his website is REALLY good. Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America
has all his issues and stands, papers, and general news about the campaign.

and again, he's NOT a 3rd party. he's bidding for the republican ticket.

DCZE;40184 wrote:
Ron Paul may not be "THE" answer, but then again... he doesn't expect to be. He wants to lead us back to "self sufficiency" and independance... you know... the OLD AMERICA!!! I'll follow him there in a heart beat!!!

While i hate to accept this-- I hope that his campaign will at least change the way politics move forward after him. Perhaps we will get another chance to elect a man of principal and knowledge instead of greed and socialism Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:24 am
mlurp;40164 wrote:
Lou Dobbs show was with several guest radio anchors. They all put the facts on this N.Y. State giving illegal drivers license is a way for the U.S. being forced in a few years to adopt a National ID Card. I was cooking so i misse dsome of it.
Each of the three pointed out Ron Paul was against this move by N.Y. State and he was looking better each day over the rest of those running on both sides.
I need to take another look at this man. And weigh his 3rd party chance to pull off winning the Presidential Palace. lol

Luo Dobbs rocks. You should look into Pauls platform, and more importantly, the REASONS for them. Other people like to blindly post regurgatated OP-ED pieces without know facts, or history behind many of the issues we face today, and issues that will explode in our faces in the future if we don't reign them in now.
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