mlurp;40164 wrote:Each of the three pointed out Ron Paul was against this move by N.Y. State and he was looking better each day over the rest of those running on both sides.
I need to take another look at this man. And weigh his 3rd party chance to pull off winning the Presidential Palace. lol
good. please do some research on him. his website is REALLY good.
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America
has all his issues and stands, papers, and general news about the campaign.
and again, he's NOT a 3rd party. he's bidding for the republican ticket.
DCZE;40184 wrote:Ron Paul may not be "THE" answer, but then again... he doesn't expect to be. He wants to lead us back to "self sufficiency" and independance... you know... the OLD AMERICA!!! I'll follow him there in a heart beat!!!
While i hate to accept this-- I hope that his campaign will at least change the way politics move forward after him. Perhaps we will get another chance to elect a man of principal and knowledge instead of greed and socialism