I don't understand why "Blacks" would vote for anybody. Not meaning that they shouldn't vote, but seriously who lacks so much individualism that they vote according to what level of melatonin they have in thier skin? It's asinine to the point of neanderthal-ism.
I'm voting for who I vote for, I don't care what white people do, what straight people do, what Irish Americans do. Having pride in any of that is crazy. You can't be proud of something you were born with, it's a misconception. Pride is something you have about something you've accieved.
the whole "I'm proud I'm white/black/gay/arab/a woman" is a joke on any level. Wow, you have a skin tone and a sexual preference? who would have thought?
in related news I think I've had to much coffee
this thread, and ron paul, FTL