Reply Sun 14 Dec, 2008 07:11 am
Originally stated by SWORD of GOD
"Not a single messenger did [SIZE="5"]We[/SIZE] (Allah) send before you (Muhammad) without this inspiration sent by [SIZE="5"]Us[/SIZE] to him - that there is no god but I, therefore worship and serve Me." [The Noble Quran 21:25]

Somewhat confused here. Is Allah a 'we' plural. I didn't realse there were more than one. I always thought yours was monotheistic faith. Or is that just a mispelling?

Still waiting for your answer, or is it that you didn't realise there were more than one Allah's and now you too are confused?
Reply Sun 14 Dec, 2008 07:29 am
SWORD of GOD;63015 wrote:
Let us apply this theory of probability to the Quran, and assume that a person has guessed all the information that is mentioned in the Quran which was unknown at that time (more than 1400 years ago). Let us discuss the probability of all the guesses being simultaneously correct.

[SIZE="3"]# 1: [/SIZE]

This is what modern science has to say on the topic of zoology, in particular bees. Today science tells us that the male bee has only one purpose, and that is to reproduce with the female - there's really no other purpose for a male bee. Now here's the important point - however, the worker bee or the soldier bee is a female bee. She is the one that builds the nest, leaves her home, and goes out in search of food. This what modern science tells us - that we have discovered only recently. Now it takes a specialist in the field to detect the sex of the bee - you cannot look at it from the naked eye - it is impossible, there is no way you can look at it that way. Now let us see what the Quran says about bees. Now, keep one thing in mind here. In the Arabic language, animals are either male or female. Like in English we have the word cow - "the cow in the pasture" - that does not tell us if the cow is male or female. But in Arabic animals are either male or female. There is no gender neutral term for animals. Let's look inside chapter sixteen verse sixty-eight. It says over there:

"and thy Lord taught the bee" (here it is specified a female bee) "to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in men's habitations, then to eat of all the produce and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord." [The Noble Quran 16:68]

This is exactly what modern science today tell us - that the bee that goes out and builds the nest, that goes out looking for food, as what the Quran has mentioned, is indeed the female bee.

Now, how did the author of the Quran know this scientific statement, that the bee that leaves the nest in search of food is the female bee?

Perhaps the author of the Quran was a genius or a scientist. Well, I don't think that could be a possibility, becuase no matter how smart you are, you'll never be able to detect the sex of a bee, unless you had these modern scientific methods/capabilities which did not exist 1400 years ago, so those could not be a possibility. Perhaps the scientific fact is observable. Well, this is not true either, because you cannot look at the bees and tell which one is a male or female. Moreover, this information about the bees never pre-existed in history.

Finally, perhaps it was a very good guess. Well, it is a possibility. If it was a good guess then we'll say it was a fifty-fifty chance, one half chance if that was the case - or coincidence, we can look at it that way. [SIZE="3"]Therefore, the chances that this guess will be correct is 50% (1 out of 2) i.e. 1/2.[/SIZE]

The math is floored but quite interseting about the bees. FF there are actually sterile female bees in any bee colony.

What does the Qu'ran say about these animals and their habitats?

25 Cool Obscure Animals
Reply Mon 15 Dec, 2008 03:47 am
Numpty;63037 wrote:
Somewhat confused here. Is Allah a 'we' plural. I didn't realse there were more than one. I always thought yours was monotheistic faith. Or is that just a mispelling?

Still waiting for your answer, or is it that you didn't realise there were more than one Allah's and now you too are confused?

Do you want to play the same childish wasting game FF is trying to do just to divert the discussion from the main subject to other topics !?

I am not gonna discuss any other issues except PROVING the existance of ALLAH (God) by the Quran. This is our topic now.

Howerever, regarding this 'WE', it is called the 'ROYAL' or the 'MAJESTIC' WE in langauge. Haven't you ever heard a statement like this "We the King of England" !! Go do your search in google by typing 'the royal we'.
Reply Mon 15 Dec, 2008 04:49 am
SWORD of GOD;63041 wrote:
Do you want to play the same childish wasting game FF is trying to do just to divert the discussion from the main subject to other topics !?

I am not gonna discuss any other issues except PROVING the existance of ALLAH (God) by the Quran. This is our topic now.

Howerever, regarding this 'WE', it is called the 'ROYAL' or the 'MAJESTIC' WE in langauge. Haven't you ever heard a statement like this "We the King of England" !! Go do your search in google by typing 'the royal we'.

Why the insults all the time?

Yeah I have heard of the Royal we. One of the most famous quotes is 'We are not amused' Queen Victoria. However the term was first used by monachs much later than that of the the Qu'ran's, first publication

A nosism is the use of 'we' to refer to oneself[1]. A common example is the royal we (Pluralis Majestatis), which is a nosism employed by a person of high office, such as a monarch or pope. It is also used in certain formal contexts by bishops and university rectors. The expression was first used in 1169 when English King Henry II (d. 1189), hard pressed by his barons over the investiture controversy, assumed the common theory of "divine right of kings," that the monarch acted conjointly with the deity. Hence, he used "we" as "God and I...," or so the legend goes. (See Rolls Series, 2.12)

We - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No mention of it in terms of a singular deity, only that We means King and God as one. In the context of the Quran the person speaking is actually God. Or is it not and the author is using the grammer in the the context that He/ She is God and I? Confussing no?

It was genuine confussion on my behalf. The fact i had asked the question five times may well have been a giveaway, you think?

Now back to your dictating err,.....I mean our debate. Very Happy

So back to Probability. Did you watch the short film posted by FF. Quite interesting I thought, and you, did you watch it? Kinda puts your Probability theory to bed really. Simple, methodical, easy to understand and factual I thought. Not sure where you go from that.
Reply Mon 15 Dec, 2008 06:41 am
Numpty;63042 wrote:

Now back to your dictating err,.....I mean our debate. Very Happy

So back to Probability. Did you watch the short film posted by FF. Quite interesting I thought, and you, did you watch it? Kinda puts your Probability theory to bed really. Simple, methodical, easy to understand and factual I thought. Not sure where you go from that.

Am I debating with you or with FF !!?

I am sure if I ask any one of you: isn't the pure rain water tasteless, you both (just out of arrogance) would say 'NO' ! And then you'd bring funny explanations to justify your irrational eccentric answer.

Anyhow, if you are interested to know, here are informative websites regarding the usage of 'We' in the Holy Quran:

1- Regarding the usage of 'We' in the Holy Qur'an - www.TurnToIslam.com
2- Majestic plural - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reply Mon 15 Dec, 2008 08:20 am
SWORD of GOD;63044 wrote:
Am I debating with you or with FF !!?

I am sure if I ask any one of you: isn't the pure rain water tasteless, you both (just out of arrogance) would say 'NO' ! And then you'd bring funny explanations to justify your irrational eccentric answer.

Anyhow, if you are interested to know, here are informative websites regarding the usage of 'We' in the Holy Quran:

1- Regarding the usage of 'We' in the Holy Qur'an - www.TurnToIslam.com
2- Majestic plural - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh dear, someone just had a sense of humour faliure, look I was just trying to make a little light hearted humour in a tense situation, to try and defuse the situation. You are an angry man, just chill a little.

Now back to Probability. FF has put some information on the table which having watched (three times now) and read what you wrote (five times now) I think that it puts to bed your probability idea. Basically everything you said was refuted piece by piece sentance by sentance. I looked and understood the evidence of both cases and I believe the video argues the better case.

Do you take objection to that before we move on?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 16 Dec, 2008 09:33 am
Numpty;63038 wrote:
The math is floored but quite interseting about the bees. FF there are actually sterile female bees in any bee colony.

What does the Qu'ran say about these animals and their habitats?

25 Cool Obscure Animals

yes I realized my err after posting it. My apologies.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 16 Dec, 2008 09:38 am
SWORD of GOD;63044 wrote:
Am I debating with you or with FF !!?

I am sure if I ask any one of you: isn't the pure rain water tasteless, [SIZE="3"]you both would say[/SIZE] 'NO' ! And then you'd bring funny explanations to justify your irrational eccentric answer.

You know what they say about assumptions? They make an ASS out of U and ME.

ASS.U.ME Very Happy

I'm perfectly aware pure water of any sort is tasteless, i'm not sure on what grounds you make your assumptions.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Dec, 2008 11:56 pm
Numpty;63052 wrote:

Now back to Probability. FF has put some information on the table which having watched (three times now) and read what you wrote (five times now) I think that it puts to bed your probability idea. Basically everything you said was refuted piece by piece sentance by sentance. I looked and understood the evidence of both cases and I believe the video argues the better case.

Do you take objection to that before we move on?

I will give you my response If you write down here your own complete understanding of that video you watched three times!

I need you please to explain to me what that atheist guy in the video tries to say according to your own understanding.
Reply Wed 17 Dec, 2008 01:41 am
SWORD of GOD;63076 wrote:
I will give you my response If you write down here your own complete understanding of that video you watched three times!

I need you please to explain to me what that atheist guy in the video tries to say according to your own understanding.

In a sentance, you can't use probability to prove that any god/s exist, there are too many variables.
Reply Wed 17 Dec, 2008 06:47 am
Numpty;63077 wrote:
In a sentance, you can't use probability to prove that any god/s exist, there are too many variables.

This is NOT an answer.
Again, to continue the debate I need a complete explanation from you.

Let me ask you again:

I will give you my response If you write down here your own complete understanding of that video you watched three times (as you said)!

I need you please to explain to me what that atheist guy in the video tries to say according to your own understanding.
Reply Wed 17 Dec, 2008 07:19 am
SWORD of GOD;63081 wrote:
This is NOT an answer.
Again, to continue the debate I need a complete explanation from you.

Let me ask you again:

I will give you my response If you write down here your own complete understanding of that video you watched three times (as you said)!

I need you please to explain to me what that atheist guy in the video tries to say according to your own understanding.

You really are distrustful of athiests aren't you.

You write yours down and i will write mine, or don't you trust me either?

Sounds like a game I used to play when i was 14 Wink

Back on track, just a thought. Why isn't it NOT an answer?

You said you were tired of my long winded explanations so I kept it short and and to the point. What's it to be sword? You can't keep changing the goal posts.
Reply Wed 17 Dec, 2008 06:26 pm
Numpty;63082 wrote:
Sounds like a game I used to play when i was 14 Wink

That was only 4 to 5 years ago, not along time!

Numpty;63082 wrote:
You really are distrustful of athiests aren't you.

You write yours down and i will write mine, or don't you trust me either?

Sounds like a game I used to play when i was 14 Wink

Back on track, just a thought. Why isn't it NOT an answer?

You said you were tired of my long winded explanations so I kept it short and and to the point. What's it to be sword? You can't keep changing the goal posts.

The question was asking you to explain what that atheist video guy tries to say, according to your own understaning so I can give my response to what you understood. I am in a debate (I think !) with you not with a guy in a video clip!

However, I will simplify it for you.

I have already presented to you 4 cases (and more waiting!) and they're:

# 1: Quran on Bee’s role in nature
# 2: The Quran on the Origin of the Universe
# 3: Quran on The Lowest Area on Earth
# 4: Quran States The Sun & The Moon Run on a Fixed Course (Orbits)

In all of them I presented well-established modern scientific FACTS to support my cases.

Choose anyone of the above four cases and refute my reasoning arguments using the excuses presented by that atheist video guy which you understand and support (as you wrote).

I give you the chance to prove me wrong and to demolish the scientific methodology/arguments I used.
Reply Wed 17 Dec, 2008 11:50 pm
SWORD of GOD;63088 wrote:
That was only 4 to 5 years ago, not along time!

Try more than double that 14 years.

I will of course respond to your post in due course.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 18 Dec, 2008 08:55 am
SWORD of GOD;63088 wrote:
That was only 4 to 5 years ago, not along time!

Ad hominem Wink
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2008 07:42 am
Numpty;63090 wrote:

I will of course respond to your post in due course.

I am still waiting.
Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2008 07:56 am
SWORD of GOD;63102 wrote:
I am still waiting.

Well i just found out I am about to lose my job, so you will have to wait.

Got any issues with that?
Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2008 08:32 am
Numpty;63103 wrote:
Well i just found out I am about to lose my job, so you will have to wait.

Got any issues with that?

Well, I can proceed (continue) with my new evidences and in that case you have no right to return back and argue later about my basic probability methodolgy and no more talk about that atheist video guy (you watched three times!).

Okay ?
Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2008 02:26 pm
SWORD of GOD;63104 wrote:
Well, I can proceed (continue) with my new evidences and in that case you have no right to return back and argue later about my basic probability methodolgy and no more talk about that atheist video guy (you watched three times!).

Okay ?

Once again you fail to listen. Right now my priority is ensuring my livelyhood, paying my mortgage and putting food on the table. My family comes first, you my friend and this debate are a luxury I cannot afford to have at the moment. For i have spent the last two days Job searching and updating my C.V. Once i secure my future I will be able to return.

I really don't know why I bother explaining, you don't usually listen.

Ergo My family is more important than you, your religion and debating it with you.
Reply Fri 19 Dec, 2008 09:05 pm
Numpty;63106 wrote:
Once again you fail to listen. Right now my priority is ensuring my livelyhood, paying my mortgage and putting food on the table. My family comes first, you my friend and this debate are a luxury I cannot afford to have at the moment. For i have spent the last two days Job searching and updating my C.V. Once i secure my future I will be able to return.

I really don't know why I bother explaining, you don't usually listen.

Ergo My family is more important than you, your religion and debating it with you.

[SIZE="3"]Then I consider you withdrawing from the debate.

Nevertheless, I will continue presenting my scientific evidences for the interested readers.[/SIZE]

"We (Allah) will show them (the disbeliefers) Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?" [The Noble Quran 41:53]

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